~-- 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 Phone 985-7383 Classified A ds Deadline: Monday - 12 Noon ed CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $5.00 first 20 words; 15¢ each word following. REPEAT: Second insert of same ad ... $4.00 for the first 20 words; 15¢C each word following. ARTWORK /LOGO DESIGN: Extra Charge. PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion. DISPLAY ADS: For rates and information call 985-7383. ALL ADVERTISING: Must be paid for in cash or by VISA before 12:00 Noon on Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS at 12:00 NOON (No Ad Changes after 10:00 a.m. on Mondays) Although every precaution is taken to avoid errors in all advertising, Lhis newspaper accepts advertising with the understanding that should an error occur it is hable only for the cost of that portion of the advertisement in which the error occured in rela tion to the entire advertisement If an error should occur, it must be brought to our attention before the following publication Card of Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks, to our neighbours, relatives and family for the love- ly gifts presented to us at the sur- prise party given to us at our home in Saintfield. A very special thank you to Morley & Isabel Raines, Ray and Eunice Rahm and Neil and Pat Raines, and all those who participated in any way to make the evening a very special event. It is an evening that will long be remembered. Sincerely, Ron, Faye & Sheri Alldred The family of the late Leonard Clark wish to thank all their friends, relatives and neighbours, Rev. Brian Gee for his words of comfort, Doctors Wu & Rayman, V.O.N. nurses, Durham Region Home Care, and a special thanks to the nursing staff of Whitby General Hospital, 3rd floor and emergency department for their - care and thoughtfulness above and beyond the call of duty. We also thank the Armstrong Funeral Home, the Durham Regional Police, the Port Perry Lions Club and the Port Perry |IOOF War- riner Lodge NO. 75. The sincere generousity and loving kindness of all these people were grateful- ly appreciated by the family dur- ing our sad time and recent bereavement. Wife Wilma & family The family of the late Reg Abraham wish to express their thanks to family and friends for their kindness and support shov'n to us during our recent loss of our father, grandfather and great- grandfather. A special thank you to the Seagrave U.C.W. for the luncheon. The Abraham family Percy Van Camp and family wish to thank relatives and friends for floral tributes, memorial dona- tions and cards received in memory of a dear wife and mother, Elva Van Camp. Sincere thanks to Rev. Dale Davis and Richard Choe for their comfort and support; Dr. Allin and nurs- ing staff for their attentive care; Blackstock U.C.W. for providing and serving lunch and the Wagg Funeral Home for their service. Our greatest thanks goes to all our friends and family for being a part oi our Jack & Jill. Special thanks to Mike & Cindy, Doug & Danielle, Dad & Mom, Rick & Leslie and lan & Joy for all your extra help. Janet & Joe | would like to thank all my friends & relatives for flowers, cards 8 visits, also for the many phone calls. A special thanks to Jerry Bray, Mary Lawrence, Ross Boyd, & John Jeffrey for all the work they did on the farm for me. Bruce Cummings Births COPITHORN - Garry and Paula are very thankful to announce the safe arrival of their new little son. Mark Joseph was born July 27 at Oshawa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Clem Mark and Margaret Jeffrey and John and Jean Copithorn. Big brother Dar- ry! would like to thank his grand: parents for taking such good care of him and daddy during mom's absence. Births SHE'S A CUTIE! - Robert & Jeri- Lynn Wearing are pleased to an- nounce the birth of Joanna May on Wednesday, August 3, 1988 at 2:55 p.m. weighing 8 Ibs. 2 ozs. a playmate for Aster. Special thanks to Dr. L. Tremblay and TLC from nurses in maternity at Ajax-Pickering General Hospital. WILLIAMS - Derek and Mary (nee DeFranco) are very happy to announce the birth on Wednes- day, July 27, 1988 in Toronto of their daughter Rita Barbara, 6 Ibs. 11 ozs, a sister for Cody. Pro- ud grandparents are Mrs. Franca DeFranco, Toronto and Ray & Sheena Williams of Nestleton. PEHLEMANN - Mark & Ollie (nee Sopoci) are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their 1st child, a baby girl - Allyson Kaye, born July 25, 1988, weighing 6 Ibs. 13 ozs. Proud grandparents are Paul and Olga Sopoci of Nestleton, and Wells Pehlemann & Barb Munden of Utica. Special thanks to Dr. Beatty and the nur- sing staff at O.G.H. also to Dr. Price and the excellent nursing staff of Port Perry Hospital. