EE TEETER ERR RSrSSmS--S------S----SO A AA TT | | } 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE -- Tuesday, March 19, 199] Galaxy on lee skating carnival so A group of area families en- joyed the Spring Break skiing at Vermont. Those who spent the week in this beautiful area were Joan and Ralph Swain and Brett, Roy and Linda Bradburn, Matt and Amanda, Don and Louise Swain, Stacey and Scott, Marg and Ted Kemp, Jeff and David, Sharon and George Wilson, An- ; drew & Josh, Carolyn and Brian Morton, Michelle and Bradley. Glad te see that you all came home safely. Last Friday guests of Mrs. Margaret VanCamp were her two nieces Sylvia Purdy, Toronto and Sonia Galligher, Ajax. On Sunday, March 24 at 2 p.m. the public is invited to attend the year end Carnival "Galaxy on Ice" at the Blackstock Arena. This special preduction will bring to a close a very busy and suc- cessful year for the Blackstock Figure Skating Club. On Sunday afternoon a group of friends and relatives surprised Karen Draper with a baby shower for baby Eric who recently arriv- ed weighing the amazing 10 lb. 7! ozs. Karen received many lovely gifts after which a delicious buf- fet lunch was enjoyed. This shower held at Karen's home was hosted by Brenda Hellingman. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the follow- ing winners - Doreen Ferguson, Laurrena Bright, Verna Slute, Grant Bright, Nerta Masters, Bruce Bright and Teresa Berkers, low. Draws were won by Dorothy Edwards, Betsy Staniland, Grant Bright, Kay Beggs and Laurrena Bright. Gerald and Joyce Kelly enjoyed a visit with Rev. Doreen Van- Camp at Val Terese near Sudbury last week. Sympathy is extended to Brian and Morag Hamilton of Blackstock, Harold and Josie Hamilton of Port Perry and their sister Shirley of Kingston on the passing of their mother Mrs. John Hamilton, long time resident of Blackstock. Phyllis was very well Annual Easter egg hunt Best wishes to Aileen Dobson who celebrated her birthday last week. All the family gathered at Glen and Mary Jean Till's for a pot luck dinner to help her celebrate. Her sister Muriel Leask, nephew Alex and Cathy Leask and three daughters joined in the celebration. Neil and Jean Hunter, with Ar- mour and Rachel McMillan motored to St. Mary's to visit with Tony Klooster and his wife on Saturday. Tony was employed by Armour over 40 years ago after he came to Canada from Holland. Don and Helen McKean and sister Anne Wills visited their sister Dorothy and John Simpson now living in Pontypool. Greenbank Minor Ball registra- tion will be on March 22nd 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Saturday March 23rd 10:00-12:00 noon. Be sure to register your child as there will be no other registration dates. For more information con- tact Barb Ward - 985-3903 or Judy MacSween - 985-7251. This is a reminder to all single parents in the Greenbank area, of the Card Party on March 23rd at 8:00 p.m. at Greenbank Hall located on Highway 12 in Green- bank, north of Highway 47 and across from the Bakery. Our guest speaker at church on Sunday was Helen Prior, a second year Theology student at Em- manuel College. She holds a degree in Agriculture from Guelph and works in the breeding of beans and peanuts at Sheridan Nurseries. Her goal is rural ministries. Her sermon dwelt on the Covenant we have with God and His laws written on our Heart. The choir sang beautiful- ly "For God So Loved the World" accompanied by our organist and choir leader Linda Hunter. Our Good Friday service will be at 8:00 p.m. in Pinedale Church and Easter Sunrise service at 5:45 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Rod Foster have returned from their vacation in Florida, each well tanned and rested. The Women's Ministry of Ux- bridge Free Methodist Church 'Coffee Break' will be on March 22 at 9:15 a.m. Mrs. Olive Evans is the guest speaker. Mrs. Betty Stonehouse's topic is 'Grooming and Looking Fine'. Mrs. Alice Eyres and Doreen Pickett will sing a duet. Please join us and bring a friend. We are reminded of the Euchre party being held on Friday even- ing at 8:00 p.m. in Greenbank Hall. The Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held Friday March 29th at Greenbank