Pete Hasting's 'Growing Up' Comics make Star debut Around the fire hall, Pete Hast- ings is known as a funny guy. A volunteer at Scugog Fire De- partment's Hall No. 2 (Caesarea), Pete is the one everyone else looks to for a quick joke and a grin. The proud owner of a contag- ious laugh, he manages to reveal a light side to almost any situation. So it's no surprise, really, that Pete turned his sense of humour to the world of comics. The lanky 29 year old has created a series of single block comics called "Growing Up." They make their public debut in this week's Port Perry Star. The title of the comic is a pun on its subject matter--vegetation, all kinds of it--shrubs, flowers, trees, grass and even the lowly dandelion. "I wanted to pick a topic that was varied," he says. "And you can't get more varied than vegeta- tion. There's more of them then there is of us!" He adds, "From what I can see the subject is pretty well un- tapped." His idea for a cartoon came this spring after reading the comics in a daily newspaper. He wasn't real- ly impressed with what he saw and figured he could do just as well--if not better. "I'd read all the comics in the PORT PERRY CLINIC HOGAN'S HEARING AID CENTRE of Port Perry DENNIS J. HOGAN 230 Queen Street * NOTE NEW NUMBER * 985-4422 0 WED. ONLY 1to 5PM Is 'GROWING UP major newspapers and maybe the odd time I'd get a chuckle out of one. I thought I could do that, more or less type of thing, so I thought I'd give it a try." So he applied a keen insight into human goings-on to plant- life--breathing personality into vegetation and creating "Growing Up." He chose plants partly because, and he freely admits this, "they're easy to draw." | Pete doesn't put any claims on his ability to draw--he figures his brother (a successful commercial artist in the city) inherited all that talent. But as "Growing Up" shows, Pete Hastings does pretty well for himself in the art department, and the Star is pleased to run a series of his comics in the next six is- sues--a trial run, so to speak. If they go over well, there may be more. Pete, of course, would like to see "Growing Up" become popu- lar with Star readers, but he says he's thrilled just to see his hobby in print at all. Pete, a foreman at Cable-Tech Wire Co. in Stouffville, as well as a volunteer firefighter, lives with his wife Sue and daughter Brandi in Caesarea. RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, Ba. 11s. LAW OFFICES 38 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8491 -- providing 14 years experience in -- REAL ESTATE -- INCORPORATIONS FAMILY LAW -- WILLS -- ESTATES 139 WATER ST. ¢ ~ 6 HIGH STREET PORT PERRY, ONT. -- with this coupon -- SAVE 50.00 on any one windshield insurance claim 985-8507 -- MOBILE SERVICE -- GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 9, 1988 -- id sarea who also happens to have a pretty fair sense of humour. He's turned his lighthearted outlook on life into a series of cartoons for the Port Perry Star, enti- tled "Growing Up." See. story for detalls. PICK-YOUR-OWN RASPBERRIES oq PICK-YOUR-OWN 8%: -- OR -- FRESHLY PICKED A Y & Phone Orders Accepted. : & WHITAKERS === Eh very 989-3170 : mm mmm COUPON === = = FREE SQUARE BOY BASEBALL HAT (Retail Value $5.95) RECEIVE YOUR HAT FREE WITH THIS COUPON WHEN YOU PICK UP YOUR MEDIUM OR § LARGEPZZAFROMANY PARTICIPATING SQUARE BOY (w. I LOCATION. ( i. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER - B OFFER VALID WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 1 HAT PER COUPON PICKUP ONLY SQUARE BOY A PIZZA & SUBS Meet Pete Hastings, a volunteer firefighter in Cae-