Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 8 Oct 1991, p. 46

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10 - PORT PERRY STAR - Real Estate Section - Tuesday, October 8, 1991 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 SALE TIME 6:00 P.M. 870 TAUNTON RD. E., WHITBY We are selling two estates from Oshawa including... new Roxton sofa & chair, almond 2 dr. frig., stove, dishwasher, 24" stove & apl. size frig, washer & dryer, chest freezer, 2 bed sofas, wall units, maple table & 2 chairs, microwave & cart, electric handi- capped can, Jakes & Hayes chair, swivel rockers, 303 rifle, 22 rifle, walnut table & 6 chairs, desk & oak chair, dressers, china cabi- net, videos, 3 pc. bedroom suite with 4 poster bed, brass book shelf, Filler Queen Vac, many small items, new sofas, love- seals, chairs, boxsprings & mat- tresses, coffee & end tables, re- clining sofa & chair, 7 pc. diner, upholstery fabric plus many other items. 1986 Ford Tempo, 1988 Dodge Aries. Nole time: 6 p.m., Viewing from 1:00 p.m. Thursday, MCLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUI- DATIONS 576-7550 OR 686- 3291. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME 5:00 P.M. Auction sale of antiques, collecta- bles, and appliances for Mr. and Mrs. George Darroch of Oakridg- es, plus a Stouffville home. Sell- ing at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Fridge, stove, Maytag portable dishwasher, Kenmore washer and dryer, Deep freeze, Microwave, Bed Chester- field (1 yr. old), RCA colour T.V., pressback rocker, 3 handmade quilts, smoker stand, wood carv- ing (team and wagon), sleigh bells, lantern, washboards, mar- ble roller, miniature flat irons, milk can, quarter peck, tins, pepper pail, 1926 Canada Map, match box holder, oil bottle, ant. screw 'drivers, elec. snowblower, plus many other items. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD. 985-1068. Sr SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 SALE TIME 6:30 P.M. *SATURDAY'S AUCTION AC- TION" Every Saturday night al 6:30 p.m., Pethick Auction Barn, 10 mi. N.E. of Oshawa. This week we have lo offer a large consign- ment of merch. from local dept. slore of off season, old stock, damaged container, car paris, sporting goods, household & oth- er pieces as well as our regular antique and modern furniture, ap- pliances, tools, lawn and garden equip., & much more. come and have a look at our Thanksgiving Day Sale. Terms are cash, cheque, or Visa. For more info. call 1-416-263-4252. Sale man- aged and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 SALE TIME 11:00 A.M. AGRICULTURE BUILDING ORONO FAIRGROUNDS Clearing auction of misc. articles, including a selection of fine china & glass & collectables from an older local home. Partial list to in- clude 3 dressers, old buffet, pine wall cupboard, childs school desks, 3 sewing machines, (in- cluding Singer treadle), wooden boxes, coal rack, old pictures, crocks, old Coke cooler, Coke cases, washboards, wicker, old records, tins & bottles, misc. chairs & tables, work bench, gar- den & shop tools, old mufflers & Ford tailgate, 5 h.p. Roper Snow- blower, gas lawnmower, plus a fine selection of quality china & glass (carnival depression, Nip- pon, elc.) Assorted linens & many articles found in and around the home. Sale consists of mostly smaller items with very few large pcs. but does include a fine selec- tion of unique and useful articles. (Note day & time) Next sale: Sat- urday, Ocl. 26 for H. Partner Plumbing and Heating, Orono. MACGREGOR AUCTIONS, MIKE MACGREGOR - 416-987- 5402, JUNIOR WEST 416-983- 5556. : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 SALE TIME 6:00 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lille Britain on County Road 4. Findlay Oval cookslove, anlique dressers, 6 matching pressback chairs, an- lique telephone swilch board, chesterfields, 3 pc & 4 pc. bed- room suites, qty. odd wooden kitchen chairs, Maylag wringer washer, washstand, coffee & end tables, wooden rocking chairs, re- finished oak dressers, walnul par- lour tables, chrome kitchen suite, Inglis Apartment Size Dryer, lable and floor lamps, walnut 1/2 moon tables, Brooklin airlight stove, Horse drawn buggy, Stevens Shot Gun - Winchester Cooey 22 Rifle with Scope - Score 90-91, Canadian Hockey Cards, plus other cards, plus a quantity of chi- na, glass, brass lamps, picture frames & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL, AUCTION- EERS, R. R. #1, LITTLE BRIT- AIN. Phone or fax 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 SALE TIME 5:00 P.M. Auction Sale at Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry. Furniture, appliances, antiques, rest of warehouse items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES - 655-8073. