bad wer oe "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" SMALL CABIN with fireplace, will rent by month or season. Reler- ences available. 416-623-8150 during daytime. SCUGOG ISLAND - Century farmhome, 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 baths, $925.00/month plus utili- lies. Available Jan. 1st. 985-3083 ONE SMALL BEDROOM base- ment apartment. Use of pool, across from park, furnished or un- furnished, all inclusive. $450. a month. 985-4980. Available im- mediately. ONE BEDROOM APT. - south of Sunderland on Hwy. 7 & 12, fridge & stove included, no pets. 852-9199 & (705) 357-2575. PORT PERRY - 3 bedroom wa- terfront home - $850.00 per month plus utilities - Available Feb. 1/82. Phone 985-7056 after 5:00 p.m. SHARED ACCOMMODATION in centre of Port Perry. $300.00/ month. Call 985-4969. ROOM WITH USE of complete house, to share with man & daughter. Rent negotiable. 985- 1865. STORE/FRONT/INDUSTRIAL - Vanedward Dr., Port Perry, 1300 - 1600 sq. 1. units. 12 ft. ceilings, rear loading door. 935-8003. KINSMEN HALL - available for dances, meetings and receptions. Kitchen and bar. Plenty of park- ing. 985-3736. INDUSTRIAL UNITS in Reach In- dustrial Park, immediate occupan- cy, healed or unheated from $125/month. 985-9828 or 985- 3885. SHARE 2 STOREY Home in Porl Perry. Incl. 2 rooms plus share kitchen, bath and laundry. $425. plus utilities. 985-1832. COUNTRY SETTING - Ski in par- adise. One bedroom suilable for one person. 3 kms from Lake- ridge skiing. Private entrance. Heat and hydro included. $525.00 per month. 985-9029. COMMERCIAL, RETAIL OR OF- FICE space. Prime Walter Streel location. 19' x 40° (760 sq. feet) available immediately. Evenings 1-416-264-4916. FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM apt. Five appliances, parking, wa- terbed. $475 mthly., first and last 728-9759. SHORT TERM - Scugog Island - 3 bedroom house, 5 appliances, double garage, ex. decor. Own- ers selling - house must be shown. 3 references, first and last. $900/month and hydro. Available December 15th. Phone 1-705-484-1657 evenings. EXPERIENCED SIDING and sof- fit installer, for private homes. Call business hours - 985-0715. DON'S SURPLUS - Garage- Basemen! clean-ups, scrap car removal, cash for copper, alumi- num, salvageable appliances and furniture. 985-1839. NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean ups, paper, paint, leaves, yard, basement, snow, elc. BRICK WORK - Fireplace, chim- ney, elc. Licenced bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experi- ence, references available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. TYPING SERVICE - No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements. Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hummingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. PROFESSIONAL Wallpapering and painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. TYPEWRITERS, fax machines, ribbons, service and supplies for all- makes and models. Jenkins Business 728-7591, 985-9783. DOG GROOMING - professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 256 Scugog St. Call 985-4191. DAYCARE - In my home Scugog Island. Large indoor and outdoor play areas. Lois of TLC, nutri- tious lunch and snacks. 985-4255 CARDBOARD BOXES (Fla tened) - Great for moving or stor- age. Call 985-7383. LOST - DIAMOND RING Port Perry, Friday, December 6th. If found please call 985-4820. ALUMINUM WHEEL and Tire from 491 Fralick's Beach Road. Reward. 985-0804 days, 985- 8670 evenings. LOST - $500.00 REWARD - Black German Shepherd - 9 months old - has white ches! and white markings on face - tan paws - approx. 65 Ibs. Comes lo the name of "Harley". Possibly wounded by gunshot. Last seen on Friday, December 13, 1991 in North Oshawa, near Camp Sa- mac. Call 723-1927 or 579-5033. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Eslate of NORMA VIOLA JEFFREY. All persons having claims against the Estate of Norma Viola Jeffrey, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham, who died on or about the 1st day of November, 1991 are hereby notified to send to the un- dersigned on or before the 10th day of January, 1992 full particu- lars of their claims. IMMEDIATE- LY after the said date the assels of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties enti- tied thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 5th day of De- cember, 1991. FOWLER DAVIES Barristers and Solicilors 175 North Street Port Perry, Ontario LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Clem M. Jelfrey, Executor \ NB LTD. NY jo 220, Greenbank, On: LOC 1B0 (416) 985-1068 MTM ENTERPRISES - We pro- vide free fund raising services for non-profit organizations, groups and agencies. Please call 1-800- 688-5681 (24 hour recorded mes- sage). COMPLETELY RENOVATED as new, one bedroom apt. Sunder- land, Main Street, heating includ- - ed. $500.00, no pets - 1-416- 640-1275 or 1-705-786-2514. PRIVATE STORAGE for fumi- ture. Adjustable units to suit your needs. 