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Karin Brenda to Peter John, son of Norman and Mildred Macintyre, Woodville, Ontario. Marriage to take place August 26, 1988 at Manchester Church. IVES FLORIST LTD. Custom Design Specialists 166 WATER ST., PORT PERRY PHONE 985-2525 Funeral*Wedding* Hospital and Specialty Orders Delivered anywhere in town, Oshawa, Ashburn, Little Britain i or anywhere in between. BALLOONS - EL SiR Feel free to come in and browse just for the <mell of I At Rest Unlike some other monument companies, STAFFORD MONUMENTS will not be raising their prices in 1988. All memorials will be sold at the old 1987 price. We make house calls in the PORT PERRY and RURAL areas. STAFFORD MONUMENTS is Canada's oldest monument com- pany - 6 generations old. Located in Bowmanville at 143 King Street East. PHONE 1-416-623-8150. TF BENFORD, John entered into rest at Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital on Friday, August 5, 1988. John Benford in his 83rd year was the beloved hus- band of the late Ruby Taplin, beloved father of Ken of Pon- typool, Bev. (Mrs. Brown) of Leskard and Brad of Caesarea. Dearly remnembered by 6 grand- children and 9 great- grandchildren. Brother of William of Weston, Mrs. Nancy Taylor of Toronto and Mrs. Elsie Lacey of Toronto. Friends called at the Scugog Memorial Funeral Chapel on Sunday, August 7. Funeral service was held on Mon- day, August 8 at 1:00 p.m. in the chapel. Interment at Pontypool Cemetery. At Rest MCLEAN, Laura Ingram quietly at Sunnybrook Medical Centre on August 2, 1988 beloved wife of the late Lyle McLean, dear aunt of Kathleen Law, Scott Ingram, Donald Ingram, Jean Waldorf, Melva Pitts, also survived by her grand nieces & nephews. Service was held on Friday, August 5, 1988 followed by Interment in the Pine Grove Cemetery, Port Perry, On- tario. If desired donations to the Scott Mission or the charity of your choice would be appreciated (Morley Bedford Funeral Home). FIELDING, Arthur George at the Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry on Wednesday, August 3, 1988 In his 77th year. Dearly loved husband of Ruby Jane Jewell, dear father of Elaine . (Mrs. Arthur Anness) of Little Britain. Loving grandfather of Eugene, Katherine, Carolyn and Timothey. Dear brother of Ethel (Mrs. Ernest Beelby) of Scugog Island and Eileen (Mrs. Frank Thompson) of Ashburn. Predeceased by Lew and Earl Fielding. Loved by many nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at the Wagg- McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home in Port Perry (985-2171) on Friday, August 5 at 1:30 p.m. In- terment Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired a donation may be made to the Heart and Stroke Founda- tion of Ontario. STAFFORD MONUMENTS * Family Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers * Inscriptions * Sandblasting 318 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 1-668-3552 -- after hours -- 1-668-4460 or 1-666-1513 143 RING. ST. E., BOWMANVILLE P.J. Dawson 1-623-8150 after hours -- 579-1116 Home Appointments or Free Transportation to either showroom gladly arranged. In Memoriam LEE - In loving memory of my cousin William (Bill) who left us August 12, 1983. He left us so suddenly His thoughts unknown But he left us a memory We are proud to own So treasure him Lord In your garden of rest For when on earth He was one of the best Sadly missed and lovingly remembered cousin Brian In Memoriam HOWSAM, Della - In loving memory of a dear mother, grand- mother and great-grandmother who passed away August 12, 1987. Her smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much Her memory Is our keepsake From which we will never part God has her in his keeping We have her In our hearts Sadly missed but always remembered by Lcrna & family LEE - In loving memory of a dear son, brother & uncle - William Ralph Lee (Bill) who was ac- cidently killed August 12, 1983. A sadness still comes over us Tears of silence often flow Memory keeps you ever near us Though you died five years ago He little thought when leaving home He would no more return That he in death so soon would sleep And leave us here to mourn We do not know what pain he bore We did not see him die We only know he passed away And never said good-bye Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Mom, dad, sisters, brother-in-laws, nieces & nephews MCLAUGHLIN - In memory of a loving husband, father & grand- father, Charlie, who passed away on August 12, 1985. This month comes with sad regret It brings back a day we shall never forget You fell asleep without good-bye But our memories of you will never die Sadly