Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 17 Jul 1990, p. 52

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TYPEWRITER SALES & ser- vice. Pick up and delivery. 985-9783. DAYCARE available for 2-3 children. South Greenbank - off Hwy. 12. Good references. 852-3989. Ju MOTHER OF ONE willing to babysit in my own home In the Nestleton area. References available. Price negotiable. Call Rhonda at 986-0374. RICK WATTS Carpentry Custom House and Cottage framing, deck & fence - rec. room construction. Free estimates. Phone 623-9709.A 8 CUSTOM HAY cutting and round baling. 705-786-2072. Jz TREE FELLING - big or small, we fall them all. 985-9386. A 28 DONNA'S HOUSE CLEANING Services. Quality work reasonable rates, references avallable. 985-8818. ' J 24 HARRY MORRIS - Home renova- tions, rec. rooms, bathrooms, kit- chens, no [ob too small - give me a call. Free estimates, work fully guaranteed, references. 985-3663. PLUMBING, washrooms, new in- stallations, repairs, water treat- ment. Free estimates. 985-7557.J a7 DAYCARE OFFERED in my home. For nutrious food and fun - please phone 986-0807. Jz MORE THAN BABYSITTING. Arts and crafts with circle time activities by a mom with a nursery school experience. In Greenbank. For September. 'Receipts and references - 985-9008. J24 DAYCARE in my home, Bigelow St., Port Perry, 5 days a week starting August 7. Call anytime 985-4131. Jz GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers chemical-free house & office" cleaning. We aim to impress! Bonded, Insured & Security checked. Serving all of Durham. 986-0689 or 725-9177. PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing. 852-9414. TYPING ON IBM personal com- puter. Word processing for all your needs. Reasonable. 985-9029. SPANKY'S HAULAGE PORT PERRY STAR REAL ESTATE - -- Tuesday, July 17, 1990 -- 1 LANDSCAPING & maintenance -- seeding, planting, prunning, trimming, lawn maintenance, flower beds, rock garden maintenance. Dutchway Land- scaping - 1-416-649-3183. A ELECTRIC FENCER SERVICE. Repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barn every Friday. Come early for same day service. Walter Wright, Blackstock. 416-986-4818. TF NEED A HAND? Call Murray 985-0069. Clean-ups, paper, paint, leaves, yard, basement, snow, etc. TF PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when your bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. Bailey - Graham AUCTION SERVICES All Types of Auctions. Ross Bailey 985-0697 Harvey Graham 986-4856 DOG GROOMING - Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located at 159 Casimir St, (Corner of Water Street & Casimir St.) Phone 985-4191. LYNDA'S HOUSECLEANING Services - established 1975 - residential homes. Call (res.) 985-8605, (mobile) 432-0369. PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. BRICK WORK - fireplace, chimney, etc. Licences bricklayer, quality work, 13 years experience, references available. Phone Gerry 985-3584. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. The property of CHARLIE RENWICK, On Kennedy Lane S. west of Stouffville. FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES: McLaughlin cutter, Democrat wagon, 2 wheel horse drawn cart, horse harness, pony shoes, 8 h.p. snowblower, plywood, old ice cream maker, bedroom suite, garden tools, dresser, cedar chest, dishes and many more collectibles. Full list next week. Terms: cash. Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner, Auc- tioneers. 640-3079. SHAWN DEVLIN MASONRY Brick, block & stone - reasonable rates. 1-705-295-6710 or 652-6156. 1 MORTGAGE LOANS + FIRST and SECONDS at PRIME RATES '| »» UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES + REFINANCING at LOWER RATES + EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD '| .~ VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY +» DEBT CONSOLIDATION +» PERSONALIZED SERVICE AFTER HOURS AVAILABLE +» NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS + POWER of SALES REFINANCES + REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS For more information call: 571-2880 Raycan Financial Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario Sand -- Gravel Limestone -- Topsoil Septic Sand Small Deliveries Truck Rental 986-4917 433-7273 New Homes - Additions - General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 MOBILE: 432-5509 NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGES * Firsts & Seconds * One day loan approvals * In-office appraisals and other mortgage services provides you with one-stop financing * No fees unless funds are advanced * Avoid unnecessary delays and worries * Confidentiality assured CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL CORPORATION 985-3832 FAX 416-985-4103 Existing mortgages Bought & Sold L_ SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Cattle & Farm Machinery The property of the late RAY ROCHE, Lot 28 broken front Con. Regional Town of Newcastle formerly Township of Darlington, v2 mile south of Hwy. 401 on Cour- tice Rd. off 401 at Exit 426. Sale to include: 354 Int. tractor - 690 hrs., J.D. spreader ground drive, Tri- ple K cultivator 3 pth., N.H. mower 3 pth. - 6 ft., side rake on rubber ground drive - like new, Ferguson plough 2 furrow, horse mower, hay elevator, 2 wheel trailer, harrows, 20 fi. pipe elevator, fence posts, head gate, 6 steel gates 12 & 14 fi., Pioneer chainsaw, refrigerrator. CAT- TLE: 18 Limousin cows with calves by side, 2 Limousin cows bred, 2 Limousin bulls, Limousin bull exposed since April. NOTE: This is an excellent herd of young cows. Terms: cash. No reserve. Sale time: 10:30 A.M. Arnot Wot- ten, Auctioneer, Charles Reid, Auctioneer -- 416-263-2512. SATURDAY, JULY 28 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Machinery, Antiques, Furniture & Feed The Estate of the late PETER BROWN, 396 Cameron St. E., Y mile east of Cannington. FARM MACHINERY: 1986 Buick Cen- tury (certified), J.D. 1640 diesel tractor with loader, M.F. 124 square baler, OWA Tonna 9 ft. haybine, J.D. 3 furrow 14' bottom trip beam plough, J.D. No. 34 PTO manure spreader, Hay wagon, M.H. 13 run seed drill, 3 pt. sprayer, 3 pt. snow blower, 8 h.p. Bolen riding lawnmower, 3 pt. M.F. 7 ft. pull type combine, 3 pt. Cultivator, 24 ft. hay elevator, Roller, 4" Grain auger, Bale fork, Oat roller, 3 h.p. lawnmower, Plus a quantity of tools and misc. farm items. Approx. 2500 bales of hay. FURNITURE: 9 pc. Walnut dining room suite, Pine drop leaf table, Victrolia, Spool bed, 2 Cedar chests, Wicker fern stands, Modern walnut Grandfather clock (excellent condition), Pine sideboard, Press back rocker's, Walnut hall table, Hoosler kitchen cupboard, Walnut fern stand, Walnut dressers, 3 pc. modern bedroom suite, Oak dining chair, Walnut bed, Queen Anne chester- field & chair, Queen Anne coffee & end tables, Queen Anne occ') chair - (needlepoint seat & back), Portable colour T.V. & stand, Maple hutch, 15 cu. ft. freezer, Pine table, Copper tub washing machine, Fan back chairs, Chicken coup chairs, Mantle clock, Axminster rug, 2 door refrigerator, walnut parlour tables, Green chesterfield, Treadle sewing machine, Modern Wardrobe, Co-oil lamps, quality of linen, china, glass, primitive and collectable items. No reserve. Lunch Available. Furniture at 11:00 A.M. -- Machinery to follow. Don & Greg Corneil, Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183. Owner & Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or In- jury to the public in connection with this auction sale. WEDNESDAY, AUG. SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large Estate Auction Auction for the late MRS. JEAN WHITEHEAD of Stouffville. Con- tents of Century Home to be mov- ed & sold In the Oakwood Arena, Oakwood, Ontario. Featuring: Antique furniture: Antique Pine Flat-to-wall, Antique pine top table c/w Cherry legs, antique oak hall seat and mirror (fancy carving), antique oak bow front secretary - Al condition, oak director chair (very fancy) and heavily carved, antique sofa, old birch table and chairs, antique ladder back chairs, antique bakers table with copper drawers, antique rocker c/w wicker seat, Captain's chair, lad- der back rocker, dressing table (rare), antique heavily carved arm chair, dry sink, platform rocker, oak and cherry school desks, wing back chair (modern), pine cupboard, harvest table, blanket box, 7' wardrobe w/bevelled mirror, several dressers, washstand, press back and other chairs, heavily carved coffee table (very ornate), tea table, oriental rugs, drop front desk, iron bed and brass, antique wooden bed, occasional tables. ANTIQUE GLASS & CHINA featuring: Royal Doulton, Toby Mugs (Long John Silver, Lumber Jack, Montgomery, Ann of Clives), Large assortment of Depression, Carnival, Amber, Nippon, Occupied Japan, Antique Jug and basin, other fine china, oil lamps, antique [ugs, silver tea service, silver and sterling spoons, assorted [ewellery, gold (child's Cameo ring). PONY CART - Rubber tired, Governess c/w original wicker (good condi- tion), saddles (western, pleasure & barrel), antique saddle makers bench, large teeter-totter on wheels, number of antique oak & wall telephones. TRUCK: 1977 Ford F350 Crew-Cab (needs work), (sells at 1 p.m.). ANTI- QUE & COLLECTABLES - Large collection of antique decoys (Ap- prox. 80), large antique spinning wheel, woolwinder, barrel butter churn, visitor spinning wheel, an- tique wicker doll carriages, assorted dolls, wooden antique croquet set, number of old antique toys, number of old clocks (man- tle, wall, etc.), glass jar butter churn, china dogs, antique scales, crocks (M. Beattie), (Blue Flowered), number of old quilts, old bottles, butter print, post cards, 1920's Valentines, 1930's, 40's and 50's calendars, oriental lacquer boxes, advertising tins, Royalty plates (Photos etc.), horse bell, number of antique pic- tures, antique telephones and parts, print by Seery Lister Numbered 44/56 Grizzly, Number of Old Photos, Old Books, Old tools. NOTE: Partial listing only. Auctioneer's Remark: Ladies and Gentlemen: this is an outstanding offering of antique furniture, china, collectables, with many hiden treasurers yet- to be discovered from this Estate. Plan to attend, you won't be disap- pointed. Viewing: 9 a.m. day of sale only! Please be on time, Register on arrival, Terms: cash, lunch available, no reserve, Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay -- Fax or Phone 705-374-4800 or 374-4435 - Clip & Save. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. ODDFELLOWS HALL PORT PERRY, ONT. Follow Simcoe St. North, From Hwy. 401 Oshawa Unreserved Auction of quality items to Include: Japanese Juki heavy duty Industrial sewing machine and sewing table, (ex- cellent), several lots of high quali- ty upholstery material, (antiques and collectables), including beautiful ladles Victorian Slipper chair, small pot belly stove (Belle 1899), Barrel churn and stand, crocks, locks, small washboard, wash tub rack on wheel, Con- federate States money (including $500.00 bill), glass, china, cast iron tractor seats including (Frost and Woods), Wiffle trees, hames, hay hooks, and the list goes on. Everything from chandeliers to air hockey games. We are still ac- cepting consignments to this sale. So come on out to our first sale at the 1.0.0.F. Hall and have some fun. To consign or for sales info call DeShane Auctions (416) 985-4240. Neil DeShane, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Selling truck, horse equipment, horse trailer, riding lawnmower, furniture & oll lamp. collection. The property of ROY & CHRIS HOWLETT, R.R. 2, Blackstock, 4 miles east of Reg. Rd. 57. (12 miles north of Bowmanville) on Conc. No. 2 Scugog Township (Cartwright). Watch for signs. Sale Includes: 1988 GMC S-15 truck, double horse trailer with tandem wheels, English saddles (like new), cutter & shalves, horse tack, Including Arabian parade dress for both horse & rider, saddle pads, bridles, halters, breast collars, elect. fencer, post hole auger, 11 h.p. riding lawnmower, chain saw, hedge clippers, antique dresser, two door cupboard, elect. typewriter, several oil lamps, grey couch and chalr, tables and chairs, old treadle sewing machine, antique radio, stoneware dishes, silverware, 2 students desks, baby stroller, car- riage & playpen, 20 sheets of 2" drywall, plywood, several sheets of styrofoam insulation, firewood, kerosene heater, 1981 Ski-Doo, 12 boat, bags of shavings, rails, wire fence, tools and much 'more. Owner and auctioneer will not be responsible for accident or injury In connection with this sale. Lunch available. Terms: cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale managed and sold by Cochrane Auction Service 985-2788. THURSDAY, JULY 19 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby We are selling a complete restaurant including, 6 door Foster cooler, Scotsman large ice machine, 2 & 3 door bar fridge, 2-20 qt. Hobart mixers, 2 breadslicers with Quiklocks, Garland convection oven, hot & cold prep tables, Garland 36" grill, Garland 10 burner oven, salad bar, meat slicer, microwave oven, Hobart dishwasher, S.S. sinks, fryer, bar sink, milkshake machine, 8 ft. display cooler, co2 system, 2 freezers, salamander, prep tables, bun toaster, compressor & condenser for walk in cooler, fridge, stereo, pots & pans, glasses, plates, S.S. racks, 37 brass light fixtures, 30 seating booths, 27 tables, 80 Bentwood chairs. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 36 x 72 desks, 30 x 60 desks, 2, 3, 4, 5dr. lateral files, whiteboards, credenzas, safe, stacking & swivel chairs, board room table, cash registers, plus many other articles. VEHICLES: 1982 Omega, 1982 T-Bird, 1974 Grand Am. NOTE TIME: 10 A.M. View- ing: Wed. from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. An excellent sale of restaurant Equipment And Office Equip. Large sale. Plan to attend. McLean Auctions & Liquidations 576-7550 or 686-3291. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Large Antique Furniture & Collectable Sale ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION, CENTRE, LINDSAY. Complete quality antique con- tents of TREASURES UNLIMITED, Bobcaygeon. This quality antique business was own- ed by MR. AND MRS. F.H. SURTEES, now closed as proper- ty sold. Large quantity glass, china, Moorcroft, depression, Dehavilland, Nippon, etc. Also selling 18 Royal Doulton Figurines. Quality furniture incl. excellent 9 pc. dining suite, beautiful 3 pc. quality bedroom ste., antique chairs, Windsor, Gunstock, etc. rocking chairs, d.l. tables. hand made Arabian matts, chests, armoires, china cabinets, flatback cupboards, oak chest with moustache handles, jam cupboards, washstands, pine chests, banquet lamp (elec- trifled). oak corner cupboard, oak bow front china cabinet, sideboard, 8 new pressbacks, merchants desk (originally from Sutton bank), blanket boxes, dough box, lions head pressbhack rocker, oak umbrella stand, Bed- win marriage rug, 3 reverse pain- tings In frames, bowl & pitcher sets, Arablan copper, paintings, signed Eskimo art of marble seal, mantle clocks, bake boards 8& stand, other furniture & een tables, primitives, linen. Don't miss this interesting sale. No reserve, property sold. 10 a.m. ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN, Auctioneers 324-2783 Lindsay. THURSDAY EVENING JULY 26 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture, Antiques & New Chesterfields Auction Sale of Furniture, An- tiques & New Chesterfields, sell- ing at the Wilson Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, Ont., including 3 chester- flelds, 2 loveseats, 5 recliners, & 2 wing chairs. NOTE: These are all new pleces still In plastic wrappers. Full detalls next week. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. THURSDAY EVENING JULY 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction Sale of Furniture & An- tiques from a Stouffville Home selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including 7' pme hutch with glass doors, Church Pew, Chesterfield & Chair, chest of drawers, magazine rack, radio, coffee table & end tables, picture frames, patterned rugs, exercise bike, pots & pans, plus quantity of dishes & other items that were already boxed up and in storage. Also Frigidaire freezer, pony cart, MTD 16 H.P. Riding Lawnmower with 44° mower, MTD 10 H.P. Riding Lawnmower, Stihl FS90 weedeater, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Furniture & Antiques Auction Sale of Furniture & An- tiques for MRS. ALICE REESOR, selling at the property, 14 Honeyborn Cres., Markham, Ont. Go 1 block west of Hwy. 48 (Markham Rd.), on Hwy. 7 to 1st set of lights, then turn right on Gallsworthy St. to Honeyborn Cres. Including Inglis fridge, Westinghouse stove, Ige. Elec- trohome upright freezer, Inglis auto. washer (2 yr. old), Viking dryer, Kenmore portable dishwasher, antique washstand, drop leaf table, bed chesterfield, office desk & chairs, couch, plat- form scales, end tables, dehumidifier, harness makers bench. COLLECTIBLES: in- cluding collection of bells, brass hames, brass collar tops, horse stays, harness making tools & equip., whip holder, whips, horse fly net, wooden toys, milk bottles, oll lamps, crocks, wicker baskets, brass lamp, copper boller, draw knives, can't hook, MTD rototiller, adult 3 wheel tricycle, Lawn-Boy lawnmower, wheelbar- row, bench grinder, hedge trim- mer, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524 or 9755. J 24 SATURDAY, JULY 28 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. 2 plus MILLION DOLLAR RV & BOAT AUCTION Cambridge, Ontario LeisureLand RV (519) 623-7670 Hwy. 401, Exit 268, 7 mi. west of Hwy. 8 (Kitchener) Over 100 NEW & Used Recrea- tion Vehicles and Boats including Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, Park Models and Boats. Large section unreserved. Financing available on location. Con- signments Welcome| Aero Marine Auction Sale} (705) 734-4777. TUESDAY, JULY. SALE TIME: 7:00 BM. 1.1 acre zoned C-2 co 300 ft. frontage X172 old 1300 sq. ft. 2 bay s shop plus office, wa utility room, 200 amp pane & electric heat. cludes frame house with 2 apart- ments yielding $900 ly. This 1s a busy commercial' tion Ideal for car repair sales, recreation products," garden center, welding & tt shop, variety store, etc. or lovest ment. Don't miss this erclal property in a very busy, location. An ideal money maker $#lling as Is subject to very low 'Feserve. SOLD - owner movi financing available. To view call ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 Lindsay, ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN. t

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