wl .andvadifVic 3 TL W.I. recycling display at library (From page 36) Tuesday 4-5 p.m. Study group on Thursday at 8 p.m.. Nestleton United Church On Sunday, Nov. 19, 11:15a.m. saw a fair attendance at Nestleton Untied even though the weather was wintry, Wilma Wotten and family were the greeters at the door. Rev. Dale Davis brought an in- teresting message to the con- gregation re - "Operation Scugog." Jean Williams was the Scripture reader. 36 hymnaries were dedicated by the minister. In the choir, the ladies quartet sang with Carol Mairs at the piano. Re - cycling Week This is '"Re-cycling Week" - November 20-26, and displays will be at the Scugog Memorial Library, Community Memorial Hospital, Scugog Township Office and Myers Cash and Carry Bulk Foods The District of Ontario South Women's Institutes will be in charge of the display at the Library...and their important "goal" is to "re-duce - re-use - and re-cycle! 'They have purchased buttons for the committee to wear with this "slogan" on them. Let us be sure to see one of these impor- tant displays during the week ; we all need to become more aware of the concerns facing us to-day! Community saddened by residents death Scugog Island Area News by Mrs. Earl Reader In spite of several years of poor health, it was with surprise and sadness that we learned of the sudden passing of Camie Samells who lived on Con. 8E all of her married life. We therefore, extend our condolences to her husband George and his family. As the "Head'" U.C.W. celebrate their Christmas dinner on Wednesday evening, members will recall the afternoon when they expressed a farewell to their former member, Camie. Police seek armed robbers Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the Publics help in solving a number of Armed Robberies which have occurred in the Whitby, Ajax and Pickering areas over the past few weeks. On Thursday, October 12, 1989 at about 8:40 p.m. a man walked into M & S Variety, 261 Michael Blvd. in Whitby. He pulled a gun on the female employee deman- ding cash and told her he would "Blow her head off" if she didn't give it. He left the store with the money and got into a medium sized dark car and drove away. On Tuesday, October 24, 1980 at about 7:40 p.m. a man entered the Baseline Variety at 240 Bayly Street East in Ajax. Again a gun was pulled on the employee who -was also Robbed of cash. The . man left the store grabbing cigarettes on the way out. Both stores had Video Cameras operating and live footage of these Crimes will be shown on CI- TY TV on Thursday, November 23 during the 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. News. It will also be shown on CHEX TV and CKVR TV on Friday, November 24 during their News Shows and also over the weekend. Two other Robberies occurred, one on October 26 at J & S conve- nience at 1003 Brock Street South in Whitby, and another on November 2 at the Bayly Variety at 1261 Bayly Street, Pickering. Police feel that the same person "may be responsible for all 4 Robberies. The suspect is described as a: White male, in his 20's about 5'9", light brown hair, thin moustache, thin to medium build, dark pants with a white T/shirt and dark jacket. On all 4 occasions he was wearing a blue baseball cap with white on the front. The gun is described as a long drop-off depots in 1990. The Environment MORE GOOD NEWS ABOUT REDUCTION-REUSE-RECYCLING by Janet Banting Inthe first eight months of 1989, 672 tonnes of material were diverted from landfill as a result of the collection of various items at the Brock Township Landfill Site and the three transfer sta- tions (Oshawa, Cartwright, and Scugog). Many people may not be aware of the variety of items that can be dropped off at these locations. At Cartwright and Scugog Transfer Stations and the Brock Township Landfill Site, householders may drop off the following materials in addition to cans, newspapers, and glass: tires, scrap metal, old cor- rugated cardboard, waste oil, propane cylinders, batteries, and white goods. Cartwright and Scugog will also accept plastic garden pots and flats. For those people in areas without blue box pick-up, the good news is that the Region plans to add forty new Since July 1988, when the service became available, seventy- five industries around the Region have contacted the Durham Region Works Department for assistance in reducing waste and locating markets for recyclable materials. You can arrange for a waste audit of your company, free of charge, by calling the Waste Reduction Facilitator at 668-7721. Many local business people are helping to reduce the volume of garbage going to landfill by paying to have materials such as cardboard and wood chips hauled away. Others make organic waste available to local farmers, and ensure that soft drink cans used at work are recycled. Some store owners are beginning to encourage shoppers to bring their own bags when shopping, and at local bulk stores you can fill your own containers as well. The average person can help by looking around the house and thinking a little before throwing things away. In our household, for example, we recently converted an old cabinet stereo and an old cabinet television into drying cupboards for woodworking projects. The children's old crib, which does not meet current safety standards, was hacked apart to make shelves for the drying cupboards. When our wash pail got a hole in it, rather than throw it away, we started using it as a storage pail for potatoes. Our old diaper pail is now the wash pail. These are just a few small examples of the uses you can put things to rather than keaving them into the garbage. Future columns will ide more suggestions on how to create less garbage around the house and when you shop. barrelled handgun. Crime Stoppers is asking for any one with any information on this suspect to call. If you do call, you will never have to give your name or appear in Court. A cash reward of up to $1,000 is being offered. The Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 that's 436-TIPS Long Distance - Call Collect Sergeant Sandy Ryrie is the Co- ordinator with the Durham Regional Police Force and writes this article to help combat crime. A Citizen Board administers the Crime Stoppers Programs of which there are now over 800 in North' America. The reward money is raised through Tax Deductible donations which may be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K8. Quit FOR PORT PERRY STAR + Tuesday, November 21, 1989 -- 35 SAVINGS AND COMFORT "[KEON Magnetic Interior Insulating Windows *Reduce Heating & Air Conditioning Costs *Fraction of the Cost of "Standard" Replacement Windows *No More Drafts or Condensation *Custom Made to fit YOUR Window, No Matter What Size or Shape. Call Today For A Free Estimate TORONTO WHITBY/OSHAWA 494-6031 430-3205 SEALS AIR-TIGHT - JUST LIKE YOUR REFRIGERATOR DOOR Gee us at the Pickering Home and Design Centre In the IDEA PLACE. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK 5 NEW YORK DELI STYLE PIZZA AH Ul Ji {I [Dan] Come in and pick up your pizza pass good for one year a $30 value Sun-Thur, 4.PM -8.PM Fri. Sat. 4PM -10PM Now Available only at Port Perry's Meating Place 180 QUEEN ST. 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