a IBNEWS -ANGEL PROJECT SUPPORT ‘LIFE CHANGING’: RECIPIENT insidehalton.com Oakville Beaver | Thursday, January S Continued from page 1 renovations to make the house wheelchair accessi- ble on both floors, purchas- ing a medical-grade bed alone would amount to = nearly $8,000. “They help relieve some of the burden and stress from these financial situa- tions," and all that with no questions asked, said Mc- fahon. McMahon said that un- like with most charities, The Angel Project founder reached out to than the other way aroun McMahon said thi: ras quickly followed by ‘rn kind and cash donations — and a fair chance for indi- viduals in varied situa- tions to receive assistance. Kingo, who lives with auto-immune issues due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, said she believes people of- ten don't realize the chal- lenges and costs associated with accessing medical m hygiene Kits and totioteics to costlier pur- chases of wheelehairs, computers, and sree outings, the project fundraises for an’ nything a patient may require that the government doesn't cover. “Hospital foundations are wonderful. However, they have sucha large need to fill that the social agenda and complex care units are often left to the last," said 0. “Many patients spend decades in complex care units in hospital left without the tools and fi. nances to fend for them- selves." “Currently, our system would rather pay over $2,000 per night to keep someone in a hospital in- stead of helping them with $3,000 to return home with a custom chair and a ramp," said Kingo. HOLIDAY OFFERS ON NOW TO PAY LESS? BIG GIG UNLIMITED STARTING AT $ freedommobile.ca Oakville Smart Centre Walkers Line ppleby Village 261 Oak Walk Drive 3505 Upper Middle Road 5111 New Street Oakville Burlington Burlington 289.291.3261 289.427.5260 905.635.0584 45~ a Lisette Kingo photo The Angel Project assists many Halton patients, including 12-year-old Tyler Backus, to access medical equipment and other supports. She added this was the case with Henry Kesimaat, one of thousands of pa- tients The Angel Project has assisted. Kesimaat received a do- nation of nearly $3,500 from the organization. This, he said, allowed him to reunite with his wife and sons after two years in the hospital due to complica- tions from a heart trans- plant required for his life- long condition of hypertro- phic cardiomyopathy. "The government doesn't cover a lot, and I needed a chairlift before I could go home, said Kesi- aat. "When The Angel Project heard about me, they came to help me right away and ... raised the mone to pay for a new chain issed half mi of his 30 sons’ i childhoods, Kesi- maat said he's overjoyed to finally be spending nights with his family since re- said Kesimaat. “It definite- ly was a life-changing situ- ation for me." The non-profit organi- zation reached Kesimaat ing rehab at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospi- tal. He now serves as a pro- ject board director to give back to the organization. Along with in-kind do- nations @ and other partner- ships, the project has raised nearly $500,000 over the years to support local patients. While the project receives mi from hospitals and home- care workers, individuals are also welcome to reach out directly. In the new year, Kingo hopes to get more commu- nity groups and businesses involved with the opie Visit Pro- ject's Instagram. page for regular updates about the ongoing anc tiatives or to reste with the organization. tions can be made at thean, gelproject.ca. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: With countless local residents facing disa- bilities and rare diseases, we wanted to share how a Halton-based organization is easing the financial burden of many in need. Book your Personalized Smile Consultation today 647-496-1424 2-2983 Westoak Trails Blvd. villageortho.ca Oakville At Village Orthodontics in Oakville, we specialize in beautiful smiles using clear aligners and traditional braces. New Patients Welcome Schedule your complimentary consultation today! me —VILLAGE— | “Gb orTHODONTICs