Slit Ll i LL ubt SAS AS si ET Sa -"" JANUARY 1991 The Key-Bar Juveniles won the Uxbridge hockey tourna- menton Boxing Day. The Port Perry Canadian Tire Midgets captured two tournament championships over the weekend. The squad captured the Uxbridge tourna- ment one day and their home tournament the following day. Brad Menzies, John Lally and Rob Metcalfe all members of the Port Perry MoJacks were chosen to be a part of the the annual Central League All- Star game to be held in Ux- bridge. The Port Perry Petite rin- gette team sponsored by Cold- well Banker captured gold at a Markham tournament. of ¥ So qd ", Pla ; ; The Port Perry MoJacks sent three players to the Central held its second annual "Day on the Ice" with 60 fishermen com- peting for cash and awards. FEBRUARY 1991 The Port Perry Snowmobile Club held its 20th anniversary. Many past presidents and local dignitaries were on hand to cel- ebrate. After losing the opening game in the best of seven play- FE#% off series with the Lakefield [§ Chiefs, the ModJacks came bat- tling back to take three straight. Several members of the Port Perry Figure Skating Club cap- tured medals at the Pineridge § Competition held in Cobourg. The Port Perry High School curling team consisting of Ja- League annual all star game held in Uxbridge in January. Participating in the game were from left: Rob Metcalfe, John Lally and Brad Menzies. The Petite As won the Coun- try Style Donut ringette tour- nament held in Port Perry. Tommy Chambers and Amanda Wakeford, two local track stars and members of the Durham X-L Track and Field Club, were awarded seven and six medals respectively at a re- cent banquet. Ed Werenich, one of Cana- da's best known curlers an- nounced he would be coming to the upcoming provincial ele- mentary school championships to be held in Port Perry. The Port Perry Lions Club son Guindon, Rob Mitchell, Ian Thompson and Mike Flynn earned a trip to the provincial championships after winning the zone and regional play- downs. The Port Perry Sportsland Bantams defeated Newmarket and advanced to the OMHA semi-finals. The S.A. Cawker cul ig Fink of Jay Tredway, Joanna Shep- herd Matt Phoenix and Aman- da Powell won the B champion- ship at the third annual Elementa Championship which was held in Port Perry. Port Perry High School's entry in the Ontario School Boy Curling Championship held in February had to settle for the s Falls. Team members are: Pam Byers, ass liver medals after dropping an extra-end match to Smith istant coach, Mike Flynn, lead; lah Thompson, third; Rob Mitchell, second; Jason Guindon, skip; and coach Wayne Medford. The Midget A and B hockey squads defeated Cobourg and Uxbridge respectively to ad- vance to the next round of playoffs. MARCH 1991 The Port Perry MoJacks were eliminated from post- season play as they fell 4-1 to the Bowmanville Eagles. The Port Perry High School girls midget volleyball team captured the DYSSA gold med- als. The Port Perry High School curling team of Jennifer Geer, Vel Jason Guindon, Rob Mitchell and Alli Cowdy won bronze medals at the LOSSA champi- onships. Four Port Perry Junior rin- gette players, Shannon Fox, Denna Lovering Megan Mar- lowe and Kim Poppleton were selected to be members of the Central Region All-Star team. The Port Perry Midget As swept Midland aside to earn a berth in the All-Ontario hockey finals. The Midget Bs defeated Well- ington and the Bantam Bs de- feated Ennismore to earn berthsin the All-Ontario finals. The R.H. Cornish intermedi- ate girls basketball team was crowned regional champions. The Malmont Atom As team ended its season with a good showing in the Rochester tour- nament. The Sportsland Bantam Bs defeated Strathroy to be crowned All-Ontario champi- ons. IGA and Emmersons Insu- rance captured the Bantam house league end of the year tournament. Monsma Electric competed in the Provincial Broomball Championships. The Sportsiand Bantams celebrate In the dressing room after defeating Strathroy in the finals of the All-Ontarlo Championships in March. The Bantams won the series in three straight games. --