Et RE fa i a a eb diet ie i RRR. a EH A CE CC CN NT HHT HN EI 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 13, 1988 Herrema says site for trash must be found (From page 1) However, he suggested the Region must "closely monitor" the growth in an effort to diversify the kinds of development that come to Durham, To this end, Herrema said a TAsk Force will be set up to "target the kinds of development we want." "We can't continue to just build houses here without some kind of diversity." Herrema said the Task Force would me made up of senior Re- gional staff, reps from the indus- trial sector, and the academic com- munity using the resources of Durham College or the University of Toronto. In his inaugural address, he pledged to make the 911 Emergen- cy Dial system a "reality in this term of council." And he said the Region must work to protect farmland in Dur- ham. "The value of farmland is get- ting so high, it's not economical to farm any more, and that's not right," he stated. Following Herrema's inaugu- ral remarks, the 32 member coun- cil, 16 of whom are new this term, went through the long and tedious task of electing members to the four standing committees that handle much of the Region's day-to-day business. Three committee chairman were acclaimed: Brock Township Mayor Don Hadden to finance; Newcastle Mayor Marie Hubbard to planning, and Oshawa council- lor John Aker to public works. Newcastle councillor Diane Hamre was returned as chairman of Social and Health Services, de- feating Whitby councillor Tom Edwards. Scugog Township's newly elected Regional reps were both successful in getting the commit- tee appointments of their first choice. Mayor Howard Hall will serve on planning and Yvonne Christie on public works. BIA formation (From page 1) However, the membership has indicated near unanimous support for the proposal. The BIA can be disbanded if 60 per cent of the businesses within the area vote to do so. Once the BIA is officially law, the assessments are collected by the Township and turned over to the BIA board, appointed by the council. The council on Monday named Mayor Howard Hall as the council rep on the board. The oth- ers willbe appointed at a later About ten years ago, efforts to form a BIA in downtown Port Perry fell through when there was not the sufficient support from the businesses within the designaied area. The assessment app..cs only to business, not to residential homes that may happen to be within the designated area. eR ER ER ERERERER Special Purchase AEA EAE f \N RN > Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley | was returned to another term on the Regional Police Commission, along with Oshawa councillor Al Mason. The make-up of the sanding *committees for the next 1 months will be as follows. FINANCE: chairman Don Had- den, Bob Attersley, Al Mason, Wayne Arthurs, David Conway, Joe Dickson, Pauline Beal and James Witty. HEALTH-SOCIAL SERVICES: Chairman Diane Hamre, Tom Ed- wards, Bev Morgan, Margaret Shaw, Pat Clark, John Doble, Brian Nicholson and Ken Hooper. PLANNING: Chairman Marie Hubbard, Bob Mitchell, Al Pil- key, Joe Drumm, Gerri-Lynn O'Connor, Nancy Diamond, Ho- ward Hall and Irv Harrell. PUBLIC WORKS: Chairman John Aker, Don Jackson, Jim Potticary, Linda Dionne, Marcel Brunelle, Yvonne Christie, Larry Hannah and Doug Dickerson. The Durham Region Lung Assocation presented a beautiful Christmas floral arrangement to the staff and residents of Community Nursing Home last week- end. Making the presentation were Earl and Jean Martyn of Port Perry. And ac- cepting are Harry Sanderson and Joy Holtby RN SUPPLY CO. 189 NORTH STREET PORT PERRY 985-9746 | RADIO © | CONTROLLED | 5 giao." CARS ....... from a SPECIAL PURCHASE g ACTION MAX VIDEO GAME Complete ... 79 . YY SENSI Sandals & Sport Sponges Thank You for a Great Year! Merry Christmas and CHAIRS In-stock for Christmas AUTOMATIC POOL 4 VACS NOVELTY BARBECUE APRONS UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFTS