PORT PERRY STAR - ov Rr BRUZAS, Nellle "in her 79th year". At the Community Memori- al Hospital in Port Perry on Tues- day, December 17, 1991. Nellie beloved wife of the late Peter. Loving mother of Helen Fletcher of Vancouver, Patricia Macgregor of New Zealand, Irene Prokopiak of Ottawa and Ann Powell of Port Perry. Dear sister of Albert Nel- son of Glasgow, Scotland, Frank and Margaret Bemoties of Lon- don, Ontario and the late Stanley Nelson. Granny's cuddles will be missed by Karyn, Lloyd, lan, An- gela, Clyde, Alan, Allison, Alan- nah, Devon, Chelsea and great- grandchildren Tamara and Brela- na. Funeral services were held in the Chapel of the Thornton Ce- metery on Friday, December 20, 1991 at 11:00 a.m. Cremation. If desired memorial donations may be made to the Community Me- morial Hospital Building Fund in Port Perry. Arrangements en- trusted to the Wagg Funeral Home, McDermott-Panabaker Chapel in Port Perry (985-2171). THANKS - Electors of Maripo- sa. | thank all of you for your sup- port in the Municipal Election. Sorry | did not make it. | am sure we all will be looking forward to brighter and more prosperous years in the future. Thanks for everything and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. DOUG FISH HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY CYNTHIA on December 29th IE a4 Love Mom, Dad & Jeff HEY MABEL! GET OFF THE TABLE HAPPY 85h BIRTHDAY! Bert & Marg & Family "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" oy) EMMERSON 2% I SST Si WY ES imine 2 WOMEN IN ABUSIVE SCUGOG RAPE ) RELATIONSHIPS CRISIS CENTRE \1Y. THED For help call 24 Hour crisis line Tr ENISE HOUSE (fomerly Auberge) 579-8006 Collect if necessary TORYCUEN 4 CL Del Office hrs. 10-5. Mon-Fri : 1-800-263-3725 or confidentiality assured 728-7311 985-8850 DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 1169 North Street, Port Perry, Ont. LOL1B7 985-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS. ATTENTION - VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women & Dependents & GIO AY (58 Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance on Vets Allowance or Disability Pensions, contact Jack Lee at 986-5424. By appointment only. The D.V.A Counselor, Wendy McNeice, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry Royal Canadian Legion on Wednesday, January 8, 1992, 10:00 a.m. ATTENTION Private Garbage Collection Customers of JACK WANNINKHOF Tuesday's Garbage Pickup will take place Monday, December 23 & Monday, December 30. Wednesday's Garbage Pickup will take Tuesday, December 24 & Tuesday, December 31 Season's Greetings Jack Wanninkhof & Family NOTICE Scugog Township Holiday - Garbage Pick-Up Days Mon. Dec. 23 will be picked up Mon. Dec. 23 Tues. Dec. 24 will be picked up Tues. Dec. 24 Thurs. Dec. 26 will be picked up Fri. Dec. 27 Fri. Dec . 27 will be picked up Fri. Dec. 27 Mon. Dec. 30 will be picked up Mon. Dec. 30 Tues. Dec. 31 will be picked up Tues. Dec. 31 Thurs. Jan. 2 will be picked up Thurs. Jan. 2 Fri. Jan. 3 will be picked up Fri. Jan. 3 Have a Safe & Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas from the staff at PEDERSEN TRUCKING INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 MYLES G. O'RIORDAN Wagg Funeral Home Lid. McDERMOTT-PANABAKER CHAPEL 216 Queen Street, Port Perry, 985-2171 KINDNESS - COURTESY - ECONOMY Private Off-street Parking + Bonded + Family Owned « Organist « Large Chapel Area « Pre-arrangement & Cremation Information Serving Port Perry o Sumounding Districts with Distinctive Service Eng HAROLD J. WAGG Same location since 1846 BINGO AT NESTLETON Com- munity Centre - Friday, December 27, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH - Sun- day Services 1045 a.m. Loca- tion-Columbus Community Cen- tre, Simcoe St, N., Columbus. Contact 728-3864. SUNDANCE MEADOWS is open all year for group tours of our many farm and exotic animals. Spacial winter rales. Ideal for clubs, birthday parties, etc. Call 1-705-357-2725. td TARPS Orange Woven Poly - compare our prices; 6'x8"-$5; 8'x10'-$8.50; 9'x12'-$11.50; 10'x15'-$16.00; 12'x18'-$23.50; 15'20-$32.00; 18'x24'-$45.00; 20'x30'-$64.00; 30'x50'-$159.00; GST included. Free delivery 985-7558. HAY & STRAW, delivered, round & square bales. Small or large lots. Tom Beers 705-432-2675. HADDEN SATELLITE SYSTEMS Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, alarm sys- tems. Sales, service, installation. 852-3796. ONE BLACK PERSIAN Lamb coat and matching muff; one brown squirrel coat; one brown Caracul jacket, all approx size 10. Excellent condition, older styles, $100.00 each, tax included. Al- dreds Comer, Scugog Island, 985-3410. LARGE SOFA and chair. "Brae- more", excellent condition. $350.00. 985-7264. SEASONED FIREWOOD - Call 1-705-786-2867. GUNS WANTED - by private col- lector. Old or new. Any amount. Highest immediate cash paid. Call 852-3986. SEASONED HARDWOOD $60. a face cord, $170. bush cord. Also some single cords of white birch available. Arrangement for delivery can be made. Location: Beaverton, 2 miles east of HWY 12 east on 6th concession. 