"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Blackstock Co-operative Nursery School is still accepting Registration for the 1991-1992 school year. 2 yr. old (parent & tot) 3 & 4 yr. old programs still available. To register call Karen Kadowaki at 986-4263 DAVID CHOW'S RESTAURANT will be closed from Thursday September 5th to Thursday September 12th We will re-open Friday September 13th. DRIVING SCHOOL 985-8124 Ont. Safety League Certificate Tax Deductible Low Insurance NOTICE SCUGOG TOWNSHIP HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICK-UPS Mon. Sept. 2nd will be picked up Tues. Sept. 3rd Tues. Sept. 3rd will be picked up Wed. Sept 4th Have a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday Pederson Trucking & Disposal vidi A FEW SPOTS availabte for Com- munity Nursing Homes & Villa's Christmas Bazaar, Dec. 7 -- 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more informa- tion call Kim Mitchell. 985-3205. 4 THE UX-POOL is accepting registration for their fall dance and swim classes. Please call the Ux-Pool for more information. 852-7831. PLUS BUS DAY Trip - Sept. 19 - "Mennonite Country." Lunch, guided countryside tour, in: cluding "Buggy Factory" visit. Call Barb 436-9454 (Tues. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) or 6558550 (machine). S4 EUCHRE - Prince Albert Com- munity Centre - starting Thurs: day, August 22 and each Thurs- day following. Time: 8 p.m. Ad- mission: $1.50. Prizes and lunch. A 20 THIS WEEK'S feature the new release "Home Alone" loaned to you free of charge when you order any large New York Style Pizza at the Meating Place. $5 off coupon still applies. UXBRIDGE CHAMBER Choir Auditions - August 28 & 29. For in- formation call Diane Ralph 852-9569 or Donna VanVeghel 985-7040. A 27 BICHON FRISE puppy. 3 months, female, vet checked, first needles, house broken, loves children $250. 985-7663. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, registered. Hundezwinger Ken- nels has two 7'2 week old male puppies available. Top American and Canadian bloodlines, cham pion sired. Dam is an Omar daughter. Call 416-985-2555. 1982 HONDA Custom 500 V twin, rad cooled, drive shaft, 40,000 km. - must sell - $800. 985-0702. S 4 1983 HONDA CR125 - good condi- tion - $850 firm; 1986 Dunlop Dinghy, wooden flrbrds., rated for 15 h.p. motor - good condition - $800 or B.O. 985-1461. WANTED -- LADIES for Wednesday afternoon bowling league. Please call 985-7534. CARTWRIGHT MINOR Ball - general meeting to be held Sun- day, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Nestleton Community Center. EPSOM-UTICA United Church - Beef Barbecue, Friday, Sept. 6 at Utica Hall - 5-7:30 p.m. Adults: $9; Ages 6-12: $4.50; 5 & under: - Free. For tickets call: Irene Fielding 985-7453 or Vera Brown 985-7564. S4 AIR STREAM Travel trailer - 31°, electric jack, microwave, stabilizers, awnings, air. 985-2646. S4 35' GLENDETTE house trailer, park modgh}2 tip-outs - $9,500. 985-4314. : S24 FLEA MARKET - Old & New - Open Sat.9a.m.-4p.m.; Sun. 12 - 4 p.m. 125 Reach Industrial Park Rd. S24 LABOUR DAY weekend - Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 - Va mile east of Utica. Something for everyone. FIVE FAMILY yard sale - Sat. Aug. 31,9a.m.-3p.m. First time - lots of goodies, old & new. 123 Summit Dr., Caesarea. VISIT OUR yard sale on your way to the fair. Everything priced te sell - 432 Balsamgbt., Sat. Aug. 3 -9a.m.- 4pm. HOLIDAY WEEKEND - 3590 7A Hwy. - 4th house east of Caesarea cut off. Come and take a look. ANTIQUES, lawn chairs, doors, windows, sinks, furniture, etc. Blackstock on Durham 57 near 7A. A 27 SAT., AUG. 31-8a.m.-3p.m. - 46 Ash St. 1984 Ski-doo 250 Bravo - $1,200 or B.O. Queen size waterb- ed - $250 or B.O. Phone 985-0913. WHOLE BLOCK yard sale - Maple Street, Sat., Aug.31-8a.m. Rain Date: Sunday. SAT. & SUN., Aug. 31 & Sept. 1. Household goods, lumber, some farm machinery and supplies, 1982 Honda Accord and books. 1775 Scugog Line 3, South on Oshawa Rd. to Line 3 - follow signs. FOLK ART NO. 1 BORELIA Cres. (Co-op), CLAS SES Port Perry, Sat., Aug. 31 - 9a.m. ¥ AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1- 14070 Old Sim- Open House and £28 Rd., Prince Albert. Desk, . : resser, sports cards an misc. os Np items. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 12 - 4 pm BRIGNALL SALE - Sat., Aug. 3) . i - 1 block south of 7A on Old Sim- Beginners & Experienced coe Rd. Lots of good things - come Painters early. INTERESTED? 3 Call Leslic at 985-0546 Don't waste My Consitty this space. Bungalow Small ads pay! 1st Scugog Scouting Registration for Beavers. Cubs, Scouts Wednesday September 11th 1991 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Prince Albert School Gymnasium information Call 985-9039 Happy 6th Birthday Aug.31 91 Jennifer Archer Love & Kisses Gramie & Grampie We know your not over the hill yet... But you must have a pretty good view! Happy 50th Carol Love the Family If you see Rob Mairs on September 2nd, SOWS & PIGLETS for sale and free kittens. 985-3352. TWO FRIDGES - one stove, washer & dryer, good condition Phone 985-0846. Sa LIVING ROOM furniture, kitchen suite, tv, and other household items. Reasonable prices. 1-705-786-3262. Sa PICK YOU OWN vegetables, tomatoes, spanish onions, etc. Linton's - Simcoe St. S., 1.7 km. left on Raglan Rd. E. Hours 8 am. -8 p.m. TF 22 BUNDLES NEW wood shingles No. 2 perfection. Pressure treated - $25/per bundle. Call 985-7675. MAPLE CRIB & change/bath table - good condition - $150 for both. 985-9113. INGLIS washer & dryer - $150; Moffat dryer, heavy duty - $125; fridge & stove (gold) - $150. 985-4832. BRAND NEW 10,000 BTU Fed- ders air conditioner $475. 985-7715. BLACK FIREPLACE doors - $50 or best offer. 985-7624. MOVING SALE - sofa bed, coffee and end tables, recliner, large pine country kitchen suite, etc. 986-4422. PICK YOUR OWN vegetables. Green & yellow beans, beets, cucumbers. Linton's Simcoe St. S., 1.7 km. left on Raglan Rd. E. Hours: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. TF ARABIAN MARE - age 10, 15.1 hands high, excellent bloodline, disposition, conformation, and ac- tion. Proven good broodmare. Must sell. Phone 1-705-793-2275. MASSEY FERGUSON Haybine, Model 81 - good condition, inside storage, extra knife. 416-655-3977. A 27 ELECTROLUX - Service, Supply & Sales, 60 Vanedward Dr.. Port Perry. Over Ridge Retail. 985-0715. TF AIRTIGHT STOVES & fireplaces, inserts and zero clearance, new and used. Over Ridge Retail, Port Perry. 985-0715. TF TV ANTENNA - complete with rotor, excellent condition. 986-9616 or 416-689-8046. A 27 FORD FARM tractor, Series 3000, c/w snow blade, excellent shape, well maintained - $6,200. 985-0036. FIREWOOD - quality, seasoned 16' hardwood, hand split. $160/cord. Limited quantity. 1-705-944-8801, 6 - 11 p.m. J 30 GUNS WANTED by private col- lector, any make old or new. Single pieces or whole collections. Immediate cash. 852-3986. J 30 WOODSHAVINGS - clean kiln dried, bagged, blown in and dumped. Call Reliable Wood Shavings 1-416-775-5805. J 16 HADDEN SATELLITE SYS- TEMS - Satellite systems, towers, rotors, Cantel cellular phones, sales, service, installation. 852-3796. MUST SELL - buildings, instalt- ed, pole or stud wall design, eg. MICRO FURNACES (original) will be available at the Port Perry Fair, Saturday, Sunday & Mon- day. 705-324-7047. 1975 RAMBLER trailer, sleeps 6. fridge, stove, bathroom - $3,000 or best offer. 986-4691. WATERBED - super single with headboard and bed caps - $150. 985-7645. IVORY & ROYAL Ching Rug 9x12 - 100 per cent wool - $450. Also, double stroller, navy $85. 985-8375. puter c/w hard drive, amber monitor and keyboard. (416) 985-8576. 10 FT. OAK curtain rod with ring - $50; Brownie uniform, size 10 - $25; Franklin woodstove - ex- cellent shape - $20; Kenmore Space Saver Microwave - $100; Beaver vest, tie, hats, worn 3 times, size 8 - $10. Call 985-1010. SAND, GRAVEL, limestone. Gary Carter 985-8588 after 6 p.m. FIREWOOD - top quality, one year seasoned hardwood, hand cut, split & delivered (not machine processed). Reasonable rates. Lindsay yard-corner 36 & 7 Hwys. Kinmount Hwy. 121 for pickup. Free kindling with each order. Visa & Mastercard ac- cepted. Galway Wood Products - 705-488-2001. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dryers & freezers. 986-5312. 1988 SEADOO - low hours & well maintained with cover - $3,500. 986-4555. COUCH, CHAIR, end table & cof- fee table - best offer. 986-0230. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. HAY & STRAW - delivered, round & square bales, small & large lots. Tom Beers 705-432-2675. BAUER 2000 skates - 3 pairs, sizes 1, 12 & 6. Cooperalls, gloves and shoulder pads to fit age 6-9, also a Cooper GM20 goal mitt. Please call 985-0645. ONE BRASS pedestal table & 4 chairs, good condition - $150.00 firm. 2 circulating pool pumps - A) condition - best offer. 985-3323. PEPPY LITTLE Honda dirt bike 50cc. Ideal for beginners - $200 or best offer. 985-3183. WOODWORKERS - looking for a table saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, band saw, radial arm saw, dry kiln or drum sander? Cail Port Perry 985-2443 or 985-2123. - VAN CAMP Contracting Lid. Sand, gravel, limestone, screened topsoil, bulldozing, excavating, ponds. 985-8469. A 27 LIKE NEW! 1989 Buick LeSabre Ltd. White w/burgundy interior, vinyl roof, trunk rack, power everything, climate control, am/fm cassette. Looks and drives like new - asking $13,900 - must sell. 985-3009. S4 1990 BERETTA GT - automatic, 28,000 kms, fully equipped with air conditioning - 14,500. 985-0914. 10 1987 BUICK Skyhawk, 4 cyl., 4 door, one owner, excellent condi- tion, 88,000 kms., $6,000 or B.O. 985-7473. 1988 BERETTA GT - V6, auto, air, ps. pb, red & silver, 90,000 kms., very good condition, certified - $8,200. 985-2006. WILLOWTREE FARM MARKET Fresh sweet corn picked daily Fresh fruits & vegetables Farm baked pies & cookies Local Apples - Yellow Transparent, Vista Bella Peaches- Red Haven, StoneFree Bartlett pears Canning Plums Orders Taken - Large or Small 985-4973 (market) pn Open Daily A . WILLOWTREE §| ws \y AL & FARM * » CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $7.50 first 15 words; 20¢ each word following. REPEAT: Second insertion discount (same ad, no changes) .....$2.50 PHOTOGRAPHS: Extra charge. . PROOF REQUIRED: copy must be received no later than THURSDAY NOON, prior to Insertion. DISPLAY ADVERTISING: For rates and information call 985-7383. Classified Advertising must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 12 NOON Monday preceeding publication. GST is applicable on all advertising and subscriptions. DEADLINE for DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MONDAY at 12: NOON 5:00 DEADLINE for BUSINE SS DIRECTORY wish him a 30° x a, $9,840 or 40° x 70° - $17,800. Call today 416-372-0629. S Happy 40th. 10 i SLANT & motor - best offer. Love ,Your Family SLANT Congratulations to Elmer & Audrey Lee on their 50th Wedding Anniversary August 30th Your loving family, Larry & Judy, Bob & Joanne; Grandchildren Steve, Sheila, Shari, Jennifer, Dana; Great Grand daughter Lisa THURSDAYS at 5:00 P.M. {No Ad Copy changes after 10:00 AM on Mondays) NOTICE: Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all advertising, the Port Perry Star accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is liable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisment in which the error occured in relation to the entire advertisement, and accepts no liablity for non-insertion of any advertisement. It an error should occur, it must be brought to the attention of the Port Perry Star before the following publication. The publisher reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an advertisment. The Port Perry Star does not, at any time, knowningly accept fraudulent or objectionable advertising. Readers are asked to please report misrepresentation by an advertiser to this newspaper. All advertising layouts and compositions of advertisments produced by employees of the Port Perry Star are protected by copyright. 188 MARY ST. - PORT PERRY - 985-7383 FAX 985-3708