2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 (0 DIS Ya) Grit r J JEWELLERY & TANNING INC. 263 Queen St., Port Perry 985-8555 August Special: 10 TANNING SESSIONS REPAIRS -- GIFTWARE -- CUSTOM DESIGNS Liberals in the new federal rid- ing of Durham will meet this Thursday evening (Aug. 11) in Port Perry to select a candidate to carry the party banner in the next election. Riding officials said last week they expect a crowd of well over 600 party faithful in attendance at the nomination meeting which gets underway at 7:30 PM in the SELWIN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 YEAR - ANNUAL hb Emily Trust 102% 3 YEAR - ANNUAL 10%2% SHORT-TERM 30 DAYS to 364 DAYS gl/a% SHOPPERS Mortgage and Loan Corporation -- RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE -- PHONE 985-8471 Wellington Trust Company DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. auditorium of Port Perry High School. The meeting should prove to be an interesting one as most members of the Durham riding as- sociation have not publically There was a bit of a mix-up with the Durham Recycling blue box collection in Port Perry fol- lowing the August 1 Civic Holi- day. The blue boxes are normally Correction The caption under the photo of members of the Port Perry Fiddle Club in last week's edition of the Port Perry Star contained in correct information. The members of the Club meet every 4th Wednesday of each month, not every Wednesday as stated in the caption. We are sorry for an inconven- ience the incorrect information may have caused. AN Marlin vw» Travel FALL-WINTER-SPRING 88/89 HOLIDAYS Friday/Saturday/Sunday via Worldways Now available from Carousel! 1 WEEK PER PERSON FROM (NOV 18 TO DEC. 9 -- COCO ROYALE MORANDA -- PUERTO VALLARTA) CARIBBEAN ARUBA jh & Casino. . ... (SUN NOV 6 TO DEC 11) 290 & Casino. {SAT NOV 5 T0 DEC 3) 549 Flamingo Beach Hotel Bonaire departures are Saturday to Dec 10 -- Sunday thereafter . (SAT NOV 5 TO DEC 10) 499 PER PERSON Aruba Concorde Hotel Bonaire Beach Hotel & Casino . . ... (SAT NOV 5TO DEC 3) Holiday Beach Hotel & Casino... .. Two week and air only holidays also avallable! MEXICO COCO CLUBS? ALL COCO CLUBS INCLUDE UNLIMITED DOMESTIC ALCOHOL BEVERAGES PLUS SOFT DRINKS & JUICE! PUERTO VALLARTA Coco Royale Moranda Beach Resort Includes all drinks as shown! (Departures begin Nov. 18) Coco Club Hotel Vallarta Including 7 breakfasts and 3 dinners rs weekly and drinks as shown! Coco Club Guayabitos Including breakfast, lunch, dinner daily and all drinks as shown! ST. MAARTEN MANZANILLO Great Bay Hotel & Casino 549 Coco Club Melaque (Landside Room) ~ {SUN NOV 6 TO DEC 4) Including breakfast, lunch, dinner daily and 299 Also available -- Maho Beach Hote! & Casino and La Plage all drinks as shown! Ask about other Coco Club Inclusions! 1 WEEK PER PERSON NOV.4TODEC.9 449 499 IMPORTANT FACTS Prices are Canadian dot F600 Teron Dich 0n COUdIe OCCUPANCY UMS O shown Prices are those avadable al press ie nd A vary dependent woo he departure date and ac aco hab selected Pres do not include add hon! hote! taxes and service hages or Canadian and Yor xgn departure tares " offers are subject 10 avadabed ty at hme of booking and al features o or he adver hsementare the Ose known 10 Caro 'ab press time See Carousel s Winter Preview fiyers lor Aruba Bonave Cur 2020 ana $1 Maarten and Coco Cubs Mev for the Terms and Condibons of Sate payment Cancel Ihon and retynd terms ti ahon Sr derhonn ite wees avilable hotel an d services descr PHONS 30d NCUBONS $1ANAan 9s nd co nd1on of 3 COMMOdabo schedules and so on Carousel Travel (1982) inc Ontars 0 License $1227837 Departures rom Toronto CC 29865-2268 246 QUEEN STREET = SO [EI =) VEY IT REEL VEIL REE:] Details are in Carousel's Winter Preview flyers AI'OUS MARLIN TRAVEL (Ontario Registration No. 2171884) el 2985-2887 ETA Tal NEE committed to either of the two candidates secking the nomina- tion. And the nomination is expect- ed to be hotly contested between Ivan Grose of Courtice and Doug Moffatt of Clarke. Mr. Moffatt was elected as an NDP member to the provincial Iasi statis for a term in the mid 7 |] Two weeks ago, Mr. Grose re- leased a letter to Liberals in Dur- ham riding and the press bluntly critical of Mr. Moffatt's change in party loyallties. The new federal riding of Dur- Blue box confusion finally sorted out emptied on regular garbage collec- tion day. However, Durham Recy- cling was not aware that after all Civic Holidays, regular garbage collection is pushed back a day in the week. Anyway, Glenda Gies, manag- er of Durham Recycling told the Star that the blue boxes in all pick-up areas of Port Perry were emptied on Thursday of last week. As for the week after the next civic holiday (Labour Day) Mon- day, Ms. Gies said Durham Recy- cling will re-schedule the blue box pick-ups in Port Perry to co-incide with the regular garbage collection that week. Truck stolen Regional Police are investi- gating the theft of a blue 1988 GMC half-ton truck. According to police the owner of the truck was visiting friends on Concession 10, Scugog Island, about 4:30 Sunday afternoon. A half hour later, he noticed the truck was gone. Also missing are two Kawasa- ki Sea-doos, which had been on the 'back of the truck. They are valued at $5400 each. Liberals expect big crowd for nomination Thursday ham was created through re- distribution this summer. It in- cludes all of Scugog and Uxbridge Township, parts of Oshawa- Whitby and all of Newcastle. With Conservative MP Allan Lawrence not seekiing re-election, both the Liberals and the NDP feel the new riding is "up for grabs" when Canadians go to the polls next. Some observers are predicting that Prime Minister Brian Mulroney will call an elec- tion for mid-October. Suspect charged Durham Police arrested a 20- year old suspect following an at- tempted break-in early Saturday morning at the Causeway Esso garage on Highway 7A west of Blackstock. A police spokesman said a passerby noticed a man at the ga- rage about 7:30 in the morning and notified police. Officers responding to the call arrested a suspect near the scene a short while later. Nomination for awards The Ontario Office for Disabled Persons will honor 12 Ontario residents who are disabled or who work on behalf of disabled per- sons at a presentation ceremony in November. Nominations for - Community Action Awards are now being sought. Closing date is September 30, 1988. "All recipients will have made a remarkable contribution to their community and have in- creased public awareness of just how much disabled persons can and do achieve," explained Minister for Disabled Persons, Remo Mancini. Additional information and nomination forms are available from the Office for Disabled Per- sons, 16th Floor, 700 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z6. Toll- free number 1-800-387-4456. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING? Read it in the Port Perry Star The Dixie Lee Bucket. 15 pieces of delicious golden brown fried chicken. Now on special for only Bini Lee Bucket *10.99 od UN 1) ud aT FRIED CHICKEN & SEAFOOD 136 WATER ST., PORT PERRY 985-9009