° al OPINION | Thursday, January 12, g YOUR INPUT ON FI ¢ UPCOMING BUDGET 8 VITAL FOR OUR GOVERNMENT, WRITES PAM DAMOFF PAM DAMOFF Column Happy New Year. I hope your holidays were restful, joyful and peaceful and that you were able to share them with family and friends again. We have a lot to accom- plish in the coming year to- gether, both here in Oak- ington I look forward to work- ing together with my col- leagues and constituents as we head into a new year filled with promise. On Jan. 22, pew will wel- come in the Lunar New Year. I offer my best ‘wishes to everyone in our comm’ who celebrates this and wish you a healthy and prosperous Year of the Rab- dit. ign of Rabbit is a symbol rk longevity 1 eave d prosperity in Cl ese preciate the incredible contributions that Canadi- ans of Chinese origin have our community reo it Leading up to the feder- 's tabling 3 Budget 2023 this eo ‘PLENTY OF WORK ‘AHEAD THIS YEAR “Leading up to the federal government's tabling of Budget 2023 this spring, our government wants to hear from you." our government wants to Canadian economy facing global headwinds and Canadi- ans contending with the impacts of global inflation and elevated interest rates, the suggestions our government receives from Canadians willhelp shape measures and __invest- ments in Budget 2023 that will help build an econo- my that works for every- one. You can share your ide- as at www.LetsTalkBud- get2023.ca until Feb. 10. Iam sending best wish- es to everyone in our com- unity for a new year filled with j joy, friendship, peace, and happiness, from my fam: look Hila to eee ou in Oakville North—Burling- ton. Pam Damoff is the MP for Oakville North—Bur- lington and the parliamen- tary secretary to the min- moff@parl.ge.ca. SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM TO LEARN HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN CONTENT VISIT INSIDEHALTON.COM SNAPSHOT Philip Savage photo Awhite-breasted nuthatch visits a home on Tansley Drive. Do you have a great local photo you'd like to share? Send it to sleblanc@metroland.com, along with a brief description. LEARNING FROM DISAPPOINTMENT FAILURES CAN BE A GUIDE TO BUILDING YOUR PORTFOLIO, WRITES PETER WATSON Five high-tech stocks that previously were con- sidered the darlings of in- vesting lost $2.8 trillion in the first 10 months of 2022, according to S&P Global. These companies are re- ferred to as FAANG stocks. Facebook (Meta), Apple, zon, Netflix and Go gle (Alphabet). As many investors un- derstand, ote was very disappoint International stocks, as for the first 10 months of the year, are negative 14 per cent. FANG stocks are col- lectively negative 27 per Na PETER WATSON Column cent for the same time peri- od. What has this taught us? Lesson One. Stocks and sometimes groups of stocks can go on a strong winning streak. That typi- cally does not last. Lesson two. Diversifi- cation is your friend. If form expectations, the in- stinct, or hope, is that strong perio rmance will continu Investing in stocks can be dangerous. To that risk, diversify, diversi fy and diversify. Peter Watson is regis- tered with Aligned Capital ohio Inc. (ACPI) vide investment advice Tnvestment products are provided by ACPI. ACPI is member of the Invest- ment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not This newspaper, published very Thursday, isa is so of pli, a brite ‘owned iene of Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprise more than 70 community oilendone across Ontario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concems to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satis- fied, write The Nati ional New- sMedia Council, Suite 200, ie fons St aoa ON M4W 2H2, 6-340-1981 Web: ink edenounllea insidehalton@metroland.com facebook.com/OakvilleBeav @OakvilleBeaver WHO WE ARE a and Operations Dana Rol Regional Genera Manager Jason Pehor Director of Sontot Regional Mareaing Editor Catherine O'Hara Managing Editor faen Miceli leped or Distributior Charlen Circulation | Manager Kim Mossman rectors of Advertising Cindi Campbell and Graeme Macintosh Director Creative Services Paul Gostlin CONTACT US Oakville Beaver 211 Pritchard Rd., bas 4, Hamilton, ON, L8J 0G5 Phone: 905-845-3824 Classifieds: 1-800-263-6480 Advertising: 289-293-0620 am ait delivery inquiries, please lossman@metroland.com or all 905-631-6095. Letters to the editor Send letters to insidehalton@metroland.com. All letters must be fewer than 320 stocks hi ation in value, that does not mean you should abandon the core principle of invest- ing, which is diversifica- tion. The cruel reality about investing is people often act on instincts. If a stock or group of stocks outper- necessarily those of ACPI. Only ii lated prot ts and services are offered through Watson Securities of ACPI. Watson provides wealth manage- ment services through Watson Investments. He can be reached at www.watsoninvestment- words and include your name and lephi ition purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Published letters will appear in print and/or online at insidehalton.com Acerédité Accredited