Waterloo Chronicle | Thursday, December 1, 2022 | 4 waterloochronicle.ca Experience the MAG !Cof the holiday season at Kitchener's Christkind! Market! é s December 1-4 2022 THURS. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., FRE.10 a.m.-8 p.m., SAT.9 a.m.-8 p.m, SUN. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 200 King street st, Kitchener * Live music & dance performances * 80+ indoor and outdoor vendors * Craft workshops * Downtown window display tour * Miniature train displ * Outdoor lounge and more! Delectable food * Photo opportunities OX christkindl.ca * g Entertainment throughout King and Gaukel Streets _ la FOOD AND DRINK Amy Stopnicki photo Corn is a versatile vegetable, and this soup recipe is the perfect way to keep warm this winter. |GET INTO SOUP MODE WITH ROASTED CORN RECIPE MIXED WITH ONIONS, CELERY AND CAULIFLOWER, THIS SOUP IS AS HEALTHY AS IT IS HEARTY, WRITES AMY STOPNICKI bs AMY STOPNICKI Column Ithink corn is one of the most versatile foods out there. It works well raw, boiled, barbecued, roasted, whole, creamed and more. Whether on a salad, the base of a soup, in your bak- ing with cornmeal or corn flour, or one of the multi- tude of applications in modern manufacturing, corn also crosses many cultural lines, as we find it in cuisines around the world. In this recipe, I have roasted the corn to bring out the natural sugars, us- ing it asa base for my soup. It is easy, hearty and deli- cious. Hope you enjoy it! ROASTED CORN SOUP INGREDIENTS 4cups corn niblets 2 tbsp canola oil Salt to taste lonion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1/2 head of medium cauliflower, broken into small pieces 8 cups water INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425°F. 2. Put corn ona roasting pan and toss with 1 tbsp oil and salt. 8. Cook for 20 to 25 min- utes or until thoroughly 4, Heat remaining oil in astock pot to medium high . Sauté onion until golden, add celery, cauli- flower, roasted corn and water. 6. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes or until thoroughly cooked. a an immersion blender and blend until de- sired consistency is reached. York Region resident Amy Stopnicki is an award-winning cookbook author, event planner, food blogger and mother of four. You can find her on In- stagram at @amystopnicki or email her at amy.stop- nicki@gmail.com. SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA