Duy - February 14th HOW THE DAY OF LOVE IS CELEBRATED ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Traditional flowers and chocolates may be our go-to Valentine’s Day gifts in Canada, but some countries go all out with fiestas, traditional dishes and lavish gifts. Here a few of the customs others follow to celebrate this day of love. CHILI - where love is in the air all year round SCOTLAND - where love is luck of the draw Romance and intimacy are an integral part of Chilean life so, On Feb. 14, the Scottish throw huge festivals all around naturally, Valentine’s Day is widely celebrated. In Chile, it is the country. While couples are off on romantic excursions, not uncommon to see homes, malls and other public places singles place their names into a jar at thei | Tocal party. A decorated to the nines with Valentine’s Day decorations. member of the opposite sex chooses a name and those two And because fiestas and music are such an important part of become one another’s Valentines. The men n Present the Chilean culture, parties are thrown all over the country. women with gifts and the women wear ume tag of their Another custom is to prepare traditional Chilean dishes for new Valentine on their sleeves or just tbove “their hearts. the fiestas, like Pastel de Choclo (a chicken and corn casserole) Mote Con Huesillo (a non-alcoholic peach drink). RUSSIA - where traditions are new The day of love has only been celebrated in Russia since the collapse of the USSR. Since the tradition is new country, Russia does not have any age-old traditions. However, flowers are treasured in Russia among women, so rather than being linited to roses, men ean choose from almost anything else, including orchids and lilies. The noliday is much enjoyed by people of all ages all over the countr’ xcept for one city in the west. The city of Belgorod bavmed Valentine’s Day, citing it as a non-Russian holiday, which doesn’t teach proper morals and values to the youth. FINLAND - where they celebrate friendship In Finland Valentine’s Day is called “Ystavnpaiva”, which means when close friends send cards and aie to each other. Even 80, it is a popular day for Finns to get engaged and married. YOUR WIFE CALLED!! She said she is tired of flowers and hae chocolate and would absolutely love one or more soy candles and/or, a Gift Certificate from... INTRODUCING PANDORA'S 2014 VALENTINE’S DAY COLLECTION. danas Asmithi 3 ‘we make it personal You’re So Country 186 Queen Street Port + Perry, Ontario LOL 188 Primitive Furniture % Country Decor 905.985.2953 * www.danasgoldsmithing.com 1874 Scugog Street, Unit 3 16 FOCUS - FEBRUARY 2014