© BNEWS Continued from page 3 mmunity impact direc- tor for the recently formed 2 Waterloo Region Commu- loo Chronicle | Thursday, December 1, Kitchener-Waterloo Cambridge Dumfries. _About $1 million was dis- by individuals and organi- a competing interests these days, a team of volunteers convenes determine where the limited funds are distributed, majority of grants provided thou the foun- -A CHALLENGING YEAR FOR US AND OUR LOCAL AGENCIES’ and organizations are en- couraged to set up a fund for $5,000 or more, which Akpan says creates a lega- cy that leaves money over years and generations. most three-quarters (71 per cent) of philanthropists impact at million in 2021—are Mine through "When you put that in context of the fact that the requests we had were about $2.5 million, you start to see that it's almost a drop in the ocean compared to what the need is," Akpan said. The foundation's com- tions generously provided and endow- ments dedicated to specific causes. The foundation tries to hold back some earnings in “good years" to weather the bad years in the long-term investment cycle, Akpan least consistent with 2022 levels, despite overall mar- ket losses. Individuals, families the top of the list when se- lecting causes to support these days. Many umbrella funders, like the United ay have changed the w: raise in recent tev so The Salvation Army is once again collecting coins, cash and tiptap d Black Friday and Cyber 'p- Way Waterloo Region Com- munities. “Every quarter a Susie Kockerscheidt/ Metroland lonations for its kettle drive. kicked off its annual cam- paign can help directly lenging year for us and our with "ihe, issues that matter local agencies. Not only do we still have the lasting ef- tol them most,suchasmen- fects of COVID, but we have ealth, faced inflation ney equity. and price increases almost This Giving Tuesday everywhere," said Joan the first "Tuesday after Fisk, CEO of the United tions from our local agen- cies and every quarter we must turn some of them away empty-handed. It is not what we want to do but our funding _ shortfalls leave us no choice." The local Salvation Ar- my kettle drive, a harbin- ger of the holiday season, til Christmas, supporting terloo Region Christmas Support Net- work and the Food Bank of Waterloo Region, which is collecting food and cash do- nations for holiday ham- pers. See THERE, page 7 waterloochronicle.ca For support from Woolwich Counselling Centre please call: 519-669-8651 or visit our website at www.woolwichcounselling.org oe pel wooLwicH COUNSELLING CENTRE For support from Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region please call: 519-742-5894, 519-653-2422 or talk to us anonymously online at www.wceswr.org Women’s Crisis Services oF a. uy WATERLOO REGION Home is not safe for everyone. Benon