705- 426-9161. NEW 4X8 SKIDOO Trailer, col- lapsible; old pump organ- needs refinishing. 985-3953. ATARI 2600 SET with 15 games $70.; Chandelier light with bulbs $40.; 440 TX for parts. 985-4169 WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, jointer, shaper, thick- ness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw, radial arm saw, dry kiln or drum sander? Call Port Perry 985-2123 or 985-2443. FIREWOOD - top quality, one year seasoned hardwood, hand cut, split and delivered (not ma- chine processed). Reasonable rates. Lindsay yard-comer 36 & 7 Hwys. Kinmount Hwy. 121 for pickup. Free kindling with each order. Visa and Mastercard ac- cepled. Galway Wood Products - 705-488-2001. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers and freezers. 986-5312. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut and split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. SEASONED FIREWOOD - $60 per lace cord - 12 inch - $10 exlra for delivery. 985-7745. TF SNOWBLOWERS used 6-8 $150-$1095; rear scraper blades 5, 6 & 7° $225-$285; tractor chains used, various sizes; round bale feeders new $150 & $250; Massey Ferguson heat houser $125; rear pulleys $75-$150. R. Mostovy 1-705-324-7047 Janet- ville. PIANO - Wurlitzer Concert Con-~ sole transitional pecan showroom condition. Compare new at $5995.00, asking $2500.00. 985-9470. Merry Christmas Township of Scugog Please take notice that the Municipal Offices will be closed December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1. from the Moving Soon? Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. Port Perry, Ontario Cannington, Ontario Over 25 years moving experience. Local and Long Distance Moving Piano & Office Moving Palletized Heated Warehouse "Free Wardrobe Service" "SENIOR CITIZENS" 5% DISCOUNT Office: (416) 985-3761 Warehouse: (416) 985-4360 (705) 432-2237 time. Township of Scugog Public Notice Re: Blue Box Pick-Up Please take notice that there will be no Blue Box pick-up during Christmas and New Years Wecks. Recyclables can be deposited in the igloos located at the Land Transfer Site on Reach Street (Regional Road 8) and the Municipal Parking Lot during this Earl S. Cuddie Administrator-Clerk Township of Scugog 985-7346 STAY WARM THIS Winter! Buy firewood, cut and split, by the truckload and save. Delivered right to your door...10 face cord - $630.00 or 15 face cord - $850.00 (3 face cord = 1 bush cord). Call Mike 705-754-3552. FREEZER ORDERS for market weight pigs. Sides or whole; about 80 bs. a side. Cul, wrapped and fast frozen at $1.50/ b. Dressed weight. 852-7190. FRAN SOLAR hand woven sweaters $115. lo $148. (reg. $230. to $295.). Great for Chrisl- mas or just for a treat for that spe- cial lady. Call 985-3031 or visi 86 Chester Cres., Port Perry any evening. GOLD STOVE GLASS Cooktop $300. or B.O., 2 Avacado green sloves $150., 1 Apl freezer $175., 15 cu. ft. chest freezer $150., Guaranteed & Delivered. Kevin 985-1271. DON'S SURPLUS - Garage- Basement clean-ups, scrap car removal, cash for copper, alumli- num, salvageable appliances and furniture. 985-1839 ELECTROLUX - Service, Supply and Sales. 60 Vanedward Dr. Port Perry. Over Ridge Retail. 985-0715. TF AIRTIGHT STOVES & fireplaces, inserts and zero clearance, new and used. Over Ridge Retail, Port Perry. 985-0715. TF KEROSENE HEATER $70.; elec- tric heater $5.; 2 Cosco high chairs $30. each. Phone 985- 1408. 1986 NISSAN MICRA - Very clean, excellent condition, eco- nomical transportation. Certified $2200.00 986-4746. 1941 BUICK SPECIAL - 4 door, good project. 985-0715. 1986 BUICK SKYLARK, new tires, power steering, power brakes, automatic, A-1 condition. Asking $5,500. Call 985-9472. 1984 MERCURY GRAND MAR- QUIS- many extras, Port Perry 985-2443. 1988 BERETTA GT, 2 Door, V-6, Auto-air, P.S., P.B., Stereo, Red' Silver, Excellent Cond., Certified $5800.00 985-2006. SAVE MONEY! Rent a space at Dorothy's Do It Yourself Garage. Four bays with alr. Separate paint shop and prep room. Tools available. Rates start at $37.00 per working day. Hours: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. For appointment call 985-1805, Port Perry. i SE TRUCK CAPS, box liners, 1un- ning boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. 1979 FORD 1/2 Ton 300 6 cyl, standard, 3 speed trans, good condition $1500. certified 985- 7875. 1987 YAMAHA SKIDOO - min, 1890 kms, serious inquiries only. $3000.00. Call 985-7588. SNOWMOBILE SEATS - recov- ered from $50.00. A-Frame Re- pairs. Chris 985-9904. TWO YAMAHA SNOWMO- BILES, 1986, 250 Bravo, excel- lent condition, low mileage $3100./pair or sell separate. 986- 5152. Re = GERMAN SHORT-HAIR POINT- ER Pups; field, bench, champion bloodlines, excellent family pet. Call 1-705-786-3007. 1 asi --t AG eel Seca ER A Ny Lp,