"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Here they are "brimming" Jennifer Smith shop. "Things were really expensive there," says Jennifer. (left) has just returned from a Rotary Clubs International exchange with Swedish student Lina Blomberg. with enthusiasm in a Swedish hat EASY TO GET ATTACHED TO Rotary Club exchange By Gillian Barfoot Jennifer Smith doesn't have a drop of Swedish blood in her, but she does have family there. On Aug. 13 she returned from Sweden, where she stayed with Lina Blomberg and her Blue Jays won, for once," re- members Jennifer. Lina found the local resi- dents really friendly, and espe- cially enjoyed Port Perry's Fes- tival Days, she says. Communication was no prob- w Area student visits Sweden just over the border in Norway, and also took the ferry across to Helsinki, Finland. There were two movie thea- tres and a disco on the ship, Jennifer remembers. They met people from all over Europe on family. lem because Lina was fluent in the ship. "Her family was great," says English. The Swedes learn it in She and Lina stayed with 17-year-old Jennifer. "I feel school and from watching Linas aunt in Stockholm, like theyre my family. I want- American movies, explains where they visited the tourist ed to stay there." Jennifer. at®actions and went shopping. Jennifer was participating in a Rotary Clubs International exchange trip. She applied for the trip in October but only found out she was going in April. She and Lina, 16, made all the arrangements for the trip themselves. Lina visited her in Port Perry from June 20 to July 16, and then the two girls flew to Sweden. She and Lina had a packed schedule. They visited Niagara Falls, Canada's Wonderland, and went shopping in down- town Toronto. Then there were the movies, mini-golfing, go- carting, the bands and fire- works at Molson Park on Cana- da Day, and Chicago and Vio- lent Femmes concerts. They also went to SkyDome to watch a baseball game -- "the "But it was hard at first be- cause I talk really fast." By the time they left for Swe- den, Lina had picked up sever- al slang terms, such as "Awe- some", "Get out of here", and "Dude". The flight to Stockholm, Sweden took eight hours. With the six hour wait in the New- ark airport plus the time differ- ence, "it was like staying awake for 26 hours," says Jen- nifer. Lina's home, Karlskoga, is three hours north of Stock- holm. Karlkoga is about the size of Whitby, says Jennifer. She liked Lina's friends and they went out to parties at the beach, park and disco. "They don't party like we do here," she says. "Their parties are a lot smaller." She discovered that Swedes have to be 18 years old before they can drive, so they don't tend to travel out of town too often. "Everyone is healthy there,' Jennifer says. While there she spent time doing aerobics, walking, biking and swim- ming. guest speaker "We were always doing something," she says, adding that Lina's mother kept trying to get her to eat more. She describes the popular "smorgas-cake", which is a They also went to a concert to see Swedish rapper Dr. Al- bane, who sang half his songs in Swedish and half in English. Jennifer learned some Swed- ish words, but says Lina's friends teased her when she tried to speak it. "I can't roll my Rs properly," she explains. She says she and Lina be- came good friends during the two months they spent togeth- er. Since Jennifer returned to Port Perry, she and Lina have already talked to each other on the phone three times. "In most exchanges, the peo- ple get sick of each other, but we got along great," she says. If all goes well, she and Lina hope to get together again next summer. Lina is planning to visit dur- ing Festival Days next sum- mer, then Jennifer hopes to go back with her and travel around Europe on a rail pass. "I want to go back," she says. McClure to be Dr. Robert McClure, for- mer United Church modera- tor, will be the guest speak- er at the Manchester United (CV Ne [= ~ | 7N = ho | large round ~manylayered | Ghyych 125th Anniversary = nL sandwich cut into wedges. Service. 4 J 7 Ne Jennifer was able to see The church will celebrate rd ~ " poe of she neighboring coun- | 4,0" ch ecial anniversary on dl AZ TIES a8 well. Se Sunday, Sept. 15. The ser- \ The girls went hiking in the 47 7 = mountains in a national park Heehoginsat 11am. ers -- = = F 7 7 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Soe 2 \ A ; SAN 73 7; Flute, Voice and Music Theory (all levels) / : Beginners and advanced students 0 2 ar Nicholas Barakett 08 5 4 522 2 iQ j » A.R.C.T,B. Mus, M.A. = ; i . 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