Yo. I Gl cad da dt a. mee FANE WTO TINT ie ga Fo os "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" y i PORT PERRY STAR - Monday, December 23, 1991 - 39 cathy® "NO ONE HAS ANN CONFIDENCE | [No ONE HAS ANY MONEY. NO J IN THE ECONOMM THIS HOLIDAY | | ONE HAS ANY J0B SECURITY... SEASON, MOM. IT'S ALL THEY'VE| [NO ONE HAS ANN HOPE THAT IT'S TALKED ABOUT THIS YEAR. GOING TO GET ANY BETIER. AY , ) H : bi | / B, {3 HR i i I i Calvin and Hobbes J7 CALVIN, YOUR DAD AND | ARE GOING QUT TOMORROW, SO YOULL BE HAVING A BABY SWTER I CALLED E\GHT PEOPLE AND SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WOULD DONT. CALL OME | CAIN T "FINE 2? SUES | YOU REMEMBER Diino tog 1 er Fines foment 1968 Univers Press Synacale MERLE, DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU GOT ME FOR CURISTMAS LAST YEAR? by Cathy Guisewite HOW COMFORTING TO SEE THAT EVERYONE STILL SEEMS TO HAVE A CAR. LOT FuLL pa THIS WEEK'S PORT PERRY STAR CROSSWORD PUZZLE SPENT AN HOR | A BARRACUDA | AMY? SHE NIST ON THE PHONE | IN A HIGH SCHOOL | LAUGHED WHEN MREADY. SENWOR SUIT! ROSALING FINE. | I'M AS GOOD NN AS DEAD! SO THIS YEAR Plerlinsted by Mithy Festures Syndionie RE IS IT TRUE THAT FIGHTING 15 / A SKILL THAT You REQUIRE OF ABSOWTELY NOT. YOUR PLAYERS 7 AM» % -- NX i FN = ni C1991 CREATORS SYNDICATE INC PAVLOV DID 1SAY 1 DIDN'T LIKE THE UNDERWEAR 7 I'LL GET YOU A FRUITCAKE. 1991 Unver ial Prony Sonate by johnny hart FGHTING ON ICE SKATES 7... Now THATS SOMETHING ELSE. AGA . Al wl TR 7 (eh LL \ Excuse me we IRA] i Clowtnand by Miler Festeey Syratic or © 1991 sim Unger Distributed bv Universal Press Synaicate "Your room's upstairs. The ladder's in the garage." [ bbb EF ho In [* 1 14 18 | 17 18 1s po yaaa Saste pe 1 he 9 1 h2 3 «bs he 1 pe 9 0 1 : «bs s Wm I s po 1 po I s 6 F 8 ' ACROSS 1 Spar S$ French river 9 In so far as Pertaining to kidneys 12 Agung Busybodles 14 E. Indian bean 10 Key-shaped 15 devil 11 Arabian city 17 Chem suffix 18 Following 18 W. African tribe 20 ___ Home 38 Decanter 19 John 21 Lewis and Willlams 41 Vestige 21 Distort 22 Stay 43 Marsh grass, pl. 24 Terry 23 Not satisfied 44 Apariment 26 Begst 25 Stone monument 43 Nevada city 27 Soothe 28 Bitter, Fr. 47 Solar disc 20 Bare 30 Spanish measure 20 Catch 32 Take weapons from 31 Paradise 51 Murray 34 Strained the neck 33 Space 52 _.___ Parseghlan 38 Heavenly body 37 Repeat 39 Cent. Dept. of Education, init. 40 Aquarium fish 42 Maliclous burning _ PUZZLE ANSWER _ 44 Monk [1] v] 3] sPH N| 3] a] 3 3] o] & 46 Lineage au FE al av] of Z| 1] v 48 Meadow slow al nu) z| v[ nf vi vl a1 4 Das al of v| ul uf v| 7] a] 55 Eating place Nj o| S| ul vigg vl 4] 13] L 58 Challenge 31 91 Op Of | Of Sg Hl V| LIS 57 Foot digit al 3 Nj v| HN) Og Hl ul v| Ss) I| a 58 Man's name 3) al nf NIB 3| s| v] 3B KN] v| 3 59 Chair, e.g. Nala) al i s| 1) ME nl 3) af 7 vl | 1} 3] 3 DOWN 'ai a| Tf v| TN] v| Ws] v] & 2 Cellic goddess alin 3: dal 1| LN] v 3 Streets, abbr. v|n| OR u| 3 s| Aj I| Ss LE 4 Eras YOUR WEEK AHEAD ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 CANCER June 21-July 22 LEO © July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 HOROSCOPE Your Week Ahead Horoscope Forecast Period: January 5-January 11, 1991 5 Tanager 6 Large nalls 7 European Economic Adm. 8 9 35 Household pest 53 TIIlS WEEKS Your powers of persuasion are high. Both romance and career endeavors could take a dif- ferent course. Domestic problems will not be solved by com- promise. Be firm about your solutions. Don't take no for an answer. The time has come to make a decision on an im- portant issue involving family; however, you may alienate some members. Invesitgate before you sign. Travel is out of the question. Do not be indifferent when dealing with a young person. There will be a change in your place of business. Do not expect conditions to improve immediate- ly. Give it time. Do not judge too harshly. Not everything is as it seems. Be fair in your domestic decisions. Someone remembers to pay you back for kind- ness rendered years ago. Enjoy the opportunity afforded to you. Spend carefully. Your finances will cover what is necessary and there may be quite a bit left but remain conservative. A letter to someone you love is overdue; a phone call from an old flame rekindles forgotten romance. Communicate carefully. Be wary of those who are out to win your favors. Keep in touch with one who loves you for yourself. Show you care. The past is over; you need to get on with your life. Look to the future for the healing of emo- tional scars. A negative attitude causes lack of teamwork. Find the problem and keep it from spreading. Be diplomatic.