Greenbank and Area News by Margaret Couperthwaite Utica "Community Daycare Centre Inc. IS NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS for toddler age children 18 to 30 months. We offer qualified, experienced staff, full programming for children and subsidized daycare spaces. We are located just west of Port Perry. For more information please call the supervisor at If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace. Lord John Russell Our White Gift Service took place on Sunday with the third Advent Candle of Joy being lit and both junior and senior choirs singing. Also we were privileged to have two members of the Scu- gog Singers "When a Child is Born" and "Birthday of a King." Please remember the Christmas concert this Wedesday December 14 at 7:30 p.m. The Christmas Eve service December 24th at 7:30 in Greenbank Chrurch, and Christmas Day Service for the three congregations in Pinedale at PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 13, 1968 -- 19 Scugog Singers entertain Church The Greenbank Community Cookbook is now available from Suzanne Lee 985-2006 or Dot Hooker 985-3420 for six dollars, a great Christmas gift. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dianne Stone, Valerie Hunter, Kim Thomson, Jean Clarke, Debbie Beattie, Barb Phayre for their great typing and cooperation. A special thanks to Barry Lee for our cover and to Ja- nice Lee for our title pages. To all our advertisements, pa- trons and the community who have helped to make this cook- book a success, many thanks. Please note for anyone that is involved in the Christmas Eve on Thursday December 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Greenbank Church. I enjoyed the Senior Citizens' trip to Toronto recently--out for dinner, tour of Casa Loma, Har- bourfront and a drive through the CNE grounds and different spots through Toronto on our way home completed a very lovely day. Kir. and Mrs. Tom Shadlock from Milliken visited at the McKean's house on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davidson from Lindsay visited one day re- cently with Armour and Rachel McMillan also Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kidd from Goodwood visited at the same home. That's all for this 985-8783 11 am. service our final practise will be ~~ week--everyone is t00 busy to phone. Next week, please phone your news in to Helen McKean at 985-2944. Thank-you. Utica news By Vera Brown Boy, weren't we cold in Utica on Sunday evening. With temper- atures below zero, this certainly wasn't the best of times to be without the hydro. Thank good- ness for the camping equipment that this house has kept over the years and those who had fireplaces etc. were also able to keep warm. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica United Church at 11:15 a.m. The Scugog Singers will be guests once again and their carol singing I am sure will be enjoyed by all. On Monday December 19th at 7:30 p.m. the Sunday School Christmas concert will be held in Epsom church. Choir practise this week will be held at Jane Sobil's at 8 p.m.' Thursday. There were 11 tables of euchre in the hall last Friday evening. Winners were ladies first Iva Yake, 2nd, Dora Geer, and third Evelyn Bryant. For the men, first Verna Draper, 2nd, Bruce Bright and third, Rita Storie. Freeze-out winners were Stan Dick and Stan Beach, second were Lloyd and Evelyn Bryant. Winners of the lucky draws were George Harper, pied MOM I MEY i AYMEN f % Gord Smith and Gordie Ireland. The next euchre will be a special y | y | Christmas event in two weeks. There will be extra prizes for this occasion. GM PAYS HE HETFRES i doth FOR 90 DAYS' PLUS! ON ALL IN-STOCK "89 CORSICAS & TEMPESTS a few days in Las Vegas. Jeffrey and Corey Slute of Ro- Corsica currently in-stock, and still have something left to put in his wife Eilecn. your stocking. | MORPHOS binglade Estates were weekend HURRY, IT'S ALLOVER DEC.17TH! STUDIO wife Susan who stopped in on Now you can have a good old family Christmas with a great new guests with their grandparents Lome and Eileen Slute. Sunday GALLERY dE -- ------. YOUR ONTARIO GM DEALERS + ini their way to the airport, where family car, without having to put out a lot of cash before Christmas. supper guests with the Slutes -- reproduction furniture CHEVROLET « OLDSMOBILE « CADILLAC « PONTIAC * BUICK « CHEVY & GMC TRUCKS they were departing on Sunday for See your Ontario GM Dealer today about any new '89 Tempest or were Lorne's brother Lloyd and -- ceramics -- hand weaving -- paintings -- ey 'Offer to ofl 1989 Chevrolet C ond Pontioc Tempers Example: 48 month - H 6 LAR oi A To AA ro Fnanced 48 mone ot 14 JS KA PR smal somal S309 Corporate & Private EM | Riovember 28 ond December 17, 1988. Offer available only to Con of borrowing is $3,957 60 on approved credit. Retoil purchases only icci ? v quolified retail buyers financing their purchases through GMAC on 0 Purchaser will be responsible for the payment of oble taxes, Commissions Accepted. re' tania conwoct Alogi srpliqiomtubietie Surorcs fic ond cumcaler To totd owontocton AM to 5 PM - Wed. to Fri ¢ interest oCtrven for 00 days after dow of valicla purchote. foctory orders not eligible Po potion. Fleet, feate 10 to 5 - Wed. to Fri. Other times by phoning 985-0860 1 MILE EAST OF MUSEUM OFF SCUGOG ISLAND ROAD 3 TEANOL ON TIASETRE WARRANTY, SET YOUR GM DEALER | OR FAL DETARS. SEE YOUR PARTICIPATING GM DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS. ONTARIO GM DEALERS ASSOCIATION, c/o 180 LESMILLROAD, DON MILLS, ONTARIO M3B 275