ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1871. omen aa UT EVERY DESCRIPTION | 'THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS, horse shoes, 1s worth £10.50: nade into ; ; | ( SS H A WA, ( YN TARIC ). needles, it 1s worth £350 ; made into pen- ESTABLISHED 1851 STABLIS Y . Knife blades, it is worth 83,285: made in- . v : Free and Enl ightenedi Public | TheJoseph Hall Manufacturing Company, to- balance springs of watches, it is. worth - { PROPRIETORS, CONNUBIALITIDS THR IRON BAR 1 take this hrown stone front . Bricks! Bricks! r ' this diamond f thy choice nds of Hymen | JOR SALE, MACHINE-MADE PRES. ; | K SED White Bricks, at the SH, Tile | Works. JOHN WILSON.' | h \ wd wilt't I'o be his | | The Celebrated 'Bradbury | Piano Forte, | GE [200,000 ; ¢ What a drilling the poor bar must un- dergo to reach all that But, hammered and beaten and pounded and rolled and polished, how was its value increased ! It | . 4 I might well have gquivered and complained | A ks ok under the hard knocks it got} but were and an in love and ¢} rem oul they not all necessary to draw out its fine thon hast 1 qualities, and fit it for higher officies ? And so, children, all © training to the drilling and | ST E E L E B ROTH E RS, ined forever, man may disunite, © first 8 arce cond sever * A FREE PULPIT A NEED OF THE TIMES. A love of liberty is instinctivg in all ; « N bird, ul forfeits its freedom vol ither insect, ™ an \ sense of hance 1s a manly we fall int reptile, « untarily independence and quality. without fail dis a slave or (a vsubserviency, and youth, asd which often scenis s¢ hard to | you, serve to bring but, "your ndbler and | finer qualities, and fit yon for Amore re: sponsible postd and greater usefulness in the world; Uber the Irish Peace Pheservation Act, has to compensate the family of the murd ered, pull dounties like We, tmeath, where murders are thick as blacKNbirries in June." The widow of a steward lias just received | 84, M00, and the mother of a $1,875 f GOLDEN, | { the district in which a murder occurs which is rather a heavy on process-sefver Mr. thus wn old bachelor editor, PLAIN Feel grateful for your hearty sipport in the past, accept it asa proof of confidence > and still look for your suffrages. WITH ENTIRE ACCORD IN THE NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED REARER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We belies WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR e thi Maghine, a w gw vet offered to the public of Canada, build it, to be the host perfect Reaper and Mower ever | | 2 | HON. JOHN SIMI'SON'S OPINION OF THEIR "MERITS, * | : ni tT X ONTARIO BANK, « ; « Bowmanville, Sept. 5ih, 1879, ° | Messrs, RU& H. O'HARA, . General Agents, | Bowmanville : DEAR Sis, "The piano purchased from you | some six months yg manufactured by Messrs, F. G. Smith & Co., New. York, (successors to W B. Bradbury, of the same city,) for whom you are General Agents, is giving great satisfaction ; and is, in my opinion, and in the opinion of wany competent judges, a first-class instrument, i - As far as the workmanship is. conc erned,jit is equal to.the best Chickering: and is, in my! opi. nion, superior to the instruments made by this firm, in richness and fullness of fone; and it jy equal, if not superior, in both these res to the instruments manufactured by Stoddard & { Dunham, or Durham. I may mention that 1 have purchased, for myself and friends, several Pianos pAanufactired by the old firm of Stoddard & Dunham, and have still one of theirs house, : Yours; my J. SIMPSON, FIOM Wo THOMPSON KSQ., DIRECTOR OF awn. "holds himse!f of privst, pope, mo fum at man in his spite. comments on a recent ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, =, X | Toronto, March 15th, 1870. Messi, RO& HL OHAaRy, i$ vd . ; GENTLEMEN. | purchased. about' ten years ago, .one of 'Bradbury's pianos the first con- Wheels, signed to this market. It is acknowledged by professionalsito be a rema bly fine-toned' in- strument ; and I may al ntion, that havin been removed several t during that roo it has only required tw twice, i Yours truly, b- : WILLIAM THOMPSON, A rd . Firm: of Thompson & Burns, p a I. & H. O'Hara, General Agents for Ontario, Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has a al ean = sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the :other a smooth edge for EUREKA" PR I N Ti N G ; > ; , _. | cutting grain in which there is grass or seed: clover. © wt waite Expenditure of the People's Moneys, A kerosene, and then let nature ¥ | Ledger Plates, It's all folishfiess to buy a book about it, ast is perfectly evident all the coroner wants is to get his name be- ORNAMENTAL 4 mlight inciddut : ++ We left our | sane- Ymong its many advantages we call attention to the following: PY Al Resid Hotel, but to midnight last "night, and. on our' § way home we saw'a young lady and gen, They were evidently indignant at being out so 7 late, 4 r other earthly potentate, I 1s a lack of sélf-respect and of tleman holding a gate on its hinges GREAT REFORM PLATFORM! eo Sefer and | « It has nd Gears on the Driving Self-Esteem and Ivo subamit to Firniness have their. proper - functions to md we saw than perfoFing as well as those of - Benovolence, se Meckness in a child to: arent is beautiful to behold in man toward his Maker is the | qo But to: clothe an equal with super % . Enabling ft to pass aver marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the gearing thereby rendering ach other 2 it Jess liable to Mreakage. Tt is fugnished with ral time Ir is &aid that a New . te ling all about what to IN. A WISK wratum preparing a b in case of a kerosene explosion, It All that is necessary is to send your address don't need a book to tell what to do. human-power, aml then to superstitious » v worship him. is heathenish ta an undertaker just ' . bt J. wth on the It is also furnished with our malleable guards Me 3 N or ob Lik an Is the American pulpit the creature of | fire with leable gua lower Bar aiid Reaper Table, with best cast stee take its « Indigestion, 1oney bags or of other worldly influence ? OUTS Tor Are our clergy in the lead with Christ for m. Yr lr NN ¢ i . 3.45 «i 1 ia] Yaih T Or are f New Patent Tilting Table Sor I thing up Lodged Grain. they subjects' of) Do they rebuke sinies in high places, or do they | Fort Willian foreign | gives a most encouraging 'account of the x a atl he he. : Cc RCUTI y " ittheir wrath? - Do they teach th Iver miningindustry in that region. EXECUTED IN A STYLE to Ih nd hov to dic ho ty live-and how lie ! how & The writer says: wir fears and of Mrs, Grundy fore the kerosane burning public. 3 THEY CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN £ © his is the only really valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. : {A TrrRivate letter from : arts to find ohijecets on which loss of Appetite, The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat 2 without stopping his Team. ; ** We expect a very busy and passion to reason There mines working here this winter, and they time here next summer are two tin : p , : i : important improveraents effected in any Machine duging the past { we year slaves to anti ! 3 ging 1 9 Y Cars. ss custams which the are getting such a quantity of silver that The Following Radical Principles It is said that the Silver on : h ve $300,000 worth of silver to 1 the ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL outgrown snd. should you could not credit it wiless you saw have left below strata of the Id red | yourself Liver Cotfplaint, Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. The Cutting apparatus'is in front.of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is so constructed as to IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF -~ " Ninh : : Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. sandsto It ey still chy OT Fmine will ship by the first boat The Wander of be vth of Lindsay from the taken ProcrEss oF LiNpsay. 19th mst rls Teed. SECOND TO from the assess- four Stomach, if the years named. Inthe General Debility, - This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. 'The Grain : 4 1 Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which gables it to pahecorners ves dil GENERAL GROCERIES! ah SE 37, the population of . 1869 it 460, x Lindsay was TRY IT one § vas 2,991, in 1870, it was' o he x tent on th By the last assessment we find the 3.964, or y of 4.000, We will do it. But The Rev : : oi : , wearing instead 'of Chains, and therefore have a steady uniform motion, tl with ve the eehsns) «taken Dyspepsia, © considerably over L THE "EUREKA. ; IS A PURELY VEGETABLE LN i Making them dmuch less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing the I'lic Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with ' ar v A MACHINE 1s how hh n. Eng. an not be held ins "tion, throug er . Fp ndise ARID time, | we a duplicate so small as to m exhibition in Lon: : -- grain . 