4 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 13, 1990 Star wins two awards for overall excellence The Port Perry Star was presented" with two awards at the Ontario Community Newspaper Associ- ation annual convention held last week in Toronto. In the general excellence category, the Star was judged second overall among Ontario weeklies in the 6,000-8,000 circulation range. All aspects of the paper are judged in this catego- ry, including news, editorials, photography, lay-out and advertising. The Star received a mark of 337 out of 500. First overall was the Eganville Leader. And the Star won another second place plaque in the Best Front Page Premier category for papers with circulation from 4,500-10,000. Judging is based on lay- out, photography and writing. First place went to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham has a new board of directors. Pictured (front row, from left) Mary Green, Joan Yerema, Elgin Knopp, Pat Kneale, Betty Penny, (back Milton n Champion. Springisin the air, finally. Makes you feel like getting outside, maybe going for a run. Maybe if you start training now, by the end of May, you could be ready for 156 kilome- ters. John Lewis thinks so. He's a teacher at S.A. Cawker School and a devoted runner. And he's organizing a "lake to lake spring challenge run" for May 26. "This is not a race," he em- row) Rick De Jong, John Darby, Keith Elliott, Dave Harrison, and North Durham director Sue Scholfield. Absent from the photo is Bill Henshall, Sharon Magloughlen, Bert Corbett, Peter Gouweleeuw, and Bruce Moran. 30K "Lake to Lake" Spring challenge run phasizes, "just a chance to pro- mote running and get people in- terested in starting to train a bit," he said. The 30 km course will go from Lake Scugog to Lake Onta- rio, following the back roads, down through Purple Woods and Ritson Road to Oshawa, then on to Lake Ontario. Pairs of runners can split the 30 K, which means about ten miles each. In the past, this Spring MARCH MADNESS SALE ALL WEEK - Monday, March 19th to Saturday, March 24th - ALL WEEK Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 AM to 9 PM; Friday 9 AM to Midnight; Saturday 9 AMto 5 PM VAN § TRUCK WORLD 4X4, VAN, PICKUP, R.\- ~ ACCESSORIES. & INSTALLATIONS Challenge Run has been con- ducted on an informal basis, but Mr. Lewis wants as many peo- ple as possible to give it a try. The date has been set tentative- ly for May 26. So, if people start training now, they should be in fine tune to handle the 10 miles by May 26. "We want to make this a fun event, not a race, just a chance to get out and do some running," he said. So, if you're interested (men, women, teen-agers) get the sneakers out of the closet (it's been a long winter) and start running. If you want more info on the Challenge or just a few tips on running and training contact John Lewis at Cawker School 985-4411. CONCRETE LANDSCAPE BORDERS FOR * Driveways * Flower Beds °' Tree Beds FREE ESTIMATES 416-985-2814 PORT PERRY 15% Discount for Early Booking | "A CLASS BY ITSELF" © ne y+ 1. 400.4 GEST Impressive high-efficiency performance and distinctive elegance make Napoleon Stoves the leaders among airtight stoves and fireplace inserts. The durability of our fine quality woodstoves will exceed your expectations and your investment will be returned in years of enjoyment. OVER RIDGE RENOVATOR Reach Industrial Park Unit 4, Reg. Rd. 8 Closed Monday; Tuesday to Saturday 10 to 6 985-0715 SA ot AN Rig Gi | |