Bam ai Ll lS ce va Members of the United Church In Nestleton were busy Saturday morning as they kicked off an emergency relief drive for the victims of Hurricane Gilbert In Monterey, Mexico. And they have asked other churches In Scugog to support the drive with donations of food, blankets and warm clothing. (see story for de- tails) In this photo are several members of the United Church working on the re- lief effort, from left: Jean Williams, Janice MacKenzie, Heather Malcolm, Carol Hill, Erin Malcolm, Alison Malcolm, Arlene Malcolm and Rev. Dale Davis. Dona- tions will be accepted until November 14. Aid to Mexico on the way When Hurricane Glibert ripped its way across the Caribbean last month, the destruction caused mil- lions of dollars damage and left thousands homeless without the barest essentials of life. One of the hardest hit areas was Monterey, Mexico, and mem- bers of the United Church in Nestleton are trying to do some- thing to relieve the human suffer- ing. They have organized a relief drive and for the next couple of weeks, they'll be collecting a wide variety of goods for shipment to Mexico. ~ One of the local organizers, Carol Hill, told the Star last week that the group has notified other churches in the Scugog for mem- bers to make donations. The most urgently needed itcms are blankets, warm clothing such as sweaters, jackets, pants, socks, powdered milk, canned goods and non-perishable foods. And there is a real need for dispos- able diapers. The Nestleton United Church has already collected several large boxes of goods, and will continue to accept collections until Novem- COLIRAMA PETIRE es igh (CARD JERI wo SENET POTER IVER PENX VENI USNS ic TLE oA A IN NI hg] t » " CTT girs wo! ICEAM BELLA rise VHS "ON VIDEO CRSSETTE ©1988 Layout and Design RCA / Columbia Pictures Home Video. All Rights Reserved. MALED "7 ACTRLNE CALS G0 CALLIN -- NOW AVAILABLE AT -- Nestleton Country Store -- NESTLETON 7 Days a Week to 9 PM -- <a Port Perry -- ONTARIO -- 986-5131 | Caesarea Hwy. 7A ENESTLETON COUNTRY STORE Blackstock ber 14. If you want to help, you can take any of the items to the Nestleton Community Hall on Highway 7A. Or call Arlene Mal- colm at 986-4409 or Carol Hill at 986-4354. Mrs. Hill said the goods will be distributed in Mexico through the International Red Cross. On November, the goods col- lected in Scugog will be taken to Toronto Airport where American Air Lines and Mexicana Air Lines have agreed to fly everything to stricken area free of charge. It is believed that this will be the first shipment of relief goods to Mexico from Canada. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 25, 1988 -- 13 Denture Therapy Clinic JOANNE DEKKING, D.T. 1330 Ritson Rd. N., Monday to Saturday (Ritson at Taunton) 4136-9888 Oshawa, Ont. L1G 626 cect TIA WOODCROFT WARD 1 (Reach) COUNCILLOR competent experienced intelligent caring "FIRST In your MIND LRST on the BRLLOT VOTE WOODCROFT, Tia 7 ~ The Durham Board of Education will nominate two representatives to the Port Perry Public Library Board for a three year term, effective December 1, 1988. Interested parties should submit an application to: Mrs. Mary F. Wylie Communications Manager The Durham Board of Education 555 Rossland Road West Oshawa, Ontario L1J 3H3 Applications to be received no later than November 15, 1988. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION "A candidate concerned with the future of Scugog!" VOTE HOWARD HALL MAYOR