Hall from 10:00-11:45 a.m. for children 11 years and under. Admission is $2.00 per child-or $5.00 per fami- ly. Parents are welcome. "Garden Show - known in craft circles for her beautiful work in many media. The funeral was held Monday at St. John's Anglican Church. Sympathy also to Yvonne Christie on the passing of her hus- band John, arcer a lengthy illness. Congratulations to Marilyn Green who won a Junior Farmer trip to Germany this summer. Craig Larmer will be leaving soon for his trip to China through the Advanced Agricultural Leadership programme. Best wishes to both of you on these op- portunities. The local Garden Club enjoyed a bus tour to the Flower and a real taste of spring. Along with the return of robins, sings are certainly poin- ting to spring. As noted in the Port Perry paper recently there has been problems regarding space and each week news items have had to be omitted from this column by the staff of the paper. My apologies to those who are disap- pointed that these items have not appeared. We hope that the pro- blem will be solved soon when more advertising is sold. March 29 Charlene and Kelly Lee spent a few days of their holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Murray Lee. Mark and Debbie Roundell and children of Napean also were visitors with the Lees. A special birthday celebration was held for Mrs. Dorothy Ianson last weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Heron of Norwood and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Walker of Hepworth join- ed Shirley and Murray Lee to celebrate this joyous occasion. Happy Birthday Dorothy from all your friends. We are sorry to report Mr. Mike Sheridan is a patient in Uxbridge Hospital. We hope your back im- proves Mike! All the family gathered at Mr. & Mrs. Kronister's home Satur- day to celebrate their son Frank's birthday and also Frank's son Jonathan's big day. He was one year old! "Drinkin drivers" "Nothing worse" "They put the quart" 'Before the hearse' Hospital report Hospital Report March 8-14, 1991 Admitted. ........................... 19 Births... 2 Deaths.................................. 2 Emergencies........................ 223 Operations.......... ................... 9 Discharged............................ 28 Remaining.......... ..................39 HAVE YOU HEARD 910 CKLY ... LATELY? The Morning News. Local, National and International, every half hour - 6 to 9. District Meeting Held President Helen McKean, assisted by secretary Betty Reader and treasurer Bonnie Gerrow, chaired the productive meeting of Ontario South District on Monday, March 11, when representatives from 6 branches of the Women's Institute, met at the lovely home of Laurel Hamer of Brooklin. Helen opened the meeting with a cordial welcome and a reading of interest. The minutes were ap- proved as read and the treasurer's report given with a good balance on hand. Many items of business were discussed and action taken. Ontario South District will be making plans for an Educational Booth to be held again this fall at Port Perry Fair. President Helen with get the com- mittee together; one represen- tative from each branch. The all day District Annual meeting will be held at Scugog Island Branch on May 22. At the conclusion of the business a delightful visit was en- joyed over refreshments conven- ed by the Shirley Branch. Easter Meeting Held The Afternoon Unit of Nestleton UCW was hosted by Leader Mabel Cawker on Tuesday, March 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the farm- stead. She opened with a warm welcome and an Easter thought. She was ably assisted by Secretary Barb Weir and Treasurer Neta Fish. Roll Call - a green veggie and a good way to serve it, was well answered. Minutes were approved and the statement of the treasurer was given. Members were reminded of the luncheon date for April 4th at Blackstock re - community care, also - the noon banquet to be held in Nestleton Community Centre this coming Thursday, March 21 when the UCW will be catering to the Agriculture Employment Ser- vices and Agriculture Depart- ment. Ross Daily - Country Canada commentator for Agr. Farm Show at London T.V. will present an excellent message for farmers. Roly Coy - Manager of the Port Perry Office re - Agr. Employment Services Marlene Werry - Rural Organizations specialist from the Bowmanville Office are the co-ordinators. For info. call manager Coy at 985-3831. Barb Weir had a splendid devo- tional entitled, *'Culture and the Media" closing with a beautiful strengthening prayer, and hymn **Oh, Jesus 1 Have Promised." For the program, lovely Easter poems or thoughts were given. The Afternoon Unit is responsible for Easter Lilies to enhance the church on Easter Sunday. Barb held an interesting contest with quotations from 'Shakespeare or the Bible' - won by Anne Emer- son. