"A Family Tradition for 125 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 24, 1991 - 19 Jessie Dysart retires after 34 Jessie McArthur Dysart, a former Cartwright High School teacher has retired after teach- ing 34 years in Ontario secon- deryschodls She is the daughter of Mrs. John A. McArthur and the late Dr. John McArthur of Black- stock. Mrs. Dysart taught at Cart- wright High School in her first year of teaching in 1956-57. Other schools she taught at included: West Hill Collegiate in Scarborough, Medway High School in London, Selkirk Col- legiate (Fort William) Thunder Bay, Alliston Banting Memori- al High School, and Crestwood Secondary School in Peterbo- rough. She also taught in Metz, France with the Department of National Defence on loan from the Peterborough Suburban Board of Education. In 1967 Mrs. Dysart began teaching at Crestwood Secondary School in Peterborough and remained there until her retirement on Aug. 31,1991. Mrs. Dysart was honored on many occasions this past May and June. On May 27 she was honored at a reception of the Kawartha District Athletic Association, where she had spent 23 years as the association's women's secretary. On June 4, the Peterborough County Board of Education held a retirement dinner in her honor at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club where she was presented with a framed scroll. The following day, at a Crest- wood athletic assembly she was presented with a dozen red ros- es and a plaque from the Crest- wood Athletic Association. She was the advisor for the girls' athletic association for 28 years, and was a coach of gym- nastics, basketball, volleyball, cross country running, and track and field. She also received a plaque at the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation reception the same day. On June 14 a Crestwood staff party was held in Stoney Creek where she was presented with a picture of Hutchinson House in Peterborough done by Neil Broadfoot, head of the Art De- partment at Crestwood. She was the recipient of the "Pete Beach" special award (which originated from the On- tario Federation of School Ath- letic Association) at a June 20 Central Ontario Secondary School Association meeting. A retirement party was held at the home of Julie and Ty Burch on June 22. She was pre- sented with a framed picture of herself and four girls gold med- al winners of the 4x100 metre relay at the O.F.S.A A. champi- onships in June 1973. The pic- ture by Hank Sampson is very special to Mrs. Dysart as it is the only O.F.S.A A. gold medal won by Crestwood to date. On June 23 a O.F.S. AA. din- ner was held at McMaster Un- versity to honor those who had spent considerable time with Hood - Green Blackstock Anglican Church in Blackstock, was the setting for the marriage of Natalie Green and James Hood on June 22nd, 1991. Rev. Charles Bull officiated at the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Jack and Helen Green of Blackstock. The groom is the son of James and Mary Hood of Oshawa. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was attended by her maid of honor, Tara Bailey of Blackstock. The bridesmaids were Nancy Green of Blackstock, Carol Bond of Oshawa, Lori Hartung of Portland Ore. and Angela Duivesteyn of Blackstock. Jamie Bebbington of Oshawa was the best man. The ushers were Mike Deramaix of Oshawa, Dave Bond of Oshawa, Bryan Green and Bryce Green, both of Blackstock. Following a reception held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre, the couple honeymooned on the East Coast. The newlyweds live in Oshawa. SIC LTD. 305 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario (416) 885-2635 TTT _-- the organization. Mrs. Dysart had spent 12 Le years with the Women's Com- mittee and Board of Directors. On June 25 Mrs. Dysart was honored again at a Crestwood coaches party at Stoney Creek. Mrs. Dysart received her B.A. in Science from the Uni- versity of Toronto, and attend- ed the College of Education in Toronto. She later received her specialist in physical and health education from Queen's University in Kingston. Mrs. Dysart and her husband Norm worked in the same de- partment of physical and health education at Crestwood for 26 and one half years. Mrs. Dysart was the head of girls' physical and health education since 1962. Mr. Dysart was the head of the boys' physical edu- cation department at Crest- wood until his retirement on Jan. 31, 1989. At one time Mrs. Dysart had special contact with the Port Perry Star. She was selected as one of six girls of the Girls' Aux- iliary of the Anglican Church in Canada in 1953 to attend the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the II in London, England. She spent seven weeks in England and Scotland and by request of the Port Perry Star sent weekly letters of her trip which were published in the Star. years of teaching Jessie Dysart, who taught at Carwright High School as well as other Ontario secondary schools, retired on Aug. 31. PHIL BRANTON Call 985-4575 SATELLITE TV SYSTEMS Brooklin General SALES & SERVICE Electronics Houston Tracker » Uniden » Echostar 1207 King St., Manchester Service available on all MAKES & MODELS Jackets ¢ Long Coats * Snowsuits e Bunting Bags Sizes 12 to 30 months -2to3x-4to6x-7 to 14 Ladies Velour Ensembles in rich fall colours Mix and Match Mews Warm Quilted Shirts & Lumber Jackets Sale Ends September 28, 1.991 Cir{eled € QUEEN ST PORT PERRY