PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 19, 1969 -- 9 P.P.H.S. hold food and toy fundraising The staff and students of Port Perry High School wish to express their gratitude to the local businesses of Port Perry who donated prizes to our Food and Toy Fundraising Campaign. Everything raised and donated goes back into the community to : ai help the needy over Christmas so it is wonderful to see the whole town getting involved. If students donate a canned good, food product, a toy, or gives $0.50 they receive a ticket. This ticket enables them to win one of the many prizes donated by a business. It is a good way for everyone to get involved and get some Christmas spirit flowing. Brightly wra pped gifts, Children sprigs of mistletoe, silvery tinsel, snow-covered write about forests...these are all traditional holiday sights of Santa Claus the season that we've come to know and love. og Smt Break This year, we'd like to wish all our friends toys were allready except for one | a joyous Noel, along with our teddy. Knock, knock, knock went : M H the ord wooden door Santa got ar warmest appreciation for your kindness. and what galore. "Your sled is ready and the toys are packed," said the elves with a snap. Santa sat down and said with his beer, "I don't think I will go - this year." "What," said the elves there arms shot high, 'No Santa O My." They went outside and started to think, 'How do we get J J J J J pa " yd Cd > d yd yd > d od yd se Fd PA J PA PA PA Cd Santa out," said Bink. Suddenly . with lots of joy the little one shot up and said, ""O Boy." They all huddled around to hear "Let's put i hot sauce in his deer." '"What," they said with a confused look and all mixed.up. "Yes we will put it in his deer cup." So they did and did he go. San- ta got up and ran in the snow and ate 5 snowballs. I would say then Coach Lamps ....oeoivniiiiiiieeee eevee eee he hopped in his sleigh. Brass Swing Arm Table Lamp There were no toys Christmas Day but the next year he doubled Brass Floor Lamps er eeeeraneeeetisatesasttnesasierensnnes the toys for the good girls and Brass 5' Coat RACK ........c.coovvvmiiinniiiiiiiineennnn, 32.00 boys) Brass Touch Lamps ................... 46.80 - 49.50 by Orien Duda, Brass Picture Frames - 5x7"... 5.85 Immaculate Conception School Brass Picture Frames - Oval ........cccocovveeeennennn. 8.25 Brass Bar Hooks - large .........cccoovvvviveeiivneennnnnnn. 9.75 Ie Brass Bar Hooks - small ............ccouveeiiiineeernnnnnns 5.85 and Accessories Brass Switch Plates - single ..............cccceevvvinnnnnnn. 1.80 PO EE Brass Switch Plates - double .................ccceeeeeeenn. 3.15 n . : Brass Recep. Plates - single ................ooevvvvvnnnnne. 1.80 Port P. 985-7383 ds Brass Recep. Plates - double .............coeeeeennnnnnn. 3.15 Brass Comb. Switch & Recep. Plates ................ 3.15 Brass Triple Switch Plates .............co..coovvvvvvunnnnn. 4.50 EMMERSON Brass Door Knockers - Colonial or Horseshoe ... 8.45 JNFURRNGE BROKERS LIWITED Brass Floor Register - 4x10" ............cceeevvinnnnee. 5.25 3 QE ST 9957306 Brass & Porcelain Coat Hooks - 2, 30r 4 HOOKS ....coovvvnneiiiinnnnnnn 2.95 - 5.85 ALL LINES OF ! H " ouse Numbers - 6" ..............oovivriivirnnnnn. 4.50 GENERAL Brass INSURANCE J 2 2 Ur JF J Vr JR Sr Ye Ye Pe Ds J J J BE BP LH VE RP VF Bp A BF NATIONAL | fo LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD Nata Vir ' X 1 1147 | FWA 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) | Smiied PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 1 Year Annual Interest centre 10%% 5 Year Annual Rates Subject 1 Change without Notice. e QUALITY PRODUCTS ® QUALIFIED SERVICE © COMPETITIVE PRICING