1 . writer using a H » "rect Trade with England, United States and' BAERIT METAL i The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. with which a n the usual manner, can. at the same MEDICINE! ; FOR THE CURE OF i nt - DYSREPSLA, - LIVER * COMPLAINT, if : . LOSS OF APPETIPE, GENERAL DIBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD, It possesses the power of Toning and Strength: ening the Stamach,of Excifing the Torpid Li nip Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. . oiler "hod Titer Leng out all Depray- : i : rr 's have their origin in, or are great- 2° ss OUR JOHNSON RAKE The most renponed varieties of FIEL DEGARDEN SEEDS; : : Most dise: ly aggravated by Indigestion, from the sole cause that t e Digestive Organs do not perform the \ 4 Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table ; v : ea) : po i ine dent, have frequent Headache, M : that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the Pongent. har S rcquens eadache, Mouth Tastes yr . ap . . - on py . . p) % { ) &,1 Irregular, Appetite and The best flavors in TE. 1S, COFFEES and TOBACCO.S:; Rakes or Regls. duty that nature has designed them, hence the Tongue coated, you are suffering from - Torpid démands, of : y fear of displeasing The Vindich? TIE Becatise a i Tai he UCONN ET ? omni 3. yo oe we i E i: . . FT CE the Lower Provinces, for AA AH ER e Rs i 7 a microscope will reveal guar." must the he : preacher 'be | "3 3 : 3 : Ligaar," : } lhe 'aft A moist "useful application every There ix no side Dranght in ¢itlfer reaping or mowing, and fhe Machine is so perfectly balanced wo preséuré on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowing. All our malloable castings, where they are subject to met =irain, have been : ¥ ' s mn the 2 . . that there i Invichicss | be for the prevention for , as private marks ean be made, } 01k notes and Sex ur and :all the . Apostles nrities, legible under mi- ¢ 'truth. withont respect to hut which no imithtor otis tt Foti 4 1 The finest GHIN A) CROCKERY and PLATED WARES; our. pulpits be free 16 lead suspen te . uly a i Mr Peters, s of the Bible iis machine; be presence of. statés that can, with IN THE where we have : written let ns have ns. : 5 iE EL WA If you Feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated and Des- es an the space of a square 'nutriment is not abstracted from the food, and the blood is deprived of that nourishment it re- requires of the Digestive O of Liver or Billoiusness. In many eases of Liver N ceri indance of the .i Complaint only a part pf.these symptoms are ex- fear indus of An 4 jn perienced. As a remedy for all such cases the 1 f Royal Albert Hall, in Londdgn, hold themselv ek intable first od. A Lvs Since The Queen and royal the-expressién ad action of cor Te-not.the moral sense . Re minke the above machines if : 'ureka has:zio equal, as it effects Perfect - Cures, plas * "Frye . "yr , . | caving the Liver Strengthened and Healthy. > The brightest SUGARS and SYRUPS; : emt : : J ji : Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1870. No. One. larag size, for Farmers who have a large amount lo reap. Mr. H. E. Rowe, iVO. iC, large Si-6, < » DEAR SIR,» Having used three bottlessof your valuable medicine in my family with effect, 1 feel safe in recommending the Eureka for gene al Debility, Inaction of the Liver, Loss of Appe- tite, &e., it having been used for the above com- plaints in my family. : Yours respectfully, 1 | J. Frrusox, M. E. Minister: With the exception of difference in size, Machine similar in every respect. 3 - x No: 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz: A medium between the Jun. Mower and Mi. HE. Hows Lyn, May 11th, 1870. large We shall distribute our sample machines in | "Sig" have used Eureka for Sick Headache, March among our Agents, that intending pug-hasers may have an carly opportunity of examining = caused by k dikordered stomach, and imperfect | The latest catches of SALMON, WHITEFISH, CODFISH, weir wer: gi cu For a*Firiney man, Stratf JOHNSTO THE 1 THE OH and then tot! 1 Fionored the occasion with: their ¢, among whom was the Princess Marchioness of Lorne, d, not hy her yom DOMINION, accompan- | The purest SPICES. free from COALITION; No. Taco. medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mower "than a reaper. ; a hushand, but by { THECALG while