missed & lovingly remembered by wife Georgie, family and grandchildren TOBIN, Michael - In loving memory of an unforgettable guy who left me so suddenly August 7, 1985. | do not need a special day To bring you to my mind For the days that | don't think of you Are very hard to find They say time heals all sorrows And that time helps us to forget But time so far has only showed How much | miss you yet Always remembered Suzanne DUFF - In memory of Lorne Duff who passed away August 15, 1987. We often think of days gone by When we were all together A shadow o'er our lives has cast Our loved one's gone forever Always remembered by the family CANNON - In loving memory of a dear husband 8 father Melvyn who lefi us August 14, 1977, also a dear son Johnny who passed away June 6, 1958. We often think of bygone days When we were altogether The family chain is broken now But memories will live forever To us they have not gone away Nor have they travelled far Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate ajar Lovingly remembered by Mary and family MEMBER ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION (Incorporated Wags-MoDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home * KINDNESS - COURTESY - ECONOMY * WE ARE BONDED FOR YOUR SECURITY * PRE-ARRANGEMENT & CREMATION INFORMATION Serving Port Perry & Surrounding Districts with Distinctive Service -- SAME LOCATION FOR OVER 75 YEARS -- 216 Queen St., Port Perry 985-2171 REGIONAL RD. 8, on PORT PERRY Seugog Memorial IFIUNTEIRALL CIAL TRUST and SINCERITY FUNERAL DIRECTOR MICHAEL EMERY 985-7331 In Memoriam GINN - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Clarence, who passed away August 11, 1980. There will always be a heartache And often a silent tear But most of all memories Of the days when you were here We hold you close within our hearts And there you will remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again Sadly missed by son Ronald, daughter-ir law Marion, grandchildren Ann-Marie and Richard Notice ATTENTION LADIES Nails by Pat. Sheila's Hairstyling. Call for appointment 985-2274, still at 117 Perry St. J7 precious BAHAI Information write P.O. Box 1153, Port Perry. EOW HOSKINS STABLES SUMMER SCHOOL HORSEMANSHIP COURSE JULY 4 to AUG. 26 Each course lasts 2 weeks RIDING - GROOMING PRACTICAL HORSE CARE & MANAGEMENT Car Pooling may be available. SELECTIONS ... Port Perry's Men's Shop 241 Queen St. 985-8977 Casual Co-ordinates Stylish Sweaters Fine Suits Formal Wear and always ... Quality at reasonable prices Driving School 285-8124 Mon. to Fri. 9 AM - Scout Hall Sat. 9 AM - Goreski's Hall ALSO - Thursday Evening between 5:30 - 6:00 PM Ont. Safety League Certificate Tax Deductible Low Insurance Coming Events PARAMOUNT RIDING Stables - horseback riding, pony rides for children, trail rides, picnic areas. Horses boarded, new large box stalls, daily turnout, excellent care, reasonable rates. Gov't licenced and inspected. Seagrave area 1-705-357-2246. J 26 DON'T FORGET the Pioneer Days volunteers corn roast at the Museum, Sunday, August 14, 5:30 p.m. Bring lawn chairs. Notice LEGION BINGO, next Legion Bingo Branch 419 will be Thurs- day, August 18, Jackpot $230 in 58 numbers. ATTENTION Russ Boustred. Please contact Mr. Park at 986-4641 in regard to your car storage or it will be auctioned off. OPERATION SCUGOG used clothing and food bank. Open Monday, Thursday and Saturday 1-4 p.m. Food bank also open Wednesday 1-4 p.m. 159 Casimir St., Port Perry. 985-3087. SCUGOG CRISIS CENTER 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE 579-8006. Call collect if necessary. Office 985-8850 - Tues., Wed., Thurs., 12:15 - 3:15 p.m. TF [WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS for help call THE DENISE HOUSE (formerly Auberge) FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN ToLL FREE: 1-800-263-3725 or Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 MOVING SALE 424 Kenny Court, Port Perry AUGUST 13th, 1988 10 AM to 5 PM Stereo, Furniture, Dishes, Clothes, Toys, etc, etc. EVERYTHING MUST GO! GOOD PRICES! SCUGOG MOVING - STORAGE inc. -- PORT PERRY -- 25 Years Experience sus. 985-3761 If no answer call: (Res.) 985-7288 "Free Wardrobe Service" 4. SY ndweaver / Spinner SUSAN HASLETT-SCHOLFIELD 86 Chester Cres., Port Perry 985-3031 DURHAM REGION THE YMCA CHILDCARE & NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Spaces are still available for our Childcare and Nursery School Programs for September. If you are interested in having your child attend, register soon as spaces are limited. For further information contact the Supervisor at 985-0708. _-- mh sol aa om anh Gah ogc gall mk came i AL ao: JR hc kc. ga ZA ca ZN -