J 26 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 8, 1991 | EEE oo "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Jim and Dorothy McHarg will be celebrating their 50th An- niversary on Oct. 11. They first met at a relative's wedding and after they were married, lived in Kingston for almost 46 years before moving to Port Perry four years ago. They have two daughters, Tallya Moore, in Blackstock, and Mary Jonah in Kanata, outside Ottawa, and two grandsons, Gregory and Todd. Family members will be holding an Open House for them on Oct. 13 at the Ramada Inn in Kingston, after 2 p.m. AVAILABLE IN: STYLES, COLORS lee EN=ENe= ALL VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOW "Traditional White Oxford Blue *Avocado Green «Sandstone *Dove Grey <Deep Bronze «Almond «Choose casement, double hung, side shder or hall-tound styles, each cusiom cralted to fit your window replacement project. Easy-lo-clean 'No mainlenance 8 Rogiciued badomark of Dashwood Indk ies Limited™ T1ad rk pending WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE BDASHWOOD' Ogee En a 1200 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa, 436-1344 550 Lansdowne St. W., Peterborough, 745-2223 What all in-stock Bibles until Oct. 22, 1991 SF) 534 Queen St., Port Perry 985-3880 Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm. Closed Thursday "Fire Won't Wait - Plan Your Escape," is the theme of Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 6-12. Local Fire Departments en- courages preparedness and has provided the following guide- lines on how to plan your es- cape in the event of a fire. Approximately 80 per cent of all fire fatalities in Canada oc- cur in our homes. There is clear evidence that early detection and warning, coupled with a well-rehearsed home escape plan, can and do, provide pre- cious extra time to escape a fire. Seconds count, and the less time spent deciding who will carry the baby or trying to open a painted-shut window, the more time you have to get out safely." The most current statistics available state that in 1989, 67,200 fires were reported in Canada. There were 497 civil- ian deaths and 2,431 civilian fire injuries in these fires. The property damage caused by these fires was 1.2 billion. It is not enough to install a smoke detector in the home, this can lull the home owner into a false sense of security. It is important for the home own- er to understand that a smoke detector is only one aspect of a comprehensive home fire safe- ty plan. In addition to install- ing, maintaining and testing smoke detectors properly, a well-planned and frequently rehearsed home fire plan is ab- solutely vital to the safety of all household members. Have you and your family practiced a home fire escape drill in the last three months? Six months? A year? Does your household have a home fire es- cape plan? Too many readers will answer "no" to these ques- tions and that's troubling the members of fire departments. "Because such a large share" of fires occur in the home, it is especially important that home fire drills be planned and con- - ducted in all homes. But, fire escape planning should not be limited to the home, where ever you are, hotel, theatre, or airplane, you should be aware of exits and be sure they are unobstructed." In an effort to emphasize the importance of planning a fire escape before the fire, "Fire Won't Wait-Plan Your Escape" has been chosen at this year's Fire Prevention Week theme. Fire Departments recom- mends that all members of the household participate in a home escape plan. Youngsters can help by drawing and color- ing a floor plan showing exits. Two ways out of each room should be identified and indi- cated in the floor plan. Special provisions should be made for infants and very old and physi- cally impaired family mem- bers, including locating their sleeping areas near an exit on the ground level if possible, and putting someone in charge of helping them with their es- pe. Once the escape-plan has been established, a walk- through is a good idea to try out each exit. Make sure win- dows open easily and that no exits are obstructed by furnish- ings, toys or heavy objects. Also, test a smoke detector so everyone knows what the alarm sounds like and instruct children to react appropriately to the alarm. Teach children about the im- portance of getting out in the event of a fire and how to call for emergency help from a neighbor's phone. Finally, lo- cate a meeting place outside, a Perform reqular escape drills "Fire Won't Wait, Plan Your Escape", is theme of Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 6-12 safe distance from the home, where everyone will go to wait for the firefighters. Everyone should be reminded, but espe- cially children that once safely out of a burning bulding you must stay out, and leave the rescuing to the fire depart- ment. You must never go back in for anyone or anything. When you have developed an escape plan and everyone knows two ways out of each room, conduct fire drills regu- larly. Practice fire-safety beha- viours such as stop, drop and roll, and crawl low under smoke. Rehearsing how to es- cape is important, because in a real fire, smoke is very diso- rienting. If you have planned well and practiced your escape, you will be more likely to get out safely under actual smoke and fire conditions. For more information on planning fire escape routes or other fire-safety tips, contact your local fire department. The Whitby Fire Depart- ment invites all citizens to visit the fire halls in Whitby this week for displays and videos on fire prevention. Free draws for adults and children will also be held. Open Houses will be held at Hall 3, 201 Brock Street South daily from 2 p.m., Hall 2, 1600 Manning Road, daily, Hall 1, Vipond Street, Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Hall 4, Mrytle Road East on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Pizza party, Oct. 25 RS PRE RI Utica News by Vera Brown lr a Friday night is the regular euchre to be held at 8 p.m. in Utica Hall. FOR ALL YOUR V4 TET The Bridal Touch £4 BRIDAL NEEDS Zz 209 Mary Street, Port Perry (located in the Personal Touch building) 985-8208 Nellie Stell | Prepare for W AGID'S Fall Home Maintenance Plan inter with a i |« Trough Cleaning Eb |» Leaf Raking i" | Down Pipe Guards (Per 4) 2% |+ Weather Stripping (Per 2) {| Turn off & Bleed - | Outside Taps « Any 3 Comb for $99.00 | 3% « Any 4 Comb for $129.00 | - H « All Five for $149.00 + (GST included) INDIVIDUAL PRICES AVAILABLE Call Wally at: - 985-3118 - A reminder to everyone that this Friday starting at 11 a.m. there will be a pie and yard sale at the home of Irene Field- ing with proceeds going to the UCW. Thanksgiving Sunday ser- vices will be held in Utica Unit- ed Church starting at 11 a.m. Donations for the local food banks will be collected by the Sunday School children during the service. Looking ahead to Oct. 20, the Sunday School invites eve- ryone to muffins and coffee fol- lowing the Church service. On Oct. 25, the Sunday School is holding a Pizza Party with everyone being invited. There will be more information on this at a later date. The time of the party is from 5 p.m. to7 p.m. Utica beware, we have a new teenager as of today. Birthday greetings to Trevor MacSween. Irene Fielding and Georgina Sutcliffe enjoyed a bus tour on Sunday afternoon with the First Heritage Tour which took in many historical sites in the Uxbridge area and enjoyed the pretty Autumn colors. On Saturday, Irene Fielding visited with Nancy Sturman and her new daughter at their home on Scugog Island.