Va YAN Kay's Place, one of Port Perry's newest business- es, boasts a huge varlety of collectibles, Including plates, limited edition prints, dolls, figurines--you name It, and chances are, Kay's Place will have It. Owned by Kay Knight (right) and her husband Fred, the cheerful shop Is looked after by Melanie Swel- gard. See story for details. {a GE. a . SE Janice White's pianists do well in their exams At the recent Royal Conser- vatory Examination session held in Oshawa, the following students of Mrs. Janice White, A.R.C.T., R.M.T. are to be congratulated for receiving these excellent results. Piano -- Grade 2 - Amanda Pelyk - Honours 76; Grade 4 - Emily Stone - Honours 72; Grade 6 - Trevor Darlington - Honours 71; Grade 7 - Sarah Douglas - Honours 73. Theory -- Preliminary Rudiments - Alison White - First Class Honours 99; Grade 2 - Trevor Darlington - First Class Honours 86; and Sarah Douglas - First Class Honours 80. You'd need a whole lot of steak dinners to fill all the plates at Kay's Place. The newly opened Water St. gift shop is packed to the ceiling with plates--but these beauties are far too pretty to eat off of. Store owners Kay -and Fred Knight have literally filled the shop with collectable plates of every description. Whether your favourite obsession is birds, ani- mals, trains, holidays or people-- both real and imagined--Kay's Place has just the plate, or series of plates, you've been looking for. As far as subject matter goes, Kay says the shop has "just about everything under the sun. Some people may like to collect plates with cats or dogs. Others might like birds. There's something here for everybody." Of course, Kay's Place has far more to offer besides plates. "We like to think we specialize in art in all forms," Kay says pleasantly. The shelves brim with fancy china figurines, dinnerware, crys- tal, dolls and even spoons. The walls are lined with limited edi- tion prints from such notable art- ists as Waiter Campbell, Trish Romance and many others. But mostly, overwhelmingly, there are plates. Although Kay's Place in Port Perry was just opened this sum- mer, Kay and Fred have been in the collectable business since they opened their first store, in Toron- to, in 1979. The store was the result of Kay's personal fascination with collectables, and her discovery that many were hard to come by. "There seemed to be a need at that time," she recalls. "We started out with mostly plates and prints, and it evolved into a full gift shop Plates are too pretty to 'eat off of at Kay's Place and gallery." A few years later, they expanded with a store in Oshawa, and seven years later, opened in Port Perry July 14. Why here? "I think my husband fell in love with Port Perry," Kay says with a grin. "And they don't really have a store like ours here." All three stores carry a wide va- riety of items, and Kay says if something isn't in stock, she'll JAMES WOODS Cor squeamish.' NOW AVAILABLE ON VIDEO *...a wrenching thriller... not for the "This one I liked. Good action, good acting, pit of your stomach suspense.' "James Woods is a 9+ in this movie.' search for it. Port Perry's Kay's Place, along with the other two stores, also boasts a bridal registry and a col- lector's club, which features a reg- ular newsletter to keep avid collec- tors informed. One thing Kay's Place doesn't have is a map--something that's almost necessary to carry custom- ers through the tempting rows of collectables. Jeffrey Lyons Joel Siegel Gary Franklin 68 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9888 Sunday to Thursday -- Noon to 8:00 PM Friday and Saturday -- Noon to 10:00 PM Also available at: 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin MYERS CASH & CARRY ( BULK FOOD & DAIRY STORE Oo: --2 Great Weeks of Savings -- Light'n Lively YOGURT 750 g. 1.89 WARKWORTH MILD CHEESE 3.59. FILLING 85¢. STORE HOURS: A TORTIE Sas APPLE PIE We reserve the right to limit quantities. Sale items in ef- fect until closing Sept. 22, 1988 or while quantities last. Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. .............. 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Thursday & Friday ............. BAKING POWDER 1.15 Ib. MAPLE LEAF COOKIES 1.69 Ib. GLAZED CHERRIES Red or Green Ind. Wrapped DUBBLE BUBBLE GUM 2.25 Ib. BULK KIT KAT CHOCOLATE BARS 3.59. SEALTEST Sour Cream 500 ml. shreananssens 9:00 AM to 9 PM 112 SCUGOG ST., » Port Perry Plaza PORT PERRY