SN Jep go] ey. Viele] Yh gd=F.Yoh do] -]-; SIME Vic] clelel hg y. Nop gol of) | JACK MONSMA 'ELECTRIC Industrial - Commercial - Residential R.R.1, PORT PERRY 2985-2917 M. R. LACEY ELECTRIC Residential 7 Industrial / Commercial Specialize in Indoor & Outdoor Lighting Phone 986-4371 All work inspected and guaranteed. GEE ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Sales, Repairs & Rewinding to All Motors. Sn ELECTRIC Farm -- Residential Commercial -- Industrial Pole Line & Augering Service - Presture b wimming FREE ESTIMATES - CALL : PAUL BENT RICK CAMPBELL -- SHIRLEY ROAD -- 985-8049 985-8667 986-0606 DAVE RANKIN ELECTRIC in. specializing in WIRING CUSTOM HOMES & ADDITIONS HYDRO SERVICE CHANGES & ELECTRIC HEATING JAMES RANKIN ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS Hot Water Tank Installation & Repairs We also do small jobs & renovations. DAVE RANKIN 985-7191 frre 985-8537 RR3, Port Perry RICK LAROCQUE ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL rz. port rerey 989-3261 EEE. Dizm Steam aning BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES O PAINTS O GLAZES 0 GREENWARE OO all your ceramic needs -- REPAIRS TO -- Outboards - Tillers - Lawnmowers Nor-Cher Ceramics CHERYL ALLEN Snowmobiles - Chainsaws DUNCAN DEALER Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 985-8718 'DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS -- AUTO -- 985-8471 -- HOME -- -- COMMERCIAL -- BOAT -- SNOWMOBILE -- 559 King St. Prince Albert Scugog Appliance Repair REFRIGERATION = =E) New & Used Parts for the Handyman New & Used Appliances for Sale TOM VANDERENDE BUY -- SELL -- TRADE Call 986-8312 Anytime 8. CLARKE PLUMBING "Mike's Final Touch" Commorcat 985-0621 uano 985-8328 | | vate, 579-3178 SCUGOG PLUMBING & HEATING New & Old Installations - Specializing in Custom Homes Complete Bathroom Renovations from Drywall to Finished Floors. BOX 966 - PORT PERRY PHONE: 985-9361 al VN ElV celal pgs y.Nop gol of) *B Derfect "HUHN HEATING CO. LTD. HEATING 24 Hour Emergency Oil Burner Service Gas & Electric F/A -- Oil & Wood Central Air Conditiorfing -- Ductwork FURNACE CLEANING Radio Dispatched 985-3998 PLUMBING - PAINTING - CARPENTRY - -- Humidifiers -- R.R. 4, port PERRY 985-9581 FRED TIMMS BY NEELYS ele] tag). Nope] =i] PORT PERRY WINDOWS & DOORS Complete Selection of Vinyl & Aluminum Windows & Doors Tilt, Casements, Side Slider & Double Hung -- INSURANCE WORK --- FREE ESTIMATES -- WAYNE HUTCHINSON 085- 87 2 4 Service & Installation A. Oppers ALUMINUM & VINYL PRODUCTS LTD. -- WINDOWS - DOORS - AWNINGS -- * 20 Yr. Warranty on Material FREE ESTIMATES * 5 Yr. Warranty on Labour . 986-5673 or 986-4445 |: iis SUPERIOR ALUMINUM ' Selected Dealer with 20 Year Written PORT PERRY Guarantee on all Aluminum Materials. SIDING - SOFFIT - FASCIA - 085-39 1 2 WINDOWS - DOORS - TROUGHS Also in Vinyl CUSTOM MADE KAalIser SHUTTERS & BARN TROUGH PAUL'S ALUMINUM Siding -- Soffit -- Fascia -- Troughs Thermal Windows - Skylights - Storm Windows SPECIAL PATIO DOORS - FIBREGLASS INLINE PRODUCTS (windows & doors) aie CE 20 Year Warranty on Materials DOWS 5 Year Warranty on Labour 985 8646 SSE AT WINDOWS CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE - A BEAUTIFUL NEW IDEA! LANDSCAPING SERVICES ANALDA LANDSCAPING & NURSERIES Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! (5 miles east of Port Perry) HWY. 7A and West 1/4 Line 288-4771 TREE SERVICE UXBRIDGE FOREST GARDENS LTD. * Tree Pruning or Removal * Fully Insured * Bucket Truck & B . * Stump Removal PP SBB-7087 TTI ~ INI.» Truck J window smashed . Either late January 20 or early in the morning of January 21, the driver's vent window of a 1987 Ford truck was smashed. The incident happened in the parking lot of the Port Perry Pla- za. Police are investigating. Greenbank area news It is the busy time of year for Annual Meetings so here is a list of the Church meetings: Greenbank Annual Meeting, Tuesday Jan. 24 at the Church, 8 o'clock Official Board Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 8 o'clock at Seagrave United Church Greenbank Annual Sunday School Meeting, Monday Jan. 30, 7:30, in the Church basement. ) The Afternoon Unit, U.C.W. will hold its meeting on Feb. 1st, in the church basement at 1 o'clock for dessert with the meeting to follow. The Evening Unit U.C.W. will hold their meeting on Feb. 1 in the church basement at 8 o'clock. All ladies of the comunity are more than welcome to attend either meetings. Our sincerest sympathy to the Rahm family on the death of Mr. Cecil Rahm of Bowmanville. It is good to report that Mrs. Ruth Till is home and recuperating nicely after recent surgery in Oshawa Hospital. A busy weekend for Mr. and Mrs. James Ianson who had their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker of Hepwarth visit them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walker and children of Owen Sound spent the day wi his grandparents. The Annual meeting of the Greenbank Park and Hall Board will be held in Greenbank Hall on Thursday Jan. 26th at 8:00 p.m. At this meeting new officers will be elected and the 1989 Park and Hall Budget will be set, in order to comply with a request from Scugog Township Council to present the budget prior to Feb. 1st. Everyone welcome. The Greenbank Gamblers Fastball Team held a Banquet at Conway Place on Saturday even- ing to celebrate their 1988 All On- tario Fastball Championship vic- tory. In attendance at the banquet was the sponsors of the team Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee of Toronto. Next 4H Project "Working with Wool" is for any girl or boy eleven years of age before Jan. 1st, 1989 (note change of age limit). This project offers insight into the pro- cessing of wool from the fleece to yarn. Spinning and dyeing will be activities included as well as the basics of knitting. So come on out and join in the fun. Please phone 852-6693 before the end of this week, January 29th. Last Wednesday afternoon the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Velma Foster. Roll call was "Give a cure for the winter's ills". The President - Margaret Couperthwaite chaired a short business meeting. Mrs. Dorothy Ianson gave a paper on Middle Age followed by one on the Mary Stewart Collect. Several readings were read by Shirley Lee and Velma Foster after which those in aftendance enjoyed a social hour. ° Thought for this week: "Never return a kindness, pass it on". eu Se thy * oe "No a.» ; A a ae