985-2597. STORAGE Mini & Maxi PORT PERRY AREA (416) 985-7622 LINDSAY AREA (705) 328-0061 MINI STORAGE In Town Paved Lot 50 Vanedward Dr. 985-8003 across from Lake Scugog Lumber PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668- 7200 Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS # FIRST & SECONDS at PRIME RATES # UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES « EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD # VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY «# DEBT CONSOLIDATION # NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS «# POWER of SALE REFINANCES «# REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS # PERSONAL LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, Ete. For more information cal: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ontario SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Wilson's New Years sale of ex- ceptional furniture & antiques sell- ing at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. Including mahog- any sideboard, 3 tier table, oak hall table, chest of drawers with bun feel, ash washstand, walnut smoker, press back rocker with leather bottom, press back arm chair, 3 antique hanging lamps, antique brass hall rack, mantle clocks, showcase, blanket box, Victorian parfour table with mar- ble top, lamps (Tiffany, Aladdin), chum, quilts, Ige. qty. collecla- bles, Coca-Cola bollles, child's culter style sled, frames & prints, china & glassware including Oc- cupied Japan, collector plates, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by LLOYD WIL- SON AUCTIONS LTD., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. HOLIDAY AUCTION SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. ORONO TOWN HALL (Main St., Orono) Viewing open 10:30 a.m. For our final auction of 1991 we are offering a fine se- lection of antique furniture & col- lectables, with some rare & unique items in original & refin- ished condition. (Also 5 older ri- fles). Partial list to include: oak flat to wall (Rel.), golden oak side- board (c 1910, Rel.), hall stand (c. 1890 Rel), drop front desk (Rel.), oak 7° church pew, childs Victorian wicker rocker & doll car- riage (exc. condition), bow front china cabinet (new), Victorian couch & chair, old dressers, Bon- net chest, 6 tea back oak chairs, 2 sets of wood chairs, round oak (cenlre pedestal) table, oak six leg table, 4 press back chairs, 2 wall phone clocks, old wall phone, oak buffet, rocking chairs, old spinning wheel (signed), misc. ta- bles & chairs, blanket boxes, old tool box (orig.), trunks, chum, Bull's Eye & Milk Glass oil lamps, cast iron tractor seat (Massey, Toronto), old violin & wood case, several old tin trucks, 3 wheel trike, old tools, misc. glass & chi- na including 2 blue sponge bowls (c 1920), Orono Town Hall win- dows, Arthur Drummond oil paint- ing (Porcupine Falls), plus a se- lection of Bowmanville Memorbilia (25 postcards, Glen Ray cream can, training school milk can, Gar- ton bus schedules, etc.) Also se- lection of guns, Remington 22 Speedmaster w/scope, Reming- ton 30-06 (mdl. 1903), 12 guage . Richards Hammer, 22 Win- chester single barrel shotgun & gun cabinet, F.A.C. required. This auction of good clean quality items from days gone by, is a must-be-there event for those in- terested in antiques & collecta- bles. MARK THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR. Merry Christmas from MacGREGOR AUCTIONS. Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 & Junior West 416- 983-5556. BOXING DAY AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 SALE TIME; 11;00 A.M.. Boxing Day Auction Sale at LEM- ONVILLE COMMUNITY CEN- TRE. Household furniture, an- liques, collectables, dishes, glassware. Terms Cash. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer. 640-3079. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. New Years Day sale at Pethick Auction Bam, Haydon, 10 mi. NE. of Oshawa. Come and join us for our lraditional New Years Day sale of antique and collectable furniture, glass & china. We have to be sold a nice 9 pc. Mahogany dining rm. suite, 3 pc. Victorian sellee set, oak beau-front china cabinet, oak hall tree, several servers, sideboards, oak butter chun, dressers, walnut wash- sland, walnut tea wagon, oval walnut dining table, wing-back & fireside chairs, oak bar stools, Windsor chairs, pine chairs, old pine shippers desk, lots of glass & china, Ltd. edition prints, 1985 Dodge pickup truck, sells as is, plus lots more interesting and un- usual pieces. Our first sale of 1992 will be a large sale. Viewing from 9:30 am. on sale day. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. Sale managed and sold by GAR- RY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. For more info. call 1-416-263-4252. dA gl] SUNDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1991 0]0]0) 0 ARNO VISH VY RI TV, CONVE RUGS PARTIAL LISTING: JEWELLERY LADY'S & GENT'S DIAMOND SOLITAIRE FROM 0.256 CT UP TO .82 CT, RINGS. 