---- a Art exhibit opens at Library Another great season of art ex- hibits opens at the Scugog Memorial Public Library on Saturday, September 9 with Watercolours by Donna Griffin- Smith. Donna is a teacher at S.A. Cawker Public School in Port Perry. She studied Visual Arts at Trent University, the University of Toronto and York University. She has also attended numerous seminars, ' workshops, and courses with many prominent ar- tists. Her love of travel, the Cana- dian wilderness and rural coun- tryside influence her choice of subject matter. Her current pain- tings are watercolours but she has also worked extensively in oil. Donna's work has been exhibited at art festivals and galleries in Lindsay, Port Perry, Haliburton, Bowmanville and Oshawa. Her paintings are in private and Junie pellect ons, Including that rt McLa Libr in Oshawa. nd Donna will be present at the library from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, September 9, and we invite you to come and chat with her. The show continues until September 29. The art exhibits in the upcom- ing session hold much in store for your viewing pleasure. Local ar- tists as well as some from other areas of Ontario will be presen- ting their art. There will be pA : everything from paintings to a " a i sculpture, jewellery, fibre art and Harness racing with parl-mutual betting attracted large crowds to Port Perry folk art. : Fair last Sunday. The stands, (bottom right) were filled all afternoon for this pop- We'll be looking forward to see- ular event and it was a common sight to see people scanning thelr programs ing you on Saturday, September (bottom left) to pick a horse before each race. Sunny skies for all three days of 9 between 1 and 4 p.m. to meet the fair made it one of the best in recent years. Photos by J. Peter Hvidsten Donna Griffin-Smith and enjoy her exhibition and sale of MENZIES CAR CARE & SALES || | S.rrORTTHE Watercolours. COMPLETE RECONDITIONING CO Y S Bl dr Buti) BN MMORIAL ON ~0 Down ATV Oilskin, No Drip Non-Toxic Rustproofing NE] Saldlic] - USED VEHICLE SALES - BOSrILAL TERE WET ES A reconditioned car adds "value" to your investment Buildin g and No Interest for 60 Days Ph 985-8291 FREE PICK-UP AND : ; EE a, ree Fund with Polaris Star Card* OFFER GOOD THRU NOVEMBER 30. 139 WATER ST. . 6 HIGH STREET PORT PERRY ~~ ORT PERRY auto glass & trim WITH THIS COUPON WILLY & SON LTD. PORT PERRY 985-3192 985-8507 - MOBILE SERVICE - GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP