TTT TIITIO SESE "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 17, 1991 - 5 Separate school teachers reject Board's latest offer Teachers from the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separ- ate School Board voted 62 per cent against the latest offer ta- bled by the board. As a result of this rejection, members of the school. board are threatening to strike. The final offer of the board provided for a 4.5-per cent in- crease effective Sept. 1, 1991 and a further one-per cent in- crease effective Feb. 1, 1992. It also provided for certain im- provements in staffing and working conditions, in a one- year collective agreement effec- tive Sept. 1, 1991 to Aug. 30, 1992. The offer would raise the av- erage secondary school teach- er's salary from $51,330 to $54,153, with a maximum in- $62,634. Sixty per cent of the present teachers have already received increases averaging $1,900 this year. "The board believes its offer to be a fair one under the present economic conditions and while itis the board's inten- tion to avoid unnecessary dis- ruption of service, the board re- mains solidly committed to being fiscally responsible," the release said. It also stated that it believes the teachers' demands for in- creases in salaries and staffing "to be excessive and financially unrealistic." Follow the Bows to FREE Babysitting Services For the convenience of our customers, the Port Perry Downtown BIA has arranged Free Babysitting on December 7, 14, and 21, from 10am to 4pm, for children ages 3 to 10 years. (2 hr. limit per child). This service will be available at the YMCA building on Queen Street. Qualified persons will be in attendance during these hours. Our way of making your shopping experience a pleasant one in downtown Port Perry. Ne A Oe It's Time For Our Great HOLIDAY creasing from $59,344 to \ B Second parking : spot for disabled . " near Post Office Store Wide Pre Christmas ing spot will be added in front of the Port Perry Post Office on Queen Street. According to Bill Henshall, the Township of Scugog bylaw enforcement officer, this spot will be positioned immediately behind the existing handi- capped spot. The designation of this new spot was a result of requests from citizens concerned that there were not enough parking spots to meet their needs. As a result of this request the township has designated a number of new spots in the vi- cinity of downtown Port Perry. Mr. Henshall says some have been added, while some still must be placed. MPs may be forced to work Chrismas eve It may not be much of a O ° | W aters Christmas for Ontario's mem- Suits & Sports Jackets S € bers of parliament, Gord Mills, Cotton, % Durham East MPP, says. % 0 The opposition have bo / 5 0 Wools i t i ti 3 Shelley Martel, northern devel- up to off & Mixes opment minister, after admit- ting to publicly criticizing a Sudbury doctor. If Ms. Martel does not resign from cabinet the opposition is threatening to block passage of some neces- sary bills. Mr. Mills says if this block- age occurs Queen's Park could be meeting until midnight on Christmas Eve, breaking for Christmas Day, and meeting again on Dec. 26. He says it is possible debate on these bills could be held until midnight on Dec. 31. The items at the centre of the debate are various gasoline tax bills that must be passed before the end of the year. Mr. Mills says the collection of this tax would be illegal without such a passage. Mr. Mills says the bills will get passage before the end of CLEARANCE SALE pap $ only Dress Shirts 29 0 Leather Gloves 20% 40" Top Coats 69." Price Men" & Scarfs s Caps Size 26 - 48 from Men's & Young Men's Dress & Casual Slacks $95 00 11/3. KS and up One Price 379% New Arrival Silk Ties | 1 93 O10 Nl CONS) Sor HIM and HIER 241 Queen St. Port Perry 985-8077 ({ d \ \ > the year, however. He says the \ \ A Mon.-Fri. 9:30am - 9:00 pm only option the government has \ NN \ Sat. 9:00am - 5:00 pm is to place time restrictions on } \ Sun. 1200 pm - 5:00 pm the debate and pass the bills with the government's majori- ty. "This form of political black- mail is absolutely unacceptable to this government," he said.