14K TENNIS BRACELETS, DIAMOND EARRING STUDS, 10K & 14K CHAINS, BRACELETS, WATCHES GOLD & SILVER COINS, LTD. DOLLS, DOULTON GOEBELS, HUMMELS, CRANBERRY, CRYSTALS, EMERSON TVS, VCRS, CDS, CORDLESS MACHINES, MICROWAVE, HOME STEREOS, GHETTOBLASTERS, Hiens WALL & GRANDFATHER CLOCKS, ORIENTAL CHESS SETS, KEYBOARDS, VACUUMS, DUVET & COVERS, FAX. COMPUTERS. CAMERAS, COOKWARES, DINNERWARES, LTD. PRINTS, SPORTS CARDS SIGNED BASEBALLS & PLAQUES, ROCKING & TRI-CYCLE HORSES, WICKER SLEIGH, DELFT PLATES & VASES. TERMS: Cash , CHEQUES W/CREDIT CARDS SALE BY ANGELO DESIGN - (416) 946-8367 PHONES, ANSWERING SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM THE WOODVILLE COM- MUNITY SALE BARN LTD, wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a safe and pros- perous New Year. Thank you for your support in our first year of business and we are looking for- ward to serving you in the New Year! We would also like to re- mind you that we are open throughout the holiday season. DENISE & KEVIN BARKER & FAMILY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4,1992 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large auction sale of new & used tools from a Toronto Shop selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd. Also lo include items from a Dept. Sale sold & managed by: NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., 985- 1068. Queen's Park Report Job opportunities now available By Gord Mills MPP Durham East As 1991 winds down, I want to take this oppor- tunity to wish all of my constituents a happy and safe Christmas. No one has come to know better than me in 1991, of the effects of the recession and the impact it has had upon many families. However, 1 think that if we all take a real good look, we can all find something that we should be grateful for. Each day, at the start of proceedings in the leg- islature, the speaker shares a prayer with all members. The prayer is as follows: "Give to each member of this legislature a strong and abiding sense of the great responsibili- ties laid upon us. Guide us here in our delibera- tions. Give us a deep and understanding of the needs of the people we serve. Help us to use power wisely and well. Inspire us to decisions which establish and maintain a land of pros- perity and righteousness where freedom prevails and where justice rules." Since my election to the Ontario Legislature, and when my duties per- mit, I have made it a point to be present dur- ing the daily saying of this prayer. I feel that it sets the tone of the day, and offers encourage- ment, as I go about rep- resenting the people who elected me to serve them. This week, I must re- port a "goof" in my recent Community Directory. The directory was formu- lated prior to the estab- lishment of the 911 emergency service num- bers. There was a delay in printing the directory and in the distribution, so two police emergency telephone numbers that appeared are outdated. Please remember the po- lice emergency number in Durham East is 911, and not as printed. Gary Polonsky, the popular president of Dur- am College, has passed along to me news of a Job Finding Club at the college. The service which is free, lasts for a couple of weeks, and is designed to help people actively seeking employ- ment. This short course emphasizes creative job search techniques includ- ing effective resume writ- ing, cold calling, and un- covering the hidden job market. If you are inter- ested please contact Em- ployment Options in room 1268 at Durham College or call 578-0210, Ext. 433. I have also just re- ceived information about summer. job opportuni- ties with the Environ- mental Youth Corps. Please call the youth em- ployment hotline at 1- 800-387-0777 for infor- mation. The Ministry of Natu- ral Resources have reached an agreement to continue the Gypsy moth program for 1992. The new fee schedule will re- duce the costs to provin- cial taxpayers by placing a greater share of costs on the principle land owner who benefit from the program. In the next few weeks be on the lookout for newspaper advertise- ments asking for your in- put in the various pro- grams proposed by the Ontario Government in 1992. For years the pro- cess of budget making has been shrouded in se- crecy. Little information was available prior to the release of the budget. Now, you will be able to help make history by submitting your brief saying how you think the budget should be shaped. I have some ideas of my own that I intend to pass along to the treasurer, and I'm sure you have some too. The process is all part of the commit- . ment of having an open government, and having an on-going dialogue with the people of the province. Happy holidays - I will write again soon. Wedding Annivereary & B Invitations * Fast, Efficient Service * Four Design Books * Book Lending Service 10% OFF Complete Wedding Package Oran PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE CENTRE 188 Mary St. - Port Perry