24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 20, 1990 Durham East MPP busy within riding by Gord Mills, Durham East M.P.P. Armistice Day was celebrated early in Orono this year. It was good to see so many of our young people at the Cenotaph. Despite the passage of time since the end of the last war, the pain of Remembrance Day is still felt by many. Following the service, I left for Kemptville to represent the Solicitor General at a Crime Prevention Week seminar and awards ceremony on Monday morning. Presentations were made to individuals and groups in recognition of their involvement in reducing crime. I also introduc- ed "Crime Prevention Ontario," a Ministry program designed to offer new ideas in the prevention of crime. Tuesday was spent in a meeting at Queen's Park discussing the Greater Toronto Area, which ob- viously includes Durham East, and the impact its growth is hav- ing. For instance, one third of the best agricultural land in Canads, is all within one hundred miles of the CN Tower, and development within one hundred miles of the CN Tower is increasing at the rate of a new city the size of Peter- borough, each year. In addition, Highway 401 currently exceeds its designed capacity by 25 percent, and traffic is increasing by six percent per year. All levels of government are now trying to ad- dress the problems brought about by this rapid expansion. Later in the day I had a chance to discuss local issues with folks at a "Meet your MPP" meeting in Port Perry. Wednesday was spent at the Ministry office, followed by a meeting with the Durham Board of Education in Oshawa. A number of issues were discussed, all very important to the future of education in the area. On Thursday, I attended a child care lobby organized by the On- tario Coalition for Better Child Care at Queen's Park. Parents discussed the difficulties in fin- ding affordable child care and their hopes for improvements in the child care system. That even- ing I held a "Meet your MPP" meeting in Oshawa. I hope to hold similar meetings in other areas of the riding, so I can have the op- portunity to meet more of my constituents. Friday was spent meeting with representatives from the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Sir Sandford Fleming Col- lege was also represented. An in- teresting discussion centred around the role schools and col- leges can play in reducing gar- bage and protecting our environ- ment. The balance of Friday was spent at the Constituency Office in Bowmanville. On Saturday my wife and I were pleased to open the Christmas Bazaar at St. Saviour's Church in Orono. It was a pleasure to share the time with the members of the church and their enthusiastic minister, Reverend Doug Hall. I was privileged to be the speaker at the Bowmanville Legion's Armistice dinner on Saturday evening. The dinner was superb, and the com- radeship excellent. Branch 178 has much to be proud of in the community. Sunday ended on a sombre note with my laying a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the Pro- vince of Ontario. As I stood obser- ving the two-minute silence, I could not help but pray that no new names will be added to the memorial ever. Till next week -- be kind to each other. VIDEO AN Rights Reserved JANE FONDA ROBERT DENIRO NEW RELEASE! & eR PG13), STANLEY & IRIS C1959 Metro Goldwyn Maver Pictures Ine 68 Water Street PORT PERRY 985-9888 76 Baldwin Street BROOKLIN 655-3306 1487 Simcoe St.N., OSHAWA 432-3727 "A brave and touching film... De Niro and Fonda give indelible performances." -- Rex Reed, "At the Movies" In their first on-screen pairing, Jane Fonda and Robert De Niro are blue- collar workers who find salvation in cach other in this tender, intelligent love story. "A must see." (Pat Collins, WWOR-TV) o "The Blackstock ONO (Our Night Out) Club celebrated Its 40th anniversary with a gala dinner and dance Saturday evening. Past and present members, along with their hus- bands, attended the anniversary party held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Pictured above are the present members of the ONO Club. Front, from left: Berta Avery, Joan Gra- ham, Nancy Bryans, Donna Kyte, Wilma Van Camp, Aileen Van Camp. Back row: Barbara Byers, Kathleen Dorrell, Jean Goble, Ellen Russell, Carole Chorosteckli, Sandra Hoskin, Ei- J 5 ir" leen McLaughlin. Absent from photo are Sharon Wilson and Ruth Marconi. | 3 GE Many past presidents of the ONO Club attended the club's 40th anniversary party Satur- day. Pictured above are past presidents (front, from left) Joan McCoy, Ellen Russell, Don- na Kyte, Aileen Van Camp, Cathy Corden (second row) Ruby Van Camp, Gwen Mulholland, Dorothy Venning, Gwenyth Thompson, Noreen Malcolm, Edith McLaughlin, Diane Davies, (third row) Nancy Bryans, Jean Mahaffy, Barbara Byers, Joan Graham, Dolly Lee, Alma Duff, Sandra Hoskins, Eileen McLaughlin, (back row) Jessie Bowles, Joan Grove and Elaine Bailey. UCW busy month ahead On Wednesday evening eigh- teen ladies met at the church for their monthly meeting. Beth Pereman and Deanna Brough were in charge of the devotion. Opening hymn - I need Thee Every Hour, was sung, followed by prayer. Scripture was taken from Ecclesiastes followed by hymn take time to be holy. Theme "How can I take time' was read by Dianna. A skit "Take Time" by Dianna and Beth certainly gave us something to think about. Closing poem - When I Have Time. Happy birthday was sung to four ladies after they put their money in the birthday box. They were Myrtle Snelgrove, Reta Glasgow, Aileen Olsen and Ilean Pugh. The ladies have a busy few weeks ahead with a banquet and Christmas dinner for the friend- ly visitors and getting the gifts for the shut-ins ready. The Christmas meeting will be on the 5th of Dec. at Linda McMillan's home for a pot-luck supper, so ladies, mark you calendar. The hospital and any ladies are asked to donate baking. A committee has been formed to make plans for the quilt show in May. A lovely lunch was served by Pat Love and Betty Deeth. Thursday evening was euchre night again with ten tables. The winners were Grace Bassant, Daisy Sellers, Annie Bowman, Tony Krieg, Grace Manns, Andy Munro. Draws - Bernice Loudfoot, Kay McNenly, Merv Storie. It was a joy on Sunday to hear Darryl Linington play the piano with Eva Hunter. Darryl and Karen Doyle are off to Florida next week to clog. The Cloggers from Blackstock area have been invited to dance at Disney World. Good luck to all. Christmas season has started. The Sunday school will be helping the choir put on their cantata on December 23rd. We have been busy selecting a Mary & Joseph & kings and shepherds. Prince Albert School volleyball team hosted Greenbank on Mon- day night. We hope they all had a good time. Prince Albert S.A.C. met Mon- day evening. The meeting was long because we had many fun things to talk about - great plans for the future, Christmas parties will be star- ting soon. Please have a good time but watch how you drink & drive. We want everyone around for New Years Eve. It was good to see Sandy Moore out walking a bit on Sunday. We admired the new fence at the cemetery. This week is Recycling Week. Are you trying to make a dif- ference? Why not start now.