40 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 fresh loi Bacon PORT PERRY PLAZA Scugog Street (Hwy. 7A East) OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8 AM to 9 PM; Sat. to 6 PM Prices effective Monday to Saturday at Dowson' s Valu-mart, excluding meat items. We reserve the right to limit quantities. > nel a peer . RA TITTIES a RR | a ar a contains: ¥ 3 rib, 3 tenderloin & 3 centre cut portions § | | : : 3 500 g pkg. Ib | a 119 ncluding ash loin +0 5.05 t of Ontario ais Lira ne 2.18 anadano | gg 3 meats 119 pork hn Ib. 2.29 no. 1 nectarines in. HY cucumbers '99 ! reshly groun 4.39 apleLea : beer fest ound beet 1». 1.99 [sausage 2s 2.69 Country Kitchen x 8.80 wake J icin, 3160 caitenr, 1 9g [ff] pode SA ne 2.84 chrty * § oCanadano 1 hd 1b. 1.29 coer ba 29 product of Ontario Canada no ; mini 10ntano Canad, 1 ~ 196 fomaties uly " Ri an 1-99 a aE A a. N.S th ay real milk Weston plain hams Ib. ham steaks sig carrots Ib. 89 melon ) a TO crosstib xs 615 prod Feeodioss ng 1.74 | product of Argentina ne 2.18 } eye Cross r ; mandarin steaks or roasts Ib. 299 steaks Ib. 2.79 watermelon iv. J9 oranges Ib. 99 [ frozen store pak aan] zen store pa frozentned clams, cod ni Ble Water aten ne os shims comm BRE 2279 fish cakes » 109 fish snacks pkg. 675 kg. bread loa] muffins Pols LY without coupon p regular store ory od on avon pid 5 AR sig ig £ i : { shaghem; I -- No Soe iw: 00 lemon, lemon light or blackcurrant / Ll ; 2130 = "5%:.99 lGCapri Tetley iced tea ize | a ------. [iorenconcemrateapinnorwhite cCormicks assortment selected flavours 9 cakes 30149 [ 4.59 cookies 2: 249 |Guonch wei 129 | cakes 'ng lemonade pkg. Quench o3,. { urmet Light selected frozen varieties n Boston blug fish stic) Sookles selected varieties. chilled o Swanson ERA ters HY 3 £51.90 [i> eo trait ainks 55 79 limiter 2199 | entrees pkg fruit drinks cont fruit juice con 1 po Garden Patch selected varieties vegetables or orange pekoe cCormicks 3" 3 Kraft us BY) whole 2 BO " Couniry Harvest Fle j dinner pkg corn 14 02. tin tea 55 249 crackers - oi 169 : ready-10-sgrve spaghetti UFO's lightchunkin broth or water aker cereal regular of raisin date McVitties ) 5 hey Sra 1402. 99 9 184¢ Harvest 4509 1.99 Sigestivn 5009 b = tin Crunch box 8 pkg. H . 3 with | coupon 1 : without : | Thick & Rich Hts SdUCCs Tapio Load gage sliced Loaf orall wr "169 bologea ">, LOY eaf deh cut Canadian marble of, colby un,.88 a ™ Ib. fresh fromthe bakery 200 pie each fresh baked " =: 90 rye bread 309 danish' bakery Me 119 natural Kraft selected varieties regular or calorie- wise fresh scent large mineral water salad som. 9 AQ) Old Dutch 6.179 storage bags ok 179 Montclair "°F dressings "ui bleach con Ziploc 0120 fected odie . comparable brand or owdered dishwasher liquid dish cons n 2 Qf 175 t 9 Faberge on. D GQ yogur cont. scal idahoan or au gratin Hh ected varieties KsnLA 5.502. "99 : potatos se], 20 heans tin a cted varieties vory bem" &; 1.50 | mangrioe croutons o_EwJv) | margarine light Sunlight detergent. 2.99 | detergent 5: 3.49 cat fo oasietisslonity towels ected varieties all purpose blue Coast | spray (3's) Lone Whiskas 29199) Clot Cloths .fi% 1.59|50an s0ap oo RR A I SN TI EN SAE Emr Xi - [oT iol 8 Ep ---- "GLASS oY "5s vj of Fs a 9 AA Er py wp . simi MicroWare: : , J Em TERESI, Soe Fa on