PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, January 24, 1989 -- 3 N tad Xe a Gi fe BA Ng 7 wie VE Seatbelts save mom and three kids . i EN oS wy 3 BN 2 eo < Ro ANG { 2" \ ~ --~ = NI A Whitby mother and her three children were taken via ambulance to Port Per- ry"s Community Memorial Hospital after this van slid on a snow-covered section of Regional Road 2, at Seagrave, Tuesday afternoon. For detalls, see story. « W-- IE -- Four people, a mother and her three children, were injured in a single vehicle accident near Sea- grave January 17. Sherrie Fleming, 27, of Whit- by, was headed south on Regional Road 2 at 2:05 p.m. when the 1986 Chrysler Caravan she was driving hit a snow-covered patch, slid sideways into an east ditch, struck a tree, and rolled over. Durham Regional Police say Mrs. Fleming suffered major inju- ries. She was sent to Port Perry's Community Memorial Hospital via ambulance, and later trans- ferred to Oshawa General. Her three children, Eric, 4, Cur- tis, 2, and Tara, 1, received minor injuries. They were also treated at hospital and released. Police say all four were wearing their seat belts. The van was a write-off. Minutes after the accident, be- fore police and ambulance arrived, a second car hit the same icy spot, and also skidded into the ditch, missing people at the scene by mere feet. The driver of the dark green Volkswagen was not hurt, and was able to drive her car back onto the roadway. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8054 TAN, TONE & TAKE OFF INCHES before going south! 10 TANS ... $49. 10 TAN & TONE ... $99. WINTER HOURS: Monday to Friday 8 to 8 PM; Saturday & Sunday Noon to 6 PM. AMADEUS _ SEAFOOD :ni STEAKHOUSE (BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE) Roast Prime Beef Can. Grade A ............... 9.99 Fresh Shrimps Provencial ................. 59.99 Fresh Orange Roughy ............. 9.99 2136-9333 1180 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA RASG-DOBB von 101i. 11:30 40 1 10h S01 550m. 5 PM to 11 PM THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD LE CONSEIL DES ECOLES SEPARES CATHOLIQUE DE LA REGION DE DURHAM -- invites -- ALL INTERESTED PARENTS & RATEPAYERS --f0oa -- PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING -- regarding -- THE PILOT FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM GRADE 4: Middle Total immersion to be held Monday, January 30th, 1989 SCHOOL of the HOLY REDEEMER 747 Liverpool Road, PICKERING, Ontario Tuesday, January 31st, 1989 TIME: 7:30 PM ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, 194 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA, Ontario Parents may attend either presentation. The presentations will include a descrip- tion of the Board's French Immersion Program, the established procedures for application, recommendation and registration of pupils and offer an opportunity for questions and answers. Information Booklets and application forms will be available at either meeting. Application forms will also be available at all home schools or the above French immersion schools from January 31st to February 10th, 1989. TIME: 7:30.PM DATE: LOCATION: DATE: LOCATION: Recover car A 1977 Lincoln allegedly stolen from a residence in Whitby was recovered by Durham Regional Police January 22 at 7 a.m. The car was discovered in a ditch at Concession 3 and old Simcoe Street. The doors were unlocked and the stereo was missing. Two sets of footprints were found lead- ing away from the car. Police are investigating. CENTRAL VAC NOW AVAILABLE Upto S200F othe snd of lan. ping SALES & SERVICE 3 \| on our complete line of QUALITY PRODUCTS. 1908 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA (Just south of Durham College) 433-8046 MON. to FRI. 10 to 6; SAT. 10to 3 * Shirt Laundr * Repairs x & Leathers Suedes ' Hour Service