(3.0 £1 vO LE «© AL 2 ZN RARER I SA RMIT 2 "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" ALE AES Ea Pio) 38 eqn el Apdo hay S40 VEER IU FERC PORT PERRY STAR - Monday, December 23, 1991 - 9 Letters io the editor Assessment department doing it again this year To the Editor: The assessment department is doing it to us again. The an- nouncement this year about our assessments and the final date for appealing them was even harder to find than last year. Chances are that unless you were looking for it you missed it. Over the last several years the following changes have taken place in the manner, method and timing of the an- " nouncements about your as- sessment and the time allowed to appeal them. 1] The yearly notice of as- sessment is no longer mailed to you. 2] The timing of the notice {now found only in the local papers unless there has been some change in your assess- ment or your assessment is under appeal} has shifted to the Christmas period when many people are away or very busy with other things. 3] There is no longer an open house for you to attend to ask questions about your as- sessment, you now have to make an appointment with the assessor. 4] Most people are unaware of the existence of the con- stant behind the scene chang- es in the manner that your mill rate is determined, which affect the amount of realty tax you pay in relation to other ar- eas of the region. The constant erosion of no- tice and accessibility to the process leaves me wondering how long it will be before we no longer have the right to even appeal our assessments. I trust the only reason there are no open houses for taxpay- ers to attend to have questions about the assessment of their property answered by an as- sessor 1S a cost saving meas- ure by the Ministry of Reve- nue. If you feel that your proper- ty taxes are out of line with other properties similar to yours this is the only opportu- nity you will get this year to do something about it. If you do not file an appeal by Janu- ary 7, 1992 you lose the oppor- tunity for another year to bring some fairness and equi- tability into your tax bill. It is my opinion that the current method of market val- ue assessments as practised by . our provincial assessors has so many built in faults that anyone with a little knowledge and perseverance can successfully appeal their assessment (property taxes). Sincerely, Barrie Clulow, Uxbridge, Ont. 985-7365 ~ VILLAGE TAXI & LIMOUSINE SERVICE Will be CLOSED DECEMBER 25th - CHRISTMAS DAY Re-Opening BOXING DAY 8 A.M. Happy Holidays & Please Drive Safely! 852-7771 VAN & TRUCK --WORLD ACCESSORIES and INSTALLATION R.V. e PICK-UP © 4 X 4 « VAN p----s TN « Running Boards « Truck Caps y ISS if ® CJ SCRE DIRS ES « Box Liners « Sun Roofs « Trailer PLUS MANY MORE VAN & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 1670 Simcoe St.N. Oshawa wl 1670 Simcoe St N HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm Friday 9am-9pm 579-6868 [four Saturday 10am-3pm PY Brightly wrapped gifts. sprigs of mistletoe, silvery tinsel, snow-covered forests...these are all traditional holiday sights of the season that we've come to know and love. EST This year, we'd like to wish all our friends a joyous Noel, along with our warmest appreciation for your kindness. CARPENTERS § MAKITA Dustless Palm 16 oz. 20 oz. 22 oz. 24 oz. MAKI 7 ua Circular Saw Wax Mate's 3/8" Drill 6511LVR ® QUALITY PRODUCTS "28.7 '37.7 i TA 8 1/4" Table 39.7 OLIDAY= pi 69 ED 0 oR Bl 10" Compound *155." 5 "sq99 9 Sow $519.9 | $ 3 99 1n3. J HOLIDAYS HOURS - 8 AM-1 PM DEC.24 DEC.25/26 - CLOSED JAN.1 - CLOSED DEC.27/28 - 8 AM-5PM | JAN.2 N 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) 4 PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 AN Sale items are Cash & Carry Subject to Prior Sale Some llems may have to be Ordered ® QUALIFIED SERVICE o COMPETITIVE PRICING DEC.30/31 - 8 AM-5PM - REG. HOURS 0 ou gia A ai dh ges