Volume 123 N umber 41 , event. Young Katie White of Egypt, Ontario (R. petitors that attended the Port Perry Fair h the "show in breeders herd" "Dodger." Bright, sunny fairgrounds to enjoy the many events, See more photos Inside this Issue of the Star. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 Copy 50¢ 60 Pages skies helped to attract on demonstration A Winning Smile from Katie 4 R. 1, Pefferlaw) was just one of the hundreds of com- eld over the Labour Day weekend. Katle competed In class during Sunday's competitions, with her five month old calf e of the largest crowds In recent years to the 8 and shows which take place at this annual yr - More work to do, but school open by Julia Ashton After a touch and go week- end, S.A. Cawker Public School opened its doors to 6505 students Tuesday morning. Although the students were allowed into the school, work is far from being completed. Principal Harry Kiezebrink said furniture for the school didn't arrive until 4:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Desks were in place, Safe weekend in Both Durham Region Po-: lice and the Whitby OPP report no serinus fratfic incidents in Scugog Township over the La- bour Day Weekend. Region Police investigat- ed three accidents which result- edin minor injuries. And the OPP was kept busy Monday evening with a five- vehicle "chain reaction" acci- dentin Manchester. inju- ig: There were no serio ries from that one, an have charged one person with impaired driving. The accident took place when a line of cars was stopped at the traffic lights at Highway 7A and 12. Port Perry was a busy place over the Labour Day weekend with numerous visitors attend- ing the annual Fair. Unlike last year when rain and very cool temperatures kept the crowds away, the Fair in 1989 was blessed with three days of beautiful sunshine, and but the students had to pick up their own chairs and take them to their classrooms. The public address system and bells were not completed. Mr. Kiezebrink said Susan Scugog organizers say crowds were up considerably over last year. In fact, Sunday's atten- dance was reported to be just about double over the Sunday last year. With the large crowds at- tending the Fair all three days, Regional Police said there were no serious incidents. "We had no problems at all, aside from a couple of minor parking complaints," said Sgt. n Hudson. Reed, a teacher at the school, walked the halls ringing a bell atlunch time. Construction, maintenance and custodial crews worked through the Labor Day week- end in an attempt to finish the school. "Everything essential to the school is in place and function- ing," Ted Beauchamp, project supervisor for the Durham Board of Education said on Fri- day. - "We're in Jelatively good shape," he said in a telephone interview. "Everyday it's begin- ning to look a little bit less like a construction site." Mr. Beauchamp predicted that only the gymnasium and the boiler room would not be complete by opening day, but on Tuesday construction crews were at the school finishing the (Turn to page 5) Cops seek man Durham Region Police have released two photos of a man charged with criminal neg- ligence causing death in connec- tion with an accident June 14 in Scugog Township. Kenneth Arthur Hudson, 29, alias Thomas Howden is also facing a charge of criminal negligence causing injury. He was involved in an acci- dent on Durham Road 23 just north of Concession 13 which claimed the life of a four year old boy, and resulted in se- rious injury to the boy's mother and three year old brother. Hudson, who had been tak- en to Port Perry Hospital, man- aged to slip away, and he hasn't been seen since. Coin eoscs He is described as male, white, 6' 8" about 160 pounds and with a pale complexion. He is known to wear a ring in his left ear. At the time of the incident in June, Hudson was. wearing a beard. Police believe he may have shaved it off and he may have lost weight since June. Police are asking anyone with information about Hudson or his whereabouts to contact Durham . Crime Stoppers at 436- TIPS. Information leading to his arrest can result in a cash re- ward. Informants never have to give their names or appear in court.