PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 9, 1991 -- 1 Miscellaneous shower on April 29 -- her way - She understands her iii Rotary Club of Port Perry On Monday, April 29 there will be a community miscellaneous shower for Michelle McCabe, daughter of John and Madeline McCabe at Greenbank Hall at 8 p.m. Friends, neighbours and relatives of the McCabe's family are cordially invited to attend. Erla Hill has just returned home after enjoying a trip to Washington D.C. to view the Cherry Blossom Parade. Next weekend is the final sale of "Loaf of Bread" for the Organ Fund at the 'Chicken Coop" in Greenbank. Only 16 loaves were sold this week. There is to be a special United Church Women's Church service in Greenbank on Sunday April 28 at 11 a.m. An interesting service is planned. On May 1 at 8 p.m. there is to be a joint service of the U.C.W.'s in Greenbank with Seagrave and Pinedale ladies invited. Dr. Arlene Hackner will be our guest speaker. If anyone has eye glasses please collect them for us. A "Book Fair" is to be spon- sored by our evening groups of U.C.W. on April 27 and April 28 in Greenbank Church. These make ideal gifts. Greenbank Guide, Pathfinder and Brownie Report We would like to let Greenbank and surrounding areas know that we'll be selling our Girl Guide Cookies this Saturday. The girls will be going door-to-door selling Cyclist ditches bike to aviod hit From Page 10 And yes, he did back up to see if Mike was OK, but then he was gone. We would like to thank Mrs. Drebit who heard the com- motion and came over to see if she could help our son. We urge veryone to please these once-a-year-delights. As you know the profits from these cookies help finance our local units. Guiding is a fun learning ex- perience for girls ages 5 thru 19. So please "Lend A Hand," and at the same time enjoy Mr. Chyistie's Girl Guide Cookies. lease remember, after our Cookie Blitz and home sales are completed, that will be it until next year's cookie sale. So buy an extra box or two for the freezer. If we should just happen to miss you this Saturday, don't fret, call 985-3703, and we'll see that you won't go without. Thanks again for your loyal support! Anyone interested in helping out with the Greenbank Block Parents or willing to take over the program please call Cathy Bacon at 985-7103. Robert and Margaret Couper- thwaite visited Mrs. McKinnon and Jeanne in Toronto, Mrs. Dot Knight in Scarboro and Rev. & Mrs. Art Rodgers on Thursday last week. Let us permit nature to have business better than we do. Please phone 852-6693 with any news next week. Thank you. Ladies are invited to the Women's Institute meeting on April 17 at 1:30 p.m. at Greenbank Church. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lee and children motored to Collingwood with Barry's mother, Helen Lee and son Jamie and wife Tina and new daughter Melanie to visit Francis Jago - bringing five generations together. 4-H News At our third meeting we told stories about articles handed down from generation to genera- tion. Some articles we will be pro- ud to own some day. There were some funny and some serious stories. Our fourth meeting we started discussing old recipes and made an old British recipe for scones which the members liked very much and German Hot Potato Salad which was liked by most members. We are having a work meeting to work on our projects and plan on our entertainment for the W.1. members who are our sponsors. Our last meeting will be a trip to a museum. HEAD PHONES not use Old Simcoe Street (or Nova 39 any street) for speeding. And we $ thank God for people like Mrs. 1 4 Drebit. . . - . Does somebody have to killed or seriously hurt before Reg. $19.95 something is done? Next time, it could be you out there enjoying the beautiful weather. Please slow down. Ian and Norma Cannon Prince Albert MEMOREX db 90 Tapes Reg. 5 CASSETTE BRICK of 5% %9.95 20, 1.991 6 PM Cocktails $50. per Person DINNER & ART AUCTION Catholic Church Hall, Hwy. 7A, Port Perry SATURDAY, MAY 4th, 1991 7 PM Dinner & Auction SPACE TO SUIT THE ENTREPRENEUR CUT YOUR OVERHEAD IN HALF Offices to enhance your business image. * Professionally Trained Staff to Handle Your Business 5402 MAIN STREET, STOUFFVILLE, ONT. L4A 1H3 Tel. (416) 642-3031 Fax (416) 642-3103 Fusiness cou * Personalized Telephone Answering * Boardroom to meet your clients The Very Best in Business Services Radio fhaek 189 NORTH STREET (st sianchards supply co) 985-9746 Anmversa APRIL 17 - y Sale onLy 299% Reg. $449.95 VHS VCR is feature-filled with on- \ screen programming. HQ circuitry, 14 N day/6 event timer, cable-compatible tuner, 2 speed forward/reverse, auto. eject and rewind, flourescent displa and infrared remote. Set your own TV Quantities are Tickets available by calling 985-4028 EMMERSON AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE om swan Vos por sor INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED TTA AS EA TTS with to. 16-522 | 1% 016) 9857306 on BLE Telescoping Antenna COMPUTER | ALL LINES OF $ woigigl SALE CENTRE GENERAL 59 05 . 312 | INSURANCE " omputer Disc Reg. $79.95 pkg. 10 - $1 9.95 «51/4" Computer Disc pkg. 10 - $7.95 NATIONAL TRUST A Dwision of National Victoria a a and Grey Trustco gL," 1 Year Annual Interest 9v%2% 5 Year Annual Rates Subject to Change without Notice « COMPUTER 25-1450 « MONITOR 25-8055 « BUILT IN DESK MATE 00 1000 RL COMPLETE VG: "999