Ualden Cele 9 | Retirement Community 6 LIFE IS ALL ABOUT CHOICES AT WALDEN CIRCLE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY! Oakville Beaver | Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 14 With so much included at no extra charge, you will find it’s easy to plan your day exactly as you like it. * Independent Living * Assisted Living * Trial Stays * Winter Stays * Respite Care JANUARY THAW Graham Paine/Metroland Dozens of residents fivdked to the waterfront at Bronte Waterfront Heritage Park last week to enjoy a walk, jog or bi * Personal On-Site mild weather Care HBNEWS WORRY FREE RETIREMENT LIVING in the heart of Clarkson Village, Mississauga minutes away from Oakville Oakville council recent- ly received a progress re- port on its Digital Oakville "athe plan seeks to digi- tally transform the town in- to the most connected com- munity in the Greater To- ronto Area (GTA). Thirteen of the town's latest steps toward at ing that goal include: = Offering new ane im: online pee rpertte cere. for businesses licensing, build- ing permits, recreation and culture program registra- tion, parking and more To make Walden Circle your new home, (oro}al kalol MU IM Roe l-\Vai (ol mi nalelcemialiolgenr-lsroal oT Oho mr TOK ET =f of 310) mep te botlon vieuslige ar 1907 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga eas within ae ONE RESTO “tap on" functionality for transit users veloping a compre- hensive townwide data management strategy + Implementing mobile GIS solutions for data col- lection + Partnering with Sheri- dan College and Tnovex Inc., on a pilot project to de- services or infrastruct are required to enhance mobility « fF residents trav- elling to m the Oak- ville GO Station + Establishing a pay- ment standard across all town services + Launching free public Wi-Fi, digital information kiosks, pedestrian count- ers, and real-time parking COUNCIL RECEIVES PROGRESS REPORT ON DIGITAL OAKVILLE PLAN Transit services ling on the success leaf service tracker that al- lows residents to track the progress of the loose leaf service > program and co-or- dinate their yard work with this service + Adding overnight park- ing and courtesy, tempo- rary parking permits to on- line services * Modernizing and stan- dardizing field staff's com- munication devices to in- crease operational range, roductivity, re- duce costs, and reduce op- information in downtown _ erational footprint. Oakville To learn more about th the + Expanding electric ve- 2022 Digital Plan hicle charging stations https://pub- dakvilleeson across the town tream electric buses into anvils tId=48195.