22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 13, 1990 Many local schools participate S. A. Cawker hosts Oral Language Festival S.A. Cawker Public School hosted the Area 1 Oral Lan- guage Festival on Wednesday. Students in any grade from any school in Durham or Brockeouiy performin the festi- val. The Festival is a "celebration of talk" in which students pre- sentented their topic in the form of poems, rap, skits, dia- louges, story telling, drama, role playing, and recitation to name a few. The event was not a competi- tion but rather a time for stu- dents to get together and share talk on what is going on in their lives, and in their schools. The students each made their presentations at their own . school level first, then teachers chose those who would attend the Festival at S.A. Cawker. There were over 100 stu- dents representing 13 schools at the Festival. There were approximately 80 students entered from local schools alone. These students were from R.H. Cornish, Port Perry High School, S.A. Caw- ker, Cartwright, Epsom, Prince Albert, and Greenbank. There were several parents also in attendance for the pres- entations. The quality of each performance showed the dedi-, cation and rehearsal that every student put into his own pres- entation. The students also had a chance during the day to hear from Dan Hennessey, a profes- sional actor who came to the school to talk to the students about careers involving the use of voice. SA Cawbot BS Weeder day Mash 0 TOD wa aosammasaapoert snntond seremeanccesmsres' AREA ORAL LANGUAGE FESTIVAL ip ming i ¥ This group of students from Epsom preformed a drama presentation entitled "Sick" by Shel Silverstein at the Oral Language Festival on Wednesday. Picture are(l-r) Tanya Wil- son, Aaron Combdon, Katie Fockler, Anna Evans. Prince Albert had five students who entered the Oral Durham Y offers 27 exciting programs The YMCA Durham Region is offering 27 exciting spring pro- grams. There are several new ones, like "Don't Bug Me," '"'Pup- pet Party," and 'Teddy Bears - Picnic" for the preschoolers, as well as some familiar and popular regulars like "Tiny Tots" and the ~ "Preschool Drop In." The "Playschool" is running well on Tuesdays and Thursdays Language Festival. Pictured are Back Row Alex Bedell, Dar- with the co-op idea (where ryl Pargeter. Front(l-r) Kara Kiers, Melissa Pereman, Rachel parents help out) being slowly in- TN I : Wat's <a Ry * "G £ Laurle Gladish and Catherine Pavlik were two of several students representing Port Perry High School. The two girls \ n performed a dialouge about broken friendships. AERTS on g, 4 ou . ' { cf%. Dev "~, This group from S.A. Cawker did a skit entitled "Raging Fire". Pictured are Kris Bolan, Doug Leeder, Sheri Thomas, Karen Brozina, Brad Goreski. L JE IE TS ' UE Keeler. JMS 'VERSATILE PAPER SUPPLY INC." Units/Bags Ft./Roll 9 per hag 450' 2 per bag 1600' 12x12" 2900' (no core) 6 per bag 450' 12x12" 2900' (with core) Price $25.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 DISPENSERS ONLY Mini ... $23.50 Jumbo ... $32.50 Super ... $45.90 We will be in Port Perry on the last Monday of each month to deliver your order. JMS "VERSATILE PAPER SUPPLY INC." 12 Carrying Place Road, Unit 9, TRENTON, ONTARIO K8V 3E7 (613) 392-1100 FAX 392-1 100 (after 4:00 PM) troduced. The gymnastics and dance programs will have their last sessions this year and a recital is planned for the grand finale! Easter is just around the corner and a party is in the works for April 7th with crafts, songs and an egg hunt too. For the school age gang there's anew "Fun After Four" program as well as the last Gymnastics, Stage Struck and Babysitting courses for the year. Keyboarding has been added for this age group along with "In- troduction To Sports" and a new "Teen Leaders' program that uses adventure-base counselling techniques to help develop leader- ship qualities. This is a great follow up pro- gram to Babysitting Training. Adults can enjoy an enthusiastic workout with Joyce Gibson or some jazz stops with Wendy Burgess, or just make a craft and have a tea on a Monday afternoon. There is an interesting paren- ting class also offered and a new weight-watch program, both held right at the Y building with babysitting supplied for those who need it. Enjoy your spring with us here at the Y and look for a full listing to be distributed again in the fall. Have a great summer, and don't forget the Daycamps held in Ux- bridge for that traditional "cam- ping" experience for kids. For more information or to register, call 985-2824.