HP OPINION GOT A CASE OF POST-HOLIDAY LETDOWN? SELF-CARE AND NEW ACTIVITIES ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT THIS TIME OF YEAR, WRITES MELANIE MCGREGOR With the holiday hustle and bustle now behind us, we may notice a change in our feelings and outlook. After a month or more of extra things on our plates, anticipation, food and drink indulgence, and — possibly — some stress. and chaos thrown in, the year may feel like a bit of a letdown. Like there was some- thing of a whirlwind and we're left saying "Now what?" It could be that we've just gotten accustomed to MELANIE MCGREGOR Column the business and in- creased activity level and our regular day-to-day pace seems sluggish by comparison. It may take us a bit to settle back into our rou- tine, or it may be that we're seeking something — something to bring us some of the novelty and excitement that may come with the holiday season. A good place to begin is with some additional self- care, rest and returning first to the parts of our dai- ly routine we like best. If you've missed having your healthy smoothies for lunch, hit the blender again. If the holidays messed with your fitness routine, get back to your daily walks or yoga. And don't underesti- mate the importance of getting enough sleep after bus’ usy th time ‘inging these positive things back can help counter some of the post- holiday crash. we're looking for methine new, some- thing to give us a new fo- ‘us, that can help break up the blahs as well Not just an empty n¢ year's resolution that we have no intention of keep- ing, but an actual goal and in. It could be something small, like learning to cook anew a of food or taking a or something bigger, like starting to volunteer or Do you have a great digital photo of a special place or past event in Oakville? Have you ever dreamed of having your work published? four photo may appear in the 2023 edition of the Oakville Beaver “Our Town“ Community Guide Please submit no more than three of your best images in jpeg format to Jmuller@metroland.com with the subject line Deadline is Submission of photo is considered permission to publish in this exclusive magazine. planning to go back to school. And it doesn't have to be something brand new — be recon- necting with friends you didn't get to see during the holiday rush, restarting up a hobby that's fallen by the wayside, or a creating anew habit that's been on your mind. Take this time not just to finish up those frozen holiday leftovers but also to reflect on what you need. Melanie McGregor is the communications and advancement specialist at the Canadian Mente Health Association Hal- ton Region Branch, which provides mental health/ addiction community support and education. Visit www.halton.cm- ha.ca for more informa- tion and follow @cmha- halton on Twitter. HB NEWS GET WEEKDAY WEATHER, TRAFFIC UPDATES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX Wake up with coffee and updates that will make your entire morning go smooth- er. The insidehalton.com news team is serving up a daily report on weather, transit, school bus cancella- tions and delays and traffic so you can be prepared for those busy commutes on snowy days. Our team works on these weekday reports: early in the formation packaged in a short story right at your fin- gertips when you sign up for ning fer, which will be delivered straight to your inbox at 7 Our newsletter is curat- ed with additional stories from in and around Halton that - bonus - will keep you company during your lunch hour. [i] SCAN THis cope for newsletter sign-up page a IF ALCOHOL IS CAUSING PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE, CONTACT AA, mith 905-631-8784 www.d19area86.ca Alcoholics Anonymous BD WE’RE ALCOHOLICS HELPING OTHER ALCOHOLICS GET SOBER. €c0z ‘g Arenuer ‘Aepsiny | soneeg eA4eO | SL woo"uo}EYyapIsUt