The Feldenkrais Method is coming to to Port Perry for the first time this fall. « Classes under the direction of Harold Tausch of Seagrave, will be held each Tuseday eve- ning, starting September 19. And what exactly is the Fel- denkrais Method? According to Mr. Tausch, it's "awareness through move- ment, a series of very gentle re- laxing exercises designed to im- prove posture, flexibility and breathing." } He also told the Star the ex- ercises, most of which are done lying on the floor, can relieve stiffness and pain in joints and . lower, help to reduce stress or tension, and generally increase the mechanicla movements of the body. Mr. Tausch, who has been involved with the Method for the last four years and took three courses (nine weeks each in the States) to become a quali- fied instructor, says the exercis- es are of benefit to persons of all ages, regardless of how physi- cally fit or active they may be. And because they are "gen- tle exercises" where you won't work up a sweat, they are of par- ticular benefit to seniors. What the method essential- ly does is teach a person how to move, "how to break old move- ment patterns (of the body) and replace them with ones that are easier for the body," explained Mr. Tausch. The method was developed by the man who put his name to it: Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. He was born in Russia near the turn of the century, went on to become a physicist who worked with the British admi- rality during World War 2. Along the way, he earned black belts in judo and an in- Harold Tausch of Seagrave will be conducting classes this fall In the Feldenkrals Method, a series of gentle exer- cises designed to help people relax. (see story for detalls) = [A ry les? 5 Yel i ANN ] NN Ye on MO * Basic Sewing * Pattern Making * Basketry * Smocking SSS MANN N NN = 70 4 Y | gn 2.17 ERRAVAI RR Pa * Country Decor Items * Sweat Shirt Cardigan * Christmas Craft Workshop * New Quilt Patterns * Hand Quilting Techniques * Balloons and Drapes Visit the store to see our samples and join us for our OPEN HOUSE Sept. 14th from 7 to 9 & Sept. 16 from 10 to 2 A, Daisy's Fabrics 4 [J Hp ht te DON 1150, / ER 4.% rl 3 0, NE may Be I LN id RUIHIHHIITIIINY located in Luke's Country Store 201 (necen Street - Port Perry EEO GOEOEOREREEEREREEEEEEnR NN tense interest in anatomy, physiology, Zen Bhuddism, and cybernetics. When his physician told him an old keen injury from soc- cer could leave him a cripple for life, he refused to accept this, and began to develop a system of altering the way the body moves. Over time, he developed PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, September 6, 1989 -- 13 Feldenkrais: exercising the gentle way about "1,000 awareness through movement exercises. By 1970, there were a handful of Feldenkrais practi- tioners, today, there are more than 600 in Canada alone. Along with the lower back (which is a source of pain for many people) the Method con- centrates on the neck, shoul- ders, pelvis and rib cage. Mr. Tausch, who has a background in computers and data processing, will be con- ducting the Tuesday night ses- sions in the Anglican Church Hall in Port Perry from 8:30 to 9:30 PM. } The cost for ten classes is $65, or $8 per single class. For more information, con- tact him at 985-4274. Enter Myer's Cash & Carry ... WE CONTEST RE REALLY COOK, WIN INSTANTLY One of Almost 29,000 Instant Prizes! COLLECT & WIN One of 10 Microwave Ovens mell Enter to Win a Trip for 4 to Walt [Disney World. For Full Details Come Into Our Store. MYERS CASH & CARRY BULK FOODS & DISCOUNT DAIRY PRODUCTS We have a wide variety of Cake Decorating and Candy Making Supplies. A selection of over 30 Cake Pans to Rent. We reserve the right to limit qijantities. Sale items in effect until closing Monday, September 11th, 1989. SENIOR CITIZENS: 10% DISCOUNT on Bulk items every Monday. HWY. 7A EAST, PORT PERRY Just West of the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Port Perry Plaza Thursday & Friday ............c.eceunne 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM 98 5-9 441 Saturday 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM ] fia PEPS a. ¢ JOHNVINCE | SCA FOODS LTD. -- DAIRY SPECIALS -- Chocolate Milk 2% MK ooo, Muppet Yogourt Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice 2 litre $2.29 1 litre $1.09 4 litre $2.59 svequre] 2/ .99 1 litre $1.89 -- BULK SPECIALS -- Paradise Mix Popping Corn Drink Crystals APFICOLS ooo ib. $3.49 Toasted Corn ...1b. $2.99 _ Ib. .55 A. 1b. $1.09 tests sisacsssanetattsatttssssebbrarr iran s EEE EEE RL EP RPE PER Sess iaieeris risers t acts sstaeraantanly 1b. $2.79 ER § 'Q1} SQ004 EX IONIANHOS p Ill gil Sal al aS lh mee Zs ad ale ame ag gh Gl le ah al Copp pe mma GS Emm