"A Family Tradition for 125 Years" Two local schools perform outstanding Christmas concerts Warmest wishes for a hap- py, safe Christmas time with those close to you. The dead- line for next week's column will be Friday morning. Please share your Christmas news. Merry Christmas to your fami- ly from our family. There were two excellent concerts at the Cartwright Central Public School this week. On Wednesday evening a musical concert presented by the Cartwright High School Ensemble, the Grade 8/9 Con- cert Band, the C.H.S. Concert Choir and the C.C.P.S. Choir. Following intermission ex- erpts from "How to Eat Like A Child" were presented by the C.C.P.S. Drama group. The entertaining evening conclud- ed with the C.H.S. Wind En- semble playing "We Three Kings" and Christmas classics. The fine crowd thoroughly en- joyed the evening of beautiful Christmas music. On Thursday evening the Cartwright Central Public School presented their Christ- mas Concert to another large crowd of parents, grandpar- EEE Tren TETEr ET rTErees rn rs Blackstock Ne by Joyce Ke WS ily ETT TT TITTY: TET) ents and friends. Mrs. Brad- burn and Mrs. Hanson's Grade 1 classes sang "Dress- ing Mr. Snowman" and "Frosty the Snowman." Square dancing was demonstrated by Mrs. McIntosh"s Grade 1/2 class. Mrs. Hopkins' Grade 2 students and "On the Day of the Concert." Mr. Callan's Grade 2 class presented Al- phabet Christmas and Mit- tens. Christmas is a Warm Thing was presented by Miss Desjardine's Grade 3 after which Mrs. McCullough's Grade 3 class sang "Old Toy Trains." International Christmas carols were sung by the class- es of Mrs. Argue, Mrs. Butt, Mrs. Parsons and Mr. Reid. This was another excellent Christmas concert which was a credit to the students and teachers alike. Tom and Marie James and family will be celebrating a special Christmas now that Tom is continuing to recover from back surgery. Best wish- es for a complete recovery as soon as possible. All at Guaranteed Lowest Prices UNITED CARPET. Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township and a member of the largest carpet buying group in Canada. FAMOUS Covoior. IU BLINDS VERTICALS * VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie » HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 = Video SUPER Store 1874 Scugog St., Christmas Eve 11-7:30 Boxing Day 11-9 New Year's Eve 11-9 New Year's Day 12-9 Port Perry 985-4459 Tom Wotten is sporting a cast since he broke his ankle in an accident on the job re- cently. We hope that you will soon be good as new. Sympathy is extended to Ge- rald Prosser on the passing of his wife this past week. On Monday evening the Blackstock Brownies enter- tained the seniors of the com- munity at their regular meet- ing. The Brownies enthusiastically sang Christ- mas carols and served their guests Christmas cookies and punch. Due to the very poor driving conditions because of the heavy snow on Tuesday the regular evening euchre was cancelled. Better health is wished for Mrs. Belle Werry who recently fell and fractured her hip. Presently she is a patient in Oshawa Hospital awaiting surgery. On Tuesday afternoon the Afternoon Curling League held a Curling Jitney with the winning team being deter- mined as Mary Mackie, Esther Kelly and John Coates. In- stead of prizes being awarded a donation was given to Oper- ation Scugog. EXPERT REPAIRS to IBM & Compatible Computers Hardware Upgrades & Accounting Software Support Used computers available occasionally 985-9440 Hey young buckaroos. Why don't ya mosey on down to Atfordables (part of the Settlement House Shops) and take a ride on the wild side. Settlement House owners Tom and Daphne Mitchell are donating all of the proceeds from the horse rides to the Chamber of Commerce to help cover the costs of the Annual Santa Claus Parade. Already, more than $200 has been collected. Mrs. Mitchell (who graciously sad- dled up for this picture) says that after the Christmas sea- son, she and her husband will select a different charity to support with the proceeds. Country Oven - FAMILY RESTAURANT 15300 Hwy. 12 (formerly the Watermill) 1 mile North of Manchester NEWLY RENOVATED UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP NOW OPEN DAILY HOME 6 AM -- 9 PM WEEKDAYS COOKED SPECIALS 6AM -- 11 PM WEEKENDS SUNDAY BRUNCH -- 10 AM - 2 PM 9AM --9 PM SUNDAYS SUNDAY BUFFET -- 4 PM - 9 PM 985-1734 Clothing = (A up 10 50 oft Merry Christmas And A Happy Ski-Doo New Year! .D.l. & Fri. Extra No Trades. Limited Quantity at this price. Complete pre-season ..... service check-ups [omen me WE'VE GOT THE EXPERT SERVICE AND GENUINE SKI-DOO PARTS TO MAKE YOUR SLED RUN BEST! carburetor and *pQ 9 SMALL UXBRIDGE SEO-300 [Sas a00 EENGINES mo. Hwy. 47 S. & Douglas Rd. 852-5884 Tor. 649-1613 | A TE a rE a TT a A rT a rT rT.