Novice Judge, Laura Phoenix of Greenbank was the high scorer in the annual Durham West 4-H and Junior Farmers' Judging Competition. Laura received 519 out of a possible 575 points to win the novice section over runner-up Megan Haney of R.R. 3, Sunderland. In so doing, she edg- ed out Karen Shier, R.R. 1, Cann- ington, winner of the In- termediate section, by only one The little bathing beauty pictured here Is Laura McClure, 3, of Prince Albert--and yes, Laura really Is a bathing beauty! She won the bathing suit title - (three and four year olds) in the Sunburst All-Canada Finals Beauty Pageant, held August 23 and 24. Laura was also fourth runner-up In the main beauty final; third runner-up In sportswear. For her efforts, Laura received a crown, banner, and some toys (Laura's fa- vourite part of the whole pageant!). Bucket g families. The Dixie Lee Bucket. 15 pieces of delicious golden brown fried chicken. Now on special for only FRIED CHICKEN & SEAFOOD dik ET 985.9009 point. Laura wins the Canadian National Exhibition Shield as high novice in the competition. Junior section winner was Barclay Phoenix of Greenbank, and Chris Shier, R.R. 1, Cann- ington, was runner-up. Barclay will receive the Teledale Farms trophy. Karen Shier will receive the Murray Jackson trophy, edging out Yancy Crosier of R.R. 5, Sunderland, to win the In- termediate section by only one point. Senior winner was David Ball of R.R. 2, Uxbridge, and runner-up was David Beatty of R.R. 2, Can- nington. Mr. Ball will receive the Keith Phoenix award. Rob Taylor of R.R. 3, Port Perry, receives the Wyecrest Farms trophy as high judge in the beef section. Elmcroft Farms trophy for best dairy judge goes to David Moore of Sandford. David tied with Daniel Hunter in both placings and reasons. The trophy was awarded to the contestant who placed higher in the overall > 2 > 2 22 2 2 252 2 222 > > > > > 2 22 2 2 2 2 3 2 > > duu 2 > > > 2 Sah > > ? > 3 WUYEDMN. PORT PERRY STAR --_Tuesday/ August 3, 1988 -- 5 Greenbank's novice judge a high scorer standing. Winner of the Sheep trophy was Yancy Crosier. The trophy was donated by Keith Davidson of Uxbridge. Karen Shier won the Safety award provided by the Ontario County Farm Safety Association. A new Horticultural Crops trophy was presented this year by Keith and Dorothy Shier. It was won by Wendy Warren of R.R. 1, Brechin. Wendy also scored the most points in the Life Skills sec- tion of the competition. Pat Shier of R.R. 1, Cannington, was runner-up. The winning 4-H Club team was the Durham West 4-H Livestock Judging Club. Team members Laura Phoenix, Karen Shier, David Ball, Yancy Crosier and David Moore each scored more than 500 points for a