Tips for safer trips pl FV -NEl[cHNela] 'hg y.-Nop go] of HUHN HEATING Gas & Electric F/A -- 0il & Wood Central Air Conditioning -- Ductwork Chimney Liners -- Air Cleaners HEATING CO. LTD. 24 Hour Emergency Oil Bumer Service FURNACE CLEANING Radio Dispatched RR. 4 -- Humidifiers -- 985-3998 port PERRY 985-9581 Nelo oy NJ] \cl={=)Vile] = FRED TIMMS ANALDA LANDSCAPING Don't waste & NURSERIES (5 miles east of Port Perry) this space. HWY. 7A and West 1/4 Line Small ads pay 886-4771 TREE SERVICE UXBRIDGE FOREST GARDENS LTD. * Tree Pruning or Removal * Fully Insured * Bucket Truck & Brush Chi x Stump Removal rus per 852-7087 BASSETT'S Dinar SMALL ENGINES Cleaning -- REPAIRS TO -- Outboards - Tillers - Lawnmowers Snowmobiles - Chainsaws carpets & couches 852-6711 955-8552 - Fibreglass Repairs - Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 0 PAINTS [J GLAZES [0 GREENWARE [J all your ceramic needs Nor-Cher Ceramics CHERYL ALLEN DUNCAN DEALER 985-8718 DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS -- AUTO -- 985-8471 -- HOME -- -- COMMERCIAL -- BOAT -- SNOWMOBILE -- 559 King St. Prince Albert Scugog Appliance Repair REFRIGERATION nl: = eo New & Used Parts for the Handyman 1 New & Used Appliances for Sale TOM VANDERENDE BUY -- SELL -- TRADE Call 986-5312 Anytime PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 8, 1988 -- 59 Play it safe when driving on icy roads BUSINESS DIRECTORY It's late at night on the highway in the dead of winter. You've been following the tail lights of the car in front for the past half-hour, us- ing them as a beacon in the blow- ing snow. You switch your gaze to the rear-view mirror for a mo- ment too long. Your tires hit a patch of black ice; you brake and start to skid toward a snow bank. It's a distressingly typical winter scene, but the majority of Canadians, all of whom consider themselves good drivers, don't SS Joh ][ey.\E ela hy-V Noh gdo]-]-] JACK MONSMA ELECTRIC Industrial - Commercial - Residential R.R.1, PORT PERRY 885-2917 Phone 986-4377 All work inspected and guaranteed. ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS Hot Water Tank Installation & Repairs z= 985-8537 M. R. LACEY ELECTRIC Residential / Industrial / Commercial Specialize in Indoor & Outdoor Lighting JAMES RANKIN Farm -- Residential Commercial -- Industrial Pole Line & Augering Service FREE ESTIMATES - CALL PAUL BENT RICK CAMPBELL 985-8667 986-0606 GEE ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Sales, Repairs & Rewinding to All Motors. Pressure & Swimming Pool Pumps. -- SHIRLEY ROAD -- 985-8049 RICK LAROCQUE ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL Pole Line Service R.R.2, PORT PERRY 985-3261 ALUMINUM CONTRACTORS WAYNE HUTCHINSON Service & Installation PORT PERRY WINDOWS & DOORS Complete Selection of Vinyl & Aluminum Windows & Doors Tilt, Casements, Side Slider & Double Hung -- INSURANCE WORK --- FREE ESTIMATES -- 985-8724 A. Op pers ALUMINUM & VINYL PRODUCTS LTD. -- WINDOWS - DOORS - AWNINGS -- * 20 Yr. Warranty on Material * 5 Yr. Warranty on Labour 986-5673 or 986-4445 FREE ESTIMATES * ALCAN * KAYCAN * HUNTER DOUGLAS SUPERIOR ALUMINUM PORT PERRY 985-3912 KAISER A BEAUTIFUL NEW IDEA! Selected Dealer with 20 Year Written Guarantee on all Aluminum Materials. SIDING - SOFFIT - FASCIA WINDOWS - DOORS - TROUGHS Also in Vinyl CUSTOM MADE SHUTTERS & BARN TROUGH PAUL'S ALUMINUM Siding -- Soffit -- Fascia -- Troughs Thermal Windows - Skylights - Storm Windows SPECIAL PATIO DOORS - FIBREGLASS INLINE PRODUCTS (windows & doors) fo TR 20 Year Warranty on Materials 5 Year Warranty on Labour 98 5 3646 ES, CAL ro A eo - know how to handle it. Skids usually end in disaster because drivers don't react fast enough and when they finally do, they choose the wrong action at the wrong time. Your safe choise in this case is to release the brake, rather than stomp on it; take your foot off the accelerator; and shift into neutral - fast - to stop the drive of the wheels against the brakes. Then, gently turn the steering wheel toward the direction you want the car to go. If the car has already started to spin around and you've lost con- trol, don't yank the steering wheel back. In this instance, your safe choice is to hit the brake pedal - but do it smoothly and gently. This will lock all four wheels and keep the car travelling in a straight line. Keep maximum pressure on the pedal until the car has come to a complete stop. Do not pump the brake pedal! It will extend your stopping distance. When driving in icy conditions, normal braking should result in a fairly controlled stop when you're not in a skid. Press down on the brake pedal gently but with max- imum pressure. If the wheels start to lock and you're not in a skid, release the brake pedal slightly and re-apply gently. Again, don't pump your brakes. Steering and braking at the same time are virtually impossi- ble on a slippery road, so if you see it's best to turn the car, release the brake pedal. To get your car moving again on a slippery surface, make sure the front wheels are straight; put the car in drive or low gear and push down gently on the gas pedal until the car just starts to move, "If you accelerate too quickly the wheels will spin. When this hap- pens, ease up on the gas pedal and start again, gently. If your tires still spin, rock the car back and forth lightly by moving the gears from forward to reverse and back again several times, beginning with reverse. AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corniels Auction Barn Washstands, iron bed with brass trim, chesterfields, modern dresser & chest of drawers, odd wooden kitchen chairs, Ginger- bread clock, lap desk, 6 pc. dinette suite, Rockwell Beaver Band Saw, antique dressers, chest of drawers, odd Pressback chairs, copper kettles & boilers, walnut end tables, floor lamps, white Provincial dressers 8 chest of drawers, console colour T.V. chrome kitchen suites, quantity of tools, china 8 glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. (705) 786-2183. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture & an- tiques for the estate of the late CAROLINE COLLERAN, Ux- bridge, and others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. Antiques including hall tree with mirror, drop front secretary, Jacques 8 Hayes umbrella stand, caned bottom chairs, lamp table, gate leg table, bookcase, spool bed, ladder back chairs, cherry bonnet chest, wicker doll car- riage, piano stool, blanket box, writing desk, wall clock, tiffany table lamp (excell.), wicker shop- ping cart, spinning wheel, butter bowl, 4 poster bed, washstand, oil lamps, blue flowered crock (Cor- nwall), Westinghouse frost free fridge, oedroom suite, end tables, picture frames, dishes, cups & saucers, lawnmower, snowblower, Mossburg .22, Lee Enfield .303, 3 air staplers, Homelite Chain Saw, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. N15