Pastor David Beesley is more than just a little excit- ed about the construction of a new home for Port Perry's Emmanuel Pentecostal Church. The oid building has been sold and a new one should be ready by Easter, 1989. See story for detalls. * Rototillers * Lawn Mowers * Generators * Compressors * Carpet Steamers * Scaffolds * Heavy Equipment * Pumps * Dollies * Construction Equipment * Wallpaper Steamers * Moving Equipment * Texture Machines * Floor Sanders * Power Tools * Log Splitters * Ice Augers * Snow Blowers PARTY GOODS GAMES TABLES CHAIRS GLASSES & DISHES HEE EYE 14 ways to actually enjoy yard worke The easy way to mow is now easier to afford with the new 6-hp RX63. Other models 9 or 12'/2 hp. Stop in today. John Deere 100 Series Lawn Tractors cut up to an acre an hour. Bag leaves, pull carts, push gravel. 9 to 17 hp. Model RX63 RIDER Sale Price = 695. (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) Model 130 LAWN TRACTOR Sale Price 82395. (rear grass bagger extra) UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 2 Miles West of Manchester 985-9701 JOHN DEERE PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 -- 5 New $1 million church slated to open by Easter If all goes according to plan, the congregation of Emmanuel Pente- costal Church will have a new home by Easter 1989. The old church, at the corner of Rosa and Queen Streets, has been sold to Stonemoor Daycare Cen- tre. The new owners take posses- sion in September. Formerly a Baptist Church, the building was purchased by the Emmanuel Pentecostal congrega- tion six or seven years ago. It has served the church well, but according to Pastor David Bee- sley, it just isn't big enough any- more to house the growing con- gregation. He says 200 pcople belong to the church, while the sanctuary seats only 125 comfort- ably. Three years ago, the church pur- chased six acres on Regional Road 8, across from Scugog Arena. A sod-turning ceremony will be held Sunday August 28 on the -property, to kick off construction which is slated to begin almost immediately after. Pastor Beesley is hoping the building will be up and closed in before winter--if that happens, the church should be ready for an offi- cial opening by Easter weekend. In the meantime, Pastor Beesley and the Board of Deacons is searching for a rental space in which to hold church meetings until the new chuch is built. RUBBER STAMPS Fast Delivery PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 > > 2 2 > 5 > > > > 2 2 2 > 2 Jas 2 2 2 > 2 22 2 > > > 2 2 2 > > > 2 Suh >> 2 2 2 > > > >> > 2 > 2 > > 2 Jam > > > > 2 8 He says the $1 million project won't be grandiose or elaborate, but will be attractive and function- al. Plans call for a colonial-style exterior, complete with red Willi- amsburg brickwork, a big white steeple, and white pillars over a carport. "It'll fit in well with the Victo- rian motif of the community," the Pastor said. "We wanted some- thing that would speak of tradi- tion." Inside, the church will boast a full basement, with auditorium, kitchen, and banquet facilities that will seat up to 300 people. At that size, the banquet room will be the biggest of its kind in Guaranteed Investment Certificates 10* 2 YR. TERM - Annual Comp. Minimum Deposit $500. § RSP's 0.75% 1 YR. TERM - Annual Comp. RATES SHOWN -- PER ANNUM Special rates also available on other amounts. All rates subject to change without notice. Higher Interest on Your Investments Port Perry. "It's really a gift to the commu- nity," Pastor Beesley said, ex- plaining that the facility will be available to rent. "We want 1t 10 be used to enhance the virtues of the town. I think it'll be a nice ad- dition." It will also be air-conditioned-- an important point, especially at this time of year. Mostly, though, it will be big- ger. Pastor Beesley calls his congre- gation a "young, growing, family- oriented" group, and the main rea- son for the new building is "to in- crease space for growth and to ex- pand the Ministry." Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 165 Queen St., Port Perry Tel. 985-8435 Open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5 pm; Friday 9am to 6 pm; Saturday 9am to 1 pm SS SHORT TERM DEPOSITS 734% 30 to 59 DAYS Min. Deposit $5,000. pr > > > > > PEPE > > > > > > > > > > 2