Port Perry High School teacher, Diane Lackie has just returned from a three week tour of the Peoples' Republic of China, and is seen here framed In mist high atop China's fabled "Great Wall" at Badaling, near the Juyongguan Pass to Mongolia. Diane has written a 'four-part' perspective on her whirlwind tour which will be published in the next four editions of the Star. This week In Part 1; Diane gives us an in- sight into Education in China. We hope you will en- joy these articles, the first begins on page 10. [ sPmAY DRIVEWAY | PAINTING & : | = sae | FouGaTion I ALUMINUY 085.9490 Same Day Service I Wai 2 985-9806 085-9490 hi @ ie aASnnion PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-0129 1st Anniversary SAL Wed., Aug. 17th to Sat., Aug. 20th New Fall Arrivals SPECIAL $20. : 340. RACKS 4 PLUS - A Free Gift with Purchase over $10.00 Scugog Township will con- tinue to have two trustees on the Durham Board of Education, at least until the 1991 municipal elections. Under a new formula for trus- tee representation based on popu- lation rather than assessment, the number of trustees on the Board Malcolm (From page 1) government when there was a fair amount of public resentment. After sitting out a term on Scugog council from 1978-80, he jumped back into politics at the Regional level, winning elections in 1980, 82 and 85. When asked to describe his style as a municipal politician, he said he learned over the years to "listen to all sides" of an issue, "never jump to conclusions and don't make quick or snap deci- sions. "I'm very wary of the pitfalls. I have seen enough of them," he said with a smile. With the pending retirement of both councillor Malcolm and Jerry Taylor, both "senior seats" on council are up for grabs this «© PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 -- 3 was increased from 17 to 20, to take effect at the November elec- tions this year. The three new trustees will all be from Oshawa. There was no change in the number of trustees representing the seven other mu- nicipalities within the Durham Board's jurisdiction. retires November. Already, there are thrce de- clared candidates for the Mayor's chair, and the race for the Region- al seat will no doubt be just as hotly contested, Councillor Malcolm said one reason why he decided to announce his retirement plans early in Au- gust was to clear the air about his political future and give potential candidates for the Regional scat a chance to organize their cam- paigns. As for what he plans to do once he becomes a private citizen in mid-November, he said he will be spending more time with his 19 grandchildren, and he and his wfie Gwen will be travelling to New Zealand for a visit with one of their daughters. a MID-SUMMER CANDY & NUT SALE Jelly Beans 20 to 50% OFF all NUTS Macademias ..... 1/2 PRICE Pistachios ............ 25% OFF & Jubes .... 20% OFF 182 Queen St., Port Perry While Quantities Last PLUS MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS! OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 to 10 Scugog keeps two reps on Durham Education Bd. Uxbridge and Brock Town- ships will continue with one trus- tee each, Oshawa will have seven, while Ajax, Pickering and Whitby will have three each. This distribution of trustees had been recommended by a com- mittee of three municipal clerks in Durham. Scugog trustee Joyce Kelly, who will be seeking re-election this November, said Monday evening she is very pleased the Township retained two trustees. She had been concerned that Scu- gog might lose one trustee, or that Brock and Uxbridge might end up sharing one trustee. Meanwhile, Scugog's other trustee Debbie Tredway will not be seeking re-election to the Board this November. For school board distribution purposes, Scugog has 14,577 public school supporters, and there are 248,866 in the entire Durham Region. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOB 1NO (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL. y INSURANCE NATIONAL | TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Grey Trustco 04% 5 Year Annual Interest 10% SEMI-ANNUALLY Rates Subject to Change without Notice. SELECTIONS -- men's wear -- 241 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY -- has -- BACK -CO=- SCHOOL 'JEANS' Sandblasted -- and -- Stonewashed 'Jeaneus Jeans REGULAR FIT SLIM FIT EXTRA SLIM FIT Calvin Klein Jeans SIZES 27 to 38 many in-store specials sane RE a EH i BI Re SA | BR FR SR WT § EE ERS A TR A A TE re I i I i NN re pe a.