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Evening U.C.W. Kay Notman held the meeting with 8 members present. Joanne Malcolm - Unit Leader, welcom- ed everyone. The roll call - "An Easter poem or reading' brought forth a variety of enjoyable readings. A lengthy disucssion to finalize plans for the catering on March 21, was followed by an Easter Egg workshop. Arlene Malcolm demonstrated the making of Icing Roses, and many tried their hand at it. Refreshments were served by the hostess before the trek home. The Evening Unit of Nestleton U.C.W. is making Easter Eggs for sale again this year. Anyone in- terested in placing an order for some of these delicious Easter Eggs for the holiday season...give Barb Weir 986-4630 or Ina Davis 986-4651 a call. They sell for the modest price of $1.50 each. Family visitations 10 year old William Leishman of Reaboro. really enjoyed the March School Break, holidaying with his Grandma Neta Fish and Uncle Calvin & Aunt Yvonne Holland, Chad, Craig & Alanna at Cadmus. Many exciting activities were a. part of the holiday. Daughters Audrey Leishman, Reaboro, and Marlene Bannister of Peterborough, were guests dur- ing the week with Neta. Visiting at the Cawker farm- stead this past week were Curt & Christine Cawker of Cobourg, and their lovely daughter Merissa; son Grant and friend John Sharp - the fishing enthusiasts. During the week the S. Cawkers and Al & El Cawker of Oshawa dined at Belamy's Restaurant in Oshawa; a birthday celebration for son Alan. Our best to him! On Saturday afternoon, very pleased to have good friend and neighbour Walter Welts drop in for a visit at the farmstead and with him were Herta & Karl Kir- chner of Germany, who were over for Irma's funeral. It was so good to meet them. They returned home to Germany on Monday. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The morning service was con- ducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley, with Joyce Taylor the able pianist. Dorothy Lee, superintendent, in charge of the S. School. The next book of the Bible for the S.S. was II Samuel with the lesson on obe- dience in love. Responsive Psalm 51 and Scripture from Jeremiah and John. The sermon took the form of a Preparatory Service - as we ap- proach Good Friday and Easter. Holy Communion will be dispens- ed on Sunday, March 24, at 11 a.m. Nestleton United Weather on Sunday, March 17, 11:15 a.m. was beautiful. The MacKenzie sisters welcomed many worshippers at the door for Lent V. Jennifer and Colleen Ar- buckle were responsible for the Lenten Candle Litany. The four part choir sang "Please Remember Me" with Carol Mairs - the fine pianist. Rev. Dale Davis & Kay Heuer shared the service. The splendid Lenten message presented by Rev. Davis entitled 'Perceptions of God" gave us much to think about. Scripture from Jeremiah & John was read by Kay Heuer. The children's theme was enjoyable for the small fry; taken by Kay. Offering received by Rick & Les MacKenzie. Next Sunday - Sacra- ment of Communion. Join us for a fine service. We closed with the great old hymn "Eternal Un- changing' 1899 - Benediction and Three Fold Amen. Notice: Don't forget the '*'Com- posting' information meeting to be held at the Scugog Memorial Public Library in Port Perry on March 21 at 7:30 p.m. This will be an ideal time to learn about this important feature of our environ- ment Janet Banting & Colin Kemp - coordinators! Let us be concerned for our planet! Comment! A recession is when a kid goes from door to door ask- ing to mow lawns. A depression is when his father does it.