eee A coe dieses <a en PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 25, 1968 -- 41 Notice Coming Events Coming Events Greetings Yard Sales For Sale DRAW WINNERS for the Downtown Business Association's Big Apple Festival Draw are: Shirley Norton of Oshawa, Laura McQuade of Port Perry, Julie Lynde of Blackstock. Thanks to all who par- ticipated in this event and made it such a successful day. PAUL'S SHOE REPAIR moved to Port Perry IGA on Queen St. as of October 1/88 TELEPHONE 985-8646 "ir LIBERAL The DOUG MOFFATT CAMPAIGN OFFICE is now open at the PORT PERRY LAWN BOWLING CLUB Regional Rd. 8 & Simcoe North CALL 985-4441 for information or assistance. Coming Events A WEEKEND IN The Country: Show and Sale of handweaving, ceramic jewellery, appliqued sweatshirts, handpainted scarves and Pot Pourri. Sat., Oct. 29 and Sun., Oct. 30. 10a.m. to4 p.m. 178 Cochrane St., Port Perry. 985-9093. REGISTRATION FOR Ex: plorers, girls grades 4, 5 & 6 - Wed., Oct. 26th, Port Perry United Church, fee $12.00 - 4-5:30 p.m. - group meets every 2 weeks. Inquiries 985-9042. THE "GUILD SHOW' Sat., Nov. 5, -- 10-3. Annual Show & Sale of Arts & Crafts. Thunderbird Golf Club, Ashburn. (5 km. west of Highway 12 on Myrtle Rd. west). Gifts from burlap baskets to handmade children's clothing to watercolour paintings to Petit Point Jewellery. Lots more. Ad- mission $1.50 - sponsored by Burns Church, Kirk Guild. Infor- mation 655-4652. 0 25 PLUS BUS TRIP Thursday, Dec. 1 - "One of a Kind' craft show, Toronto, lunch & show - admis- sion, information - 655-8550. N 1 CRAFT & BAKE Sale - Brooklin Oddfellows Hall, Bagot St. (2nd St. East of No. 12 Hwy. off Cassels Rd.) - Sat., Oct. 29. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. HOT LUNCHEON at the Presbyterian Church, Friday, Nov. 4, 1988. 11:30 - 1:30 - $4.00 each. N1 QUILT WORKSHOPS -- spaces available in these 2 - part evening sessions. O'Hare Bunnies, Oct. 27 & Nov. 10 Almost Amish Wall - Hanging, Nov. 2 & 9. Patchwork Sheep, Nov. 16 & 23, Wreaths, Dec. 1 & 8. One day cass still has spaces left. Log Cabin Wall Hang- ing, Nov. 15. Call Marlene Russell 985-9339. O25 CHILDREN'S HALLOWEEN Theatre workshop, Saturday, Oc- tober 29 at Port Perry United Church from 9:30 - 3:30. Ages 8-12. For more information call Zakeana 985-2123. 0 25 ODDFELLOWS BINGO Monday, Nov. 7th - 7 p.m., Oddfellows Hall. FALL INTO FASHION, Wed. & Thurs., October 26 & 27, Catholic Church Hall, Scugog St., 7:15 p.m. Desserts 8 coffee, door prizes. Show 8:00 p.m. $7.00 per person. Country Classics & Designers. Tickets available at Country Classics. 025 TEEN DANCE Oct. 28 - 7:30 - 11:00 p.m. at Parish Hall, 274 North St., Port Perry. Refreshments & D.J. $2.00 admission. 3RD ANNUAL Christmas Craft Sale - Sat., Nov. 12- 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Kinsmen Hall, Port Perry. Free Admission. Free Draws. COFFEE BREAK at Hope Chris- tian Reformed Church i$ presen- ting special morning on Thurs., Nov. 3 at 9:30 a.m. All women are invited to come and hear our special speaker Mrs. Rita Bar- nhoorn. She will show slides & tell about her stay in Papua, New Guinea where she spent 3 years working for weekly Bible translaters. Nursery care is pro- vided for children ages 0-2 & for children 3 to 5 years. We have a story hour program with stories, crafts, singing & refreshments. For further information call 985-9359. NEXT MOVIE, Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Latcham Hall Port Perry, Fri. Oct 28 -- Blackstock Community Hall, Sat., Oct. 29. Start 7:00 p.m. Admission $2.00 all ages. 025 Coming Events Port Perry High School | will hold its annual OMMENCEMENT PROGRAMME -- at -- ~ 8:00 PM -- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th,1988 Because of the large number of graduates and the un- fortunate lack of space to adequately accomodate all of the graduates' intended guests, graduates are asked to invite no more than two guests each to ensure some degree of comfort for those in attendance. a "STONEMOOR DAY CARE CENTRE 399 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY ---- is pleased to announce we will be OPENING MONDAY, OCT. 31st AGES -- 18 Months to 10 Years Stimulating program to meet children's needs. Full, 1/2 Day and Nursery School Program available. HOURS -- 6:45 AM to 6:00 PM Hot, nutritious lunches. OPEN YEAR-ROUND -- MONDAY to FRIDAY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 985-0800 or §52-3510 Le LADIES AUXILIARY Royal Canadian Legion, Christmas Bazaar, Sat., Nov. 12- 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Bake & tea tables, pen- ny draw, white elephant, plants, crafts, etc. N38 Coming Events Happy 2nd Birthday October 28th, 1988 KATIE ARCHER LOVE & KISSES -- Grammie & Grampie COUNTRY CORNER CERAMICS Classes -- Greenware Firing -- Supplies -- Seminars -- FOLK ART BRUSHES & PAINTS 7 APPLEWOOD CRES. 985-9508 Happy Birthday BEV STANLEY OCTOBER 25th Still a Little Ray of Sunshine at "40" Don't waste this space. Small ads pay! TEEN DANCE 7:30 to 11:00 PM Fri., Oct. 28th PARISH HALL 274 North Street, Port Perry D.J. Refreshments $2.00 Admission Coming Events FEDERAL ALL CANDIDATES MEETING At Blackstock Recreation Centre 8 PM - TUES, NOVEMBER 1st sponsored by: Durham Region Federation of Agriculture SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH -- annual -- TURKEY DINNER Wed., November 2 SITTINGS: 4:45, 6:00; 7:15 PM Adults $7.50 Children 12 & under $3.00 also ... U.C.W. BAZAAR -- for advance tickets call -- 985-2489 or 705-357-3504 GARAGE SALE - Oct. 29, 9-4, 75 Caleb St., table & chairs, stereos, 25' coloured T.V. Quazar, 53 Buick, house trailer, commercial cleaning products, much more. SAT., OCT. 29 - 3 or 4 & possibly more separate family yard sales, Robin Glade - follow signs - north of Port Perry. GREENSBORO Drive, Black- stock, Sat., Oct. 29, 9-4, water pik, skis, skates, toys, other miscellaneous. WOODS FREEZER, cottage fur- niture, bed chesterfield, boat, box trailer, VIC 80 computer for kids, washer/dryer - new, odds & ends. Moving. Sat. & Sun. - Island Road to 10th Conc., go west to dead end, turn right to Pettet Dr. For Sale APT. SIZE washer and dryer. Ex- cellent condition $400.00 firm. 985-4108. 2 ELECTRIC POND pumps with 50 ft. cords. Asking $150.00 each. Phone 985-0496 evenings. N1 CAR STEREO, Alpine amplifier. Call Todd 985-2517. COUNTY ATLAS (Durham) Copy of 1877 original. Lots of village maps, places, etc. New, unopened $45. 723-7813 (Oshawa) WASHING MACHINE $100.00 & stove $25.00. 985-0981. MIXED SEASONED firewood - $45.00/face cord. Cedar fence posts 1-705-357-2246. N) 165 MASSEY Ferguson tractor A-1 shape, 985-4159 from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Ask for Phil. N1 17.8 CU. FT. Hotpoint refrigerator, almond, one year old - $650. 985-9519. USED SHEETS of tin, barn beams, stone for fireplaces, wooden hi-fi stereo with 8 track. 986-4379. FREE FOR the taking - one car, 3 trucks, galv. & steel pipes, oil tanks & burners, fridges, etc. 416-924-0444. 2 - 1000 WATT 240 volt heaters. Call 985-0391. PARAMOUNT RIDING Stables, horseback riding, trail rides, horses boarded, large box stalls, daily turnout, excellent care, reasonable rates, government licensed. Seagrave area. Call 433-2547 or 1-705-357-2246. O 25 HEATER - Oil filled electric radiator, thermostatically con- trolled, 3 heat settings - $80. 985-2597. WESTERN SADDLE including 2 bridles, good condition $350.00; 30-06 Remington Mod. 740 Semi Auto $350.00, exc. condition. 986-4953 after 5 p.m. 1977 HONDA Elsinore dirt bike 175 c.c., never raced or abused, like new, very low mileage. Ask- ing $800 or trade for snowmobile. Call Jim 985-0420. N 1 HAY FOR SALE 800 Ib. round bales - stored inside $35.00 each. 985-3751. N 8 16' HOUSE TRAILER $999.00. 985-9746 after 6 p.m. 985-0436. FIVE 12-15LT Cat Trac tires on rims, will fit GMC or Toyota $300.00. Phone 985-2717. TRUCK CAMPER for sale, ice box, propane stove, washroom, ideal for hunting - $450.00. Quan- tity of 8' & 12' steel beams for sale. 985-3885 or 985-9828. POTATOES -- Kennebec, Yukon Gold and Red Chieftain. Walter Kerry 852-6798. N 8 RABBITS FOR SALE - white New Zealand bucks & does ready for breeding $20.00 each. 985-3550 after 3 p.m. 025 USED ELECTRIC furnace, 20 kw, duo-temp, good condition $250. 985-3424 after 7 p.m. or 985-7637. Looking for ANTIQUES and BARGAINS then go no further! YOU'LL GET ALL THAT AND MORE BY SHOPPING THE PORT PERRY STAR AUCTION SALE LISTINGS 1985-7383 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH New Year's Eve DANCE Catholic Church Hall, Port Perry SAT., DEC. 31st 8:30 PM to 2:00 AM Music by Leonard Franssen Hot & Cold Buffet Door Prizes Admission: $20./person Call Fr. Grima at 985-7071 for your tickets Raffle of Two Airline Tickets to Florida. For your estimate call: o|BEAM] CANADA'S BEST-SELLING BUILT-IN VACUUM Pre-Christmas Sale Get 10% OFF when you purchase any complete system between October 25th and November 25th, 1988 AND we will guarantee installation before Christmas. JAN RENSINK 655-8702 (Columbus) ©Beam of Canada Inc. July 9/87 $2,643.38. port this very worthy cause. CAMPAIGN very shortly! Branch Poppy Trust Funds are reservoirs from which emergency assistances can be given to needy veterans, their dependents and the widows and children of deceased ex-servicemen. In the 1987 campaign, donations in the amount of $4,572.58 were received. Distributions from our Poppy Fund during the period of October 1, 1987 until September 30, 1988 were ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - Br. 419 - PORT PERRY will be conducting their annual To the citizens of the Port Perry area, we sincerely thank you for your past contributions and hope you will continue to sup- Stoves and Inserts and PIN 10s Ne 1 EDA 3 [7 A e----p---- == Hp 2 A RT a NESTLETON AIRTIGHT STOVES -- presents their -- LEAVES ARE FALLING SALE Good selection of Napolean Insulated Chimney Systems. plus ... WE PAY THE EQUIVALENT OF THE SALES TAX! Come and get them from October 24th to November 12th, 1988 1 Miles East of Port Perry, them 1'% miles North at Nestleton 2% Off .. 986-5350 Aaa A Ea Sa A A Ea ea aa. A. BEL aE same adh SE AE AER AL SEL SEL Aa an SE SEL SEL SEL SEE SE A ME rg MN fl A mee ZN