I I oY = 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 15, 1988 Guides hear fire safety tips from experts by Heather McCrae The Brownies, Girl Guides and Pathfinder Groups of the Scugog area have all been busy as they embark on another year of fun, work and service. Every new Brownie or Tweenie has been learning the story of Brownies and the meaning of a smile, hand- shake and a good turn. The Brownie Program is designed for girls from six to nine years of age. The First Seagrave Guiders, under the leadership of Linda Wray, Cherie Wall and Jane Gostlin have started on their Needleworker's Badge by making 'Rocking Horse' Christmas or- naments. The Guide Program is designed for girls from nine to twelve years of age. The Fourth Port Perry or 'Island' Girl Guides have been working on the Keep Fit badge. The new guides or Tenderfoots have been taught the meaning of the whistle blasts and hand Free trade Liberal M.P. Sheila Copps from Hamilton East will be in the Durham Riding to show support of local Liberal candidate Doug Moffatt in Durham and Ed White in Oshawa. She and Doug will be at the 5 Points Mall, corner of Taunton Rd. and Ritson on Thurs., Nov. 17, 3-4 P.M. and at the Liberal Cam- paign Headquarters, Somerville and Taunton Rd. from 4-5 P.M. Sheila will be speaking about the signals. The girls enjoyed a Hallowe'en party and took part in an exciting Scavenger Hunt. Some of the items to be hunted for, as arranged by leaders Rod- dy Barnhardt, Sue Pelyk and Judy Cooper, were a corpse's hand (surgical glove filled with water and then frozen); Eye of Nuet (peeled grapes); Smurf's legs (dyed blue chicken legs); Cyclop's Eye (hard boiled egg); a giant's bone (a cow's leg bone) ; Magots (cooked rice) and Goblin's hair (dog fur)! The Second Port Perry Guide Company recently amalgamated with the First Port Perry Guides, making it one big company under the leadership of Joanne Popovitch, Joanne Hyndman and Robin Scallon. The girls served cookies and beverages at the re- cent blood donor clinic. Again the girls were in uniform when they served sandwiches, soup, drinks and desserts to the vendors and public at the Annual Craft Sale at the High School. As part of their Law Awareness Badge the Guides toured the Durham Regional Police Station in Oshawa recent- ly and last week visited the Port Perry Fire Hall as part of their Fire Safety Badge. Enrolment of the Tenderfoots took place on October 24th with thirteen new Guides being welcomed into the Company. The First Port Perry Pathfinders started off the year with thirteen girls registering. Leading in this path of adventure, for girls from twelve to fifteen years of age, are Claire Stainton Pathfinder Sarah Brown shared with the girls her camping ex- perience at Echo Valley this past summer. Joanne Kroonenberg and five of 'her' girls worked at a bake table during the recent Big Apple Festival Bake Sale of which all the girls had participated by pro- viding baked goods for this event. This group worked on their Com- munity Emblem 'Arts and Recreation' by attending a studio and watching a Christian band practice. The lead singer had the unique opportunity of being inter- viewed by these girls and Sarah was a 'star' as she was able to sing a song with the group. This article is being written monthly to inform the people of Scugog of the activities our Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders are involved in. Help- ing others, or service, is the very heart of the philosophy and prac- tice of Guiding, whether it be at the level of Brownies, Guides or Pathfinders. From the Good Turn to the more extended community service of the older girls, we will all see this ideal of Guiding in action. Scugog Township firefighters Paul Dick and Stewart fire safety to members of the First and Second Port Perr Houthys gave a talk on y Guides, who are work- ing on their fire safety badges. Some of the items covered included emergency procedures, basic fire safety knowledge, and knowing the emergency phone and Joanne Kroonenberg. numbers. The Guides also had a look at some of the equipment used by the vol- R CH RISTM AS HD ST EAA A A040 AEA 0 Sl AYA 0 A MEMORIES Trade Deal. Everyone welcome. 2 Brooklin Home Town Christmas! We wish to invite you to get into the holiday spirit early with us. at our OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 19, 1988 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A * REFRESHMENTS - FREE QIFTS FOR EVERYONE - FREE DRAWS Co. experi shopping in a relaxed atmosphere -- COMP abie oth PPS en touch and plaiiy fein charm J) (uy Soucy mth Any-- A A Friday, November 18th - 10 AM to 8 PM Saturday, November 19th - 10 AM to 5 PM Stedmans PORT PERRY PLAZA [Hwy. 7A East) Bunny Cox Carolyn Hall M i k Herb Visser Walter Hartwig == ovies make Laird Bell Barbara Williamson = "Great" ae =2"-. = Robert Hall Margo McNab Christmas Gifts! bus (416: 655-8444 toronto line 427- 1 263 and Brooklin 655-3306 res (418) 655-8930 EB i le Ey. i § Brooklin Flour =F ; Brooklin Village I] RTE . = i | Mills 655.4851 zig ert i Shoppe #5 es, Antique Country Furniture Baking Supplies fine Ladys' Wear * » 3 \N--$ Gifts, Cards and Accessories i Gourmet Sauces. | ) y 1 5 Full Colour Profession al i uf [9 Y with a country flair. N " Ei Souvenir Shirts & Mugs fl ean Knits rom Soowand ' H H wit "Country Store" atmosphere 1928 Jewellery Collectio . Qual ity Portraits : i 855-4942 i located in the century old mill. Unique yy Cowon " 855-3474 FE FE [F) FE IEE) EES ER mmm ee FER EER FEE ET ER IRR IE Em em Lirias dgg J oo. $095 S 6 0 5 0 &. aunty Sosiloorns ] o The warmth and pleasant atmosphere of our hop will be waiting f , al ith n i Cons Pre 8 Ook Fume s EDAsmas Peeranors Hronohy Tepetured $2.00 SITTING FEE PLR PERS i rrr d Boro : on 2 Ju sason aa . RSON Antique Smalls & Wooden Animals ~ ' . "a - ® " 1 § ~N PACKAGE OFFER Poses Our Selection. Additional fl boy 355 Bron. Oi i H ( C DARRyookl l . 6 Roebuck St Brookiin. Ont 401 WHITBY F LO WwWwERSGCEG I FPF TS . portraits at reasonable prices with i Res 655-3526 3 - 5x7 Sharon MacKinnon 655-3963 12 - WALLET SIZE Satisf on ete Peake FEE I EE EE FED IEE ER Em FE 0 [EE IT FER [FE Ey em - ' atisiaction guaranteed or : *APPROX. MEASUREMENTS your money cheerfully refunded. ieee REMIX Ant ues | SNIRY Cy Ap an independent member broker FAMILIES WELCOME ONE OFFER PER FAMILY 'e ll pan 1, Brian Wright BOIINS Wy ) Broker/Owner iT on uA, Jackie Wright 3 Sus Aire S373 Aue: : 49 Batdwin Sweet yo Thursday, November 17th - 10 AM to 8 PM CO don Sendetang ouomnSre ECOR- 655.8542 DAYS OF FUTURE & PAST ANTIQUES Specializing In: IRON BEDS WITH BRASS TRIM & Fine Oak Furniture 655-4097