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME 11:00 A.M. Farm machinery plus miscellane- ous items. Sale includes a John Deere 2120 Diesel tractor with quick attach loader, 1978 Ford 350 1 ton stock truck, Int. Tan- dem dump lruck, 24' Goose neck catlle trailer, Tri-Axle trailer float (21,000 Ibs.) 4/18 Kiverland semi- mount plow, G.T. 370 Batch dryer 350 bu. capacity with loading au- ger and grain cleaner attachment, post-hole digger, scraper blade, gates plus many more items. For information or to consign items call KEVIN BARKER, AUCTION- EER, (705) 439-2101. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 SALE TIME 10:00 AM Auction Sale of Antiques, Collect- ables and Farm Machinery for the Estate of the late Edgar Fiss, #1240 Glen Major, located ap- prox. 6 miles south of Uxbridge on the 7th Conc. or 1 1/2 miles north of Balsam. Sale Includes: oak sideboards, pressback chairs, rocking chairs, cupboards, dining room tables, oak lables, ant. pictures and frames, beds, dressers, mantle clock, old dishes, glassware, cookslove, 1948 Case tractor, rifle, slat. en- gines, tools, 1979 Caprice Classic plus much, much more. See last week's issue for full details. Note: There has never been an auction on the Fiss homestead farm. Two auction rings. GARY HILL AUC- TIONS - Sunderland 1-705-357- 2185 or ML. Albert 1-416-473- 2138. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 SALE TIME 5:00 P.M. Auction Sale for a private collector selling at Neil Bacon Auclions Ltd., corner of Hwy 12 and 47. TO INCLUDE: over 500 pcs. of Tav- ern accessories. ie: neon lights, posters, trays, beer can collection and bottle collections, 4 display cases. 1300 comic books includ- ing sets of Hulk Hogan, Super- man, Jimmy Olsen, Spiderman, Batman, Lois Lane plus others. 200 singles and anniversary edi- tions including Popeye, Archie, Felix, Sylvaster, Batboy. HOCKEY CARDS: 1989 Upper Deck and Pro Set, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1982, 1983, OPEE-CHEE, plus 50s and 60s Hull, Orr, Mikita, and Leafs. Baseball Blue Jay Set personally aulographed, Souvenier aulo- graphed sheets, several showcas- es, plus Pizza oven and other household items. NOTE: All above items are from one collector dat- ing back to the 40s and 50s. 1987 Aries car. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. i & #5 7 Note the Sale Time and changes at the Woodville Community Sale Barn effective Saturday, Oc- tober 19th. SHEEP & GOAT SALE. First at 10 a.m. followed by pigs then bob calves. Cattle Sale slarts at 12:30. For more informa- tion call Kevin Barker (705) 439- 2101. THANKSGIVING DAY SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 SALE TIME 11:00 A.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon, 10 mi. N.E. of Oshawa, take 401 east lo exit 431, Waverly Rd. North 8 miles to 8th con. of New- castle and follow signs. This sale promises lo have some of the best pcs. we have offered this year, to include a 10 pc. Mahoga- ny dining rm. suite, Mahog. record cabinel, superb Oak hall stand w/lion head hooks, 48" & 60" round oak tables & chairs, oak bow-front china cabinel, oak flat-front china cabinet, new 3 pc. chesterfield suite, oak, pine and ash servers, dressers, wash- stands, Jacques & Hayes setlee sels & chairs, parlour tables, unu- sual oak fireplace mantle w/ leaded glass doors, platform rock- ers, and lots of other furniture pcs. Glass and china to include Nippon, Royal Crown Derby, Roy- al Doulton, Depression, Camival, Pinwheel, Limoge, Cornflower, Spode, lots of English china. Signed ltd. edition prints by A.J. Casson, Robt. Bateman, Trish Romance, Terry Redlin, Ron Parker, James Lumbers, and more. Also old barbers chair and several gramophones w/brass horns, plus lots more interesting and unusual pcs. This is a very large sale, come early for a good seal. Terms are cash, cheque, or Visa. Lunch available. For more info. call 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. a bit 03 - "Scugog's Community SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 SALE TIME 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of new trusses for Lake Scugog Lumber of Port Perry. Localed jus! south of Port Perry on Simcoe Streel. To be sold: Approx. 50 lots of new lrusses. Typical lol enough for 25 x 34, 22 x 28, 26 x 32 build- ing. For full details call Dean Abraham at 985-9716. SALE SOLD AND MANAGED BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985- 1068. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Consignment Sale Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay Accepting tractors, farm machinery, recreation vehicles, riding lawnmowers, boats,, cars, trucks, trailers, snowmobiles, construction equip., shop tools, etc. For advertising consign by OCT. 9 - Bring to barn or phone (705) 324-2783. os YOU'LL FIND IT A set of golf clubs, a new apartment, good used cars, boats, appliances. planocs, lawn mowers, and much more in the PORT PERRY STAR "CLASSIFIEDS" GST Auction at Nursing Home raises $3000 for dream trip By Wendy Clark auction. The residents of the Nursing Home successfully raised over $3,000 for their dream trip. Our GST auction was a big hit. A special thank you to all those who donated time or items to help us out; it is greatly appre- ciated. A special thank you to Howard Hall who purchased the auctioneering service and donated it back to the Nursing Home so we can have another Throughout the last week of September we were kept busy baking for Applefest. Other ac- tivities we took part in were Bingo, hymn sing and crafts. Freedom fashions set up shop on the 25th and many res- idents bought new fall outfits. These clothes are especially de- signed for the elderly. On Friday the 27th we went for a delightful scenic drive in the cash reward. ask for Crime Stoppers. Region of Durham Crime Stoppers program a success Crime Stoppers has now been in operation in Durham Re- gion for 5 1/2 years and has been very successful. Crime Stoppers will take information on any criminal of- fence. Your call will be treated confidentially. A code number will be given to each caller for further contact. This means you never have to give your name, just refer to your number. If the information leads to an arrest you will be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. This again is just between Crime Stoppers and you. Police don't pay the money out, Crime Stop- pers does. The system for picking up the cash will be explained over the phone to those who qualify, upon approval from the ci- vilian board. As soon as the arrest is made you are eligible for If you are in doubt about calling up with information, please don't hesitate. Sometimes information which you may think is insignificant and not worthy of reporting may be the final part of the puzzle. Only the police can tell. Ifin doubt, call us. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppers hotline is 436-8477 and is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The phone num- ber can be dialed from most areas in the region free of charge. However, if you find that it is long distance you can call collect or call through your local Durham Regional Police number and No calls are ever recorded or traced. Again, if in doubt about information, call us at 436-8477. That's 436-TIPS. the country. Applefest in downtown Port Perry was a great success. Our bake table took in a good profit - which will go toward the Flori- da Fund. A special thank you to our precious volunteers who helped to run the baking table. The very last day of Septem- ber was spent doing fall clean- ing in the activity room. On Oct. 1 we decorated throughout the home in honor of the har- vest season. We also held a "thankful" discussion along with harvest stories and poems . The next day we held mani- cures and shoe shine. As it was such a comfortable day out, many were able to enjoy some outside walks. Thursday saw many craft ac- tivities as everyone is busily getting ready for the upcoming bazaar. After supper it was fun times with some games. An- other great week ended with baking batches of Xmas pud- ding. It was also Banana Split Day. Sales were at the top. Birthday wishes are extend- ed to Mrs. Muriel Garrison (Oct. 9), Mrs. Betty Terrett (Oct. 9), Mrs. Helen Petty (Oct. 17) and Mr. Lorne Parrott (Oct. 17). Upcoming events through- out October are Craft Club (7:30 p.m., Oct. 9), Thanksgiv- ing Dinner (6 p.m., Oct. 10), Residents Council Meeting (2 p.m., Oct. 16), Barber (7 p.m., Oct. 16), Pub Night (7 p.m., Oct. 17), Shopping Trip (9:30 a.m., Oct. 18), and Harvest Tea (Oct. 22). Please come and join us. We'd love to have your company . ANDY ANDREWS A record of Who is running Where and for What. Se, MAYOR HOWARD HALL (incumbent) GLENN MALCOLM REGIONAL COUNCILLOR YVONNE CHRISTIE (incumbent) COLIN KEMP AREA COUNCILLOR HARVEY GRAHAM WARD ONE COUNCILLOR AL BERTRAND FRED CANNING KEN CARRUTHERS CONNIE SOUTHERN WARD TWO COUNCILLOR PAUL MICHEL MARILYN PEARCE (incumbent) WARD THREE COUNCILLOR JOHN ABBOTT kEN GADSDEN JIM TOWER WARD FOUR COUNCILLOR DAVID DIETLEIN CHUCK HILL SCHOOL BD. JOYCE KELLY BOBBIE DREW SEPARATE SCHOOL BD. KATHY LeFORT JOHN SACCO DURHAM REGION

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