14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 17, 1991 Port Perry Star to publish Christmas and New Years editions Mon., Dec. 23, 30 The Port Perry Star and Star Office Products have revised their hours of operation and publication schedule for the next two weeks because of the Christmas and New Years holidays. The Port Perry Star will publish on Monday, Dec. 23 and Monday, Dec. 30 instead of our regular Tuesday publication ates The deadline for display and classified advertising will be at 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20 and Friday, Dec. 27. All submitted news articles and correspondence (sports and area news) must also be submitted by 5 p.m. on those dates. The deadline for real estate advertising remains the same during the holidays (Thursdays at 5 p.m.). Star Office Products will extend its hours of operation. The retail section will be open until 9 p.m. from Tuesday, Dec. 17 to Friday, Dec. 20 and on Monday, Dec. 23. The store will also be open on Saturday, Dec. 21 from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. The Port Perry Star business office and store will be closed Saturday, Dec. 28, Monday, Dec. 30, Tuesday, Dec. 31, and Wednesday, Jan. 1. Regular business hours and the publication schedule will re- sume on Thursday, Jan. 2. We wish all of our customers and readers a safe and happy holiday. ATTENTION All Patrons 0 Ean-ar A OMIBON OF TOIMAKSAN LIATEDN Effective January 13, 1992, Can-ar Coach Service will be making some major changes in its times Between Toronto -- Lindsay Toronto -- Haliburton Lindsay -- Peterborough New Schedules will be available shortly. Please contact your local agent for information. "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Fire destroyed a Scugog Island chicken farm owned by the Casteels family early Monday evening. Firefighters from both Scugog Halls, as well as from Little Britain, were called Ih to battle the blaze. Newcastle firefighters were also put on standby. Island chicken barn destroyed From Page 1 on a nearby home located ap- proximately 100 feet from the burning building. Durham Regional blocked off Chandler Drive (Concession 11), as thick smoke from the fire impaired the vi- sion of drivers. Hydro officials were called to the scene as high voltage wires running into the barn were causing continuous explosions, and two large transformers close to the building were threatened by fire. Police- No chickens were lost in the blaze as 60,000 had been shipped out about two weeks earlier. According to a witness, the barn had been cleared and fresh straw was being layed Monday. One worker suggested. the possibility of combustion in the straw, but could not con- firm this as the cause of the blaze. No estimate of damage was available at press time, but a similar fire over two years ago near Blackstock caused more QUALITY LEATHER APPAREL & accessories for LADIES & MEN! Mon. to Sat. 10-5 Sunday 12-5 We also carry a wilde Sie hon of ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & GIFTS 12 FRANCIS STREET W., FENELON FALLS (705) 887-1700 Great Holiday cli SEEEEEEE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION HOLIDAY HOURS 8:30 - 12 pm CLOSED _-------- Sl 55 AA ML Sse than $1 million in losses tobarn and livestock. The Fire Marshal has been called in to investigate. EXPERT REPAIRS to IBM & Compatible: Computers o Letters © Invoices © Real Estate Transactions e Important Documents e Hardware Upgrades & ANYWHERE WORLDWIDE ALL DAY/NIGHT SERVICE Accounting Software, Guaranteed Confidential Support Used computers PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE CENTRE available occasionally d 985-9440 188 MARY STREET PORT PERRY, ONT. N SEND OR RECEIVE FAX (416) 985-3708