Lier husband, under the HE FAR walked pageant... royal usages, these are Our The choicest FRUITS; IRIE, lier in the 4 h ANP ALSO - ( MANGL PR ANT And a-hoifio hay ing he JOHN Mf AND M Ih nil yicals same 1 whind -. stood a from her on the combined Machine, both in size and price. PLE GIRLS = ; : dais, and did | The I with her « evidently accepted the sit sit im the ne box voung Margn mation as a 1 me any good, and | am satisfied all that is necessary to convince any. person of its merits would be to give it a trial, and Yeheorfulls recommend it to all whose condition dema aprthing of this nature. ax E. Cook, in OP Or Lyn We For sale getail and wholesale by all druge™™is NORTHROP & LYMAN = Newcast J. WINER & Co., Hamilton. B. H. MITC : London, y 3 cand gazed | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be with czlm | equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. upon his wife fre istance resignation HERRINGS, &e. , 3 Factory. i r dmwing mt actory. fancy work. and their teadinig SOUNDING A SICK MAN'S PULSE BY TELE We invite the public to withhold giving their orders unfil they have had an.opportupity of ! | | inspecting our Machines, as we belicve they are unsurpassed by any other. Machines ever yet Pai 2 Du a Singles The freshest ground OSWEGO. PLASTER; g themselves of the lapse of hours-- : . 3 . offered on this continent. A keep a 4 weeks dreaming of Al kinds on hand, and of publj¢ pat enient of the telegraph has ocenrred. | ntleman, suddenly hecame ill of pneu- | '3a : 3 We also offer among our other Machines | 3 - ] E FO R ME R The finest Goderich SALT and coarse Liverpool in SACKS; ; = of duty, g monia in Washingfon His physician, a Bx Yntiner 1 ; ¥ x / ves, laying gentleman of greatattaimments and fame, x rt : y, Jonnson's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth'and sickle edge, and malleable guards. © Woopb's 'Patent Self-Raking Reaper. stimulant - to resided. in New York, and he 4as anxious consulted A telegraph wire and blaming their God this physician should he about | | dare not blame 'their his Yeas was taken by his direction into his room, and. the New York doctor being summoned ta the tele LAR Y c a. FL: ; ~ { bi = 1 / NOW A. them where they are. ften tell yon with mpassion (for who graph office, the Washington physician at' x tending the patient, informed] him of the} state of the case, and even enabled him to | "feel his the 3 (The | doctor kept oné hand on thé patient's or, dear mamma is vit no soonérdo PRINTING 1 PAY ing ove . ) his €3) is we state the raga a 0 owe hor get thi ESTABLISHMENT, should | assist { her patient's pulse, by "cfusing 5 quite in herjcle- | wire to vibrate as the pulse did would never be only half so that she Sacrificing Old Stock! | she had minieh to do GOOD ADVICE. pile, anid the other on the telegraph kéy, { 80 every beat was transmitted), © The case | this being thoroughly diagnosed iz New sertentionsly eXpresse ) York, the necessary. prescriptions | were | The attack, | oncyiclded tothe treat Getting New ( soods! hits worth ren ent thence to Washington. Disposing of them rapidly, beri of thong viich hb t1 ¢ REE following ap 1a : pen geod gh violent, ment, and the patient is Ohio, Jr., Mower. 's Sulky Horse Rajse. Attention to Customers, Taylor's SuIRy : / . : : . ! : Farmer's Favorit Grain Drill. Selling them only what they want to buy; Champipn Hay Tedder a publishes as ** now a cheerful "When 3 of religion displ Because ( heaply ! &! ot 4 an ID ea Sil meen NEW TYPE, : i Livg 1x 11k Op Liox yer $30 Eng | you may depend od a YO stil of 1-papier of a recent date says 5-In order | all stock of 1 sa » test how:soan in tl and | fleet could | engagement, at : dead of night Do not choose warning the Handronie shoes often Prin vithout previon | : : tm BuckEYE Reaper No.2, with Johnson's Self-RaKe. | y : Omn1o Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. Preclaim the Glad Tidings Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is working the most marvelous. and astonishing . M N 1 cing retofore, WHY 'S i wer NO. 1. | ! BaLL 5 Ohi p \ e : | SIMPLY because the numerotis Valuable active , | Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound | Extraet-of Colocynth, Jalap, Socotrine Aloes, is made the most searching curative in the known world, and cannot help but aét on the astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor: CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., MOWer. HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES Cures the World ever heard of. . Never in the | medicinal yegetable ingredients, (some of which Capsicum, &c., &e..) which enter intothe com system in a very satisfactory and desirable man- This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, a temedy and Pills; of the Eminent Indisn BuckEYE Mower No. 1. . annals of Canadian Medical History has such we will mention, such asthe Extracts of Wild | sition of the combined medicine, are such and so ner. "No matter what your ailment may be, or . | b . : Ee nnd Lote ats ind And buying from them what they want to scll,| LEAS OUR CELEBRAY : . & : ud A | is warranted, and may positively be relied upos bi LL 4 L to: make a permanent enre-of all diseases of the { - h 1 By no means" put yourself anther : abont 10.30 at night thé crews of*the vari- w put your thum be Portland | | were roused by an 'order from the Admir- person's power; if 2vi tween two grinders, they are very apt 'to ous ships of war 'statisned at 2. Seasonable Changes in all the Departments, by Buckeye Reaper No.1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the Bu CK EY E M ower N 0. 2. success attended the introduction. of any medj- Cherry Bark, Podophyllum. Juniper, Quassia, harmoniously classified and compounded, that it of how long standing, it will find #he spot and hreat, Lungs, Liver Kidneys Digestive Organs, IN THE LINE OF &ec., &e., as well as Scrofulp, they various Skin Diseases, Hamors, and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, excepting the Third Stage of Consumption, Further information, with full directions for using the Great Shoshonees llemedy and Pills. and containing testimonials and Certe ficates of Cures, can be obtained By securing the Treatise. the Hand-bopk, or the Almahac an Circulars from any regpectable Druggist in the Dominion free. Price of Remedy in large Pint. 1.00, Pills per Box 25 cents, 2 Ties Wanted. oD) ( RATLROAD TIES, ~ 0,000 wanted bet ween Newtonville and Oshawa, to be made of Ash, Hemlock, Cedar and Tamarack, Apply to 16-20t1. _ JOHN McMU RTRY, i A To Let. : HE PREMISES AT PRESENT F PROVISIQNS! FOR. THE PUBLIC MAINTENANCE. bite 3 | al's ship to practice at general quarters. { Drink nothing without seeing it; sign NEW PRESSES. Greatly improved for 1871, with either it's, Pelton, Plant Wooilbuyry, or Hall's 8 or 10 Horse |. We shaltutso offer for the Fall trade a : | In the short space of five minutes after the | Power. nothing without reading it; and make sure sigrial was given, the first with blank cartridge. gun was fired | This was followed a cannonade as was ui this part of 'the The night being very dark and 1 NEW CLOVER THRESHER that it means no more;than it says Pon't go to Jaw unléss you have nothing | immediately by such ; , to lose: lawyers houses are built on fouls | never before heard 4 Bottles heads ig Put no dependence on the label of a and count the money after your own | { Very much superior to any ofher heroftofore introduced. . world : 1 use Spo volves abas the only vii 1) te ; still, the hoise caused : cunsiderible aston- A new and complete Hiustrated Catalogue of alipour Machines iv being published, ishment and consternation in the neigh. and will be ready for early disiribution, free (o all agsplicants, bag. kin. In any busiicss never wade in thé water | where you cannot see the bottom. | round the harbor. ORDERS* BY MAIL PROMPTLY boring town of Weymouth, and: a large number of persons rushed to 'the hills Amid the din, the | sullen boom of the enormous guns of the Monarch and Herevles could be 'easily dis- RES z tinguished from the sharp reports of small- = Sidter in Ohio willnot receive stl | oon me firing was kept up with The highest prices, as usual, for Dairy Produce. & ' STEELE BROTHERS, Grocers and Scedsmen, Oshawa ATTENDED TO, i 2 | pertrewity of testing them both inv Mowing and Ree Jinally conclude the prrevchase, Al one Machines are warranted (gaive satisfaction dnd Purchasers will have an op- | fore they will be required fo : -- . | Keep clear of a man who doesnot value | his own character. 3 pry] or E-- § For further information address oc | 7 3 . | "UPIED as c ] A 3a galary from any persons Liit for about 20minutes, anfl then | 55 | . : i Celebrated for Good Tea. ; F WwW. G LE N, | iy iT of the Rox a Canady = me y ceased. : W. R. CLIMI ~~ PROPRIETOR. | i FE : WE 1: 1h. oo : : ", : : oo i OSHAWA, rei Bow tho