FRSA ---- JANUARY A $50,000 blaze in Reach Township destroyed the 100-year- old farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Durward. A six pound Blackstock boy was the New Years' baby at the local hospital. Born January 1, he is the son of Ken and Bev Co- chrane, R. R. 2, Blackstock. _ Donald Crosier was elected pres- ident of Port Perry Agricultural E> Ed FEBRUARY 1974 Community Memorial Hospital In Port Perry has hired a new administra- tor. He Is 32 year old Da- vid Brown of Oshawa. Mr. Brown replaces James VanCamp who has ac- cepted a position in To- ronto. From page 38 of Reach Township. OCTOBER About 55 percent of eligible vot- ers in the new Region of Durham made use of their franchise in the first election held on October 1. Lawrence Malcolm captured the seat of Mayor, Reg Rose the seat of Regional Councillor and Robert Kenny was elected the first Area Councillor. Robert Brinkman won the elec- tion in Ward 2, while Neil Hunter, Jerry Taylor and Donald Frew were acclaimed in Wards 1,3, and 4 re- spectively. Yvonne Christie and Gordon Goode were elected to the Region School Board. Ken Jackson, president of Fla- mingo Pastries Limited turned the sod for another extension to his wing enterprise. or. M. B.D mond, MPP an- nounced a $10,000 Provincial Grant to the Latcham Centre. The Ontario Social Credit League held convention in Port Perry and elected Bruce Amold, ed- itor of the Port Perry Star, first vice president. Well over 100 Senior Citizens and guests honoured Arthur Latch- am at a Turkey Supper. The Sen- ior Citizens Club, custodian of the Latcham Centre wanted to show appreciation to Mr. Latcham for the ity he had shown the municipality. 1973 - Malcolm Mayor Society. Regional Council received its first debenture request from Port Perry for $20,000 to be used for hydro improvements. FEBRUARY David Brown of Oshawa arrived to take up duties as the new ad- ministrator of the Community Memorial Hospital. David Porter and Barbara Bere- zowski won second prize in dance competition in the Canadian Fig- ure Skating Championships. Scugog Council approved an in- terim Fire Department budget of $61,262, a 50% increase over 1973 when the amount was $40,830. Council decided not to restore the 100-year-old Town Hall on the corner of Lilla and Queen Streets. Port Perry Star received first prize and a plaque in the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations' annual competitions in the 3001 to 4,500 circulation class. Heather Preston was elected president when the new Kin 20 club was formed and members ini- - tiated on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Port Perry Kinsmen Club. Cheryl Wright was chosen Heart Queen at Cartwight High School. . The students also collected over $1,000 in their Heart Fund Cam- paign. MARCH Stanley Bruton retires after 28 years of ownership of Bruton's Drug Store. The new owner is Jim Lawrence of Bowmanville. The pump which caused Port P residents to be without wa- ter for two days the summer be- fore broke down again. However, this time it did not cause too much of an inconvenience for the residents. A busload of Port Perry area high school students were guests NOVEMBER Penny Dawson delivered the va- ledictory address at the Com- mencement Exercises for Port Per- ry High School. A Grant C. MacDonald scholarship in honour of the recent retired principal was also established. The regional councillors vote themselves an annual salary of $10,000. Alan Reesor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor received a standing ovation at a concert in the United Church. Paul Mountjoy was the Valedic- torian at the Commencement Ex- ercises at Cartwright High School. Mrs. Jeanne Goode was elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community memorial Hos- pital. DECEMBER Members of the Region of Dur- ham council voted in favour of us- ing the Ontario County buildings in Whitby for their headquarters. Cartwright, Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Ratepayers Associa- tion at a meeting held in the An- lican Church, voiced the opinion 10,000 annual salary for the council members was too much. The Fidelity Lodge installed new officers for 1974, headed by A. Taylor, Master. Grant C. MacDonald was ap- pointed to the Corimunity Memo- rial Hospital Board, replacing Jerry Jackman who resigned the posi- tion. PORT PERRY STAR ANNIVERSARY ISSUE -- Tuesday, September 20, 1988 -- 39 1974 - Cy Wilson Ford destroyed by fire APRIL 1974 Fire swept through the premises of Cy Wilson Ford at Manchester completely destroying the landmark and causing damage estimated as high as $300,000. About 25 cars and trucks were destroyed as well as the entire bullding. of Durham Region Council, when Chairman Walter Beath presented Shelley Olsen and Dennis Mal- colm with a parchment and books. They in turn were to present the gifts to the Mayor of Durham, Cngland, on their arrival in the K. 3 MARCH 1974 Eighty one year old Jessie Hope has sold her variety store business af- ter 20 years of success- ful operation. She says it Is just too much for her anymore. The request to hire a full time fire chief was turned down at a meeting of the Scugog Council. Port Perry Lions Club initiates another service by collecting dis- carded eye glasses in the area for the benefit of a great demand of glasses in underdeveloped coun- tries. APRIL Long distance charges were eliminated from Port Perry and Uxbridge calls. Three hundred fifty persons at- tended the first agricultural semi- nar organized by Norman Cafik, MP for Ontario Riding. Speaker was the Hon. Eugene Whelan, Federal Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Cafik chaired the meeting and Mayor Lawrence Malcolm extend- ed a welcome to those present. The 1974 Lions Club executive was installed by Dep. District Governor Earl Dehetre with Mor- ley Bruce as president. A delegation of 25 from the Cartwright area met with the Dur- ham Board of Education and after some discussion decided to keep the Cartwright High School in operation. Jane Anne Stone was chosen Queen and Joan Coates, Princess at the annual Port Perry High School's At Home. The members of Scugog Histor- ical Society's Choir held a suc- cessful musical under the direction of Norman Watson in the R. H. Cornish Public School. MAY Joyce Bowerman wins PC nom- ination and will carry the banner in the forthcoming Federal elec- tion campaign. Scugog Ratepayers Association supports unanimously the preser- TON'g Jalon of the 100 year old Town Michelle Robinson was elected Queen at the annual Cartwright High School "At Home". Elected first princess was Marylou Mal- colm and second princess Cheryl Wright. Betty Deeth wins the Star spon- sored writing contest "Our Home- town Paper". Norm Cafik wins the Riding's nomination by acclamation. He began his third campaign in six years. JUNE In aid of Cystic Fibrosis, and local sports activities, the Port Turn to page 40 MARCH 1974 Mr. Jim Lawrence (left) has taken over ownership of Bruton's IDA Drug Store with Stan Bruton retiring af- ter 28 years serving the community from the same store