"A Family Tradition for 125 Years" As PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 22, 1991 - 17 Need for more affordable housing From Page 1 the plan will help alleviate the problem through the creation of additional dwellings through either new development or resi- dential intensification. The municipality believes that if the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw are amended, it will permit a wider range of res- idential uses and reduce zoning standards to encourage devel- opment on residential lands. Mrs. Proudfoot said there is a need to concentrate the resi- dential intensification efforts in the urban areas, notably Port Perry and the main cen- tral area, where the amenities are close and servicing will be Yvonne Christie available in the future. During a public hearing into the proposed amendments no strong opposition was heard concerning the proposal, and council will make a decision on the amendments at its Nov. 4 meeting. Mrs. Proudfoot also informed council that the Region of Dur- ham's concurrance on the Mu- nicipal Housing Study would not be forthcoming until early in 1992. She also informed council that the region wished to see more detailed housing policies for Scugog, especially dealing with the Housing Strat- egy Section of the Housing Statement. The region requested an ex- tension to March 1, 1992 to complete all the requirements of the Provincial Policy State- ment. Mrs. Proudfoot called upon council to permit such an exten- sion and also to extend the peri- od of the Community Planning Grant. Although no decision was made at the meeting, Mrs. Proudfoot told the Port Perry Star she was confident that council would support her re- quests. Mrs. Proudfoot has been working closely with the Town- ship on the preparation of the Municipal Housing Study. This study is required from all Onta- rio municipalites by the Minis- tries of Housing and Municipal Affairs. Residents hope for solutions to noise From Page 2 side of the building. Mr. Jermyn says he has in- formed the suppliers of these restrictions and they would monitor the situation. The residents made further requests to restrict from mak- ing deliveries without proper muffler systems, relocating fans to opposite sides of the building, and the sound proof- ing of the garbage dumping are- as. Although the residents would have liked to see the gar- bage bins moved to another lo- cation in the plant, they have accepted the committee's rec- ommendation that an opaque wall be constructed and the chute be insulated. In summary of their re- sponse, the residents wrote "We do not feel that these rec- ommendations will require a large cost expenditure consid- ering the size of the expansion Fall leaf pick-up begins Fall Leaf Pick up will be- gin tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 22) and will continue for five consecutive Wednes- days in Port Perry and Prince Albert. Residents are to place their leaves in clear plastic bags and place them at the curbside. The Region of Durham will have a large bin at the Transfer Station on Region- al Road 8 to receive leaves, provided they are placed only in clear plastic bags, or they may be dumped loosely into the bin. Fall leaf pick-up will take place Oct. 23 and 30, Nov. 6, 13 and 20. CRESSBROOK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 250 Queen Street, Port Perry 985-3832 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES in office servicing - one stop financing - private funding FAX 985-4103 that has taken place here, and are hopeful that we can see some resolutions to these noise problems in the near future." In Mr. Jermyn's letter he not- ed that various issues are being investigated by plant engineers and monitored. He also stated that the company will "contin- ue to be sensitive to the needs of our residential neighbors." Councillor Cochrane told council he feels the two sides are not far apart on the issues. "With co-operation from both sides, we're not that far apart." He further acknowledged that the company is "within its limits" and has done a consider- able amount to remedy the situ- ation. Councillor Pearce agreed with Councillor Cochrane, but added the residents would like "a timeframe for answers." Following the meeting, Councillor Pearce said she be- lieves the two sides are "closer to a compromise" and the com- mittee isonly acting as a media- tor at this point. She said both sides are "being patient and co- operative." She added however that the big issue at the present time was the question of a time- frame. Please recycle this newspaper The Durham Board of Education will nominate two representatives to the Scugog Public Library Board for a three year term, effective December 1, 1991. Interested persons should submit an application to: Mary Wylie, Communications Manager, The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 3H3. Applications must be received no later than Tuesday, November 5, 1991. ™E DU ok DEEPENING YOUR LOVE A Program for Marriage Enrichment + Understanding your Personality Differences « Finding Intimacy and Individuality « Getting the Love you Need + Healing the Past « Creating a Future + Keeping up to Date with one another + Resolving Conflicts + Putting the Joy and Romance back 6 FRIDAY EVENINGS BEGINNING NOVEMBER 8th. 7:30 - 9:30 PM. $180.% per couple Presented by Maureen Salkeld B.A. M.Ed. Port Perry's Marriage & Family Therapist TO REGISTER CALL: 985-8228 .- 985-0757 before November 4th. (maximum 12 couples). Port Perry Counselling Services: 462 Paxton Street,Port Perry DERSON CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE LTD. ORT PERRY auto glass & trim id orp retro setter mer ----------------7 Boat Tops, Seats & Complete Upholstery Sun Roofs, Tonneau Covers, Vinyl Tops Carpets, Cellular Telephones INSURANCE WORK -MOBILE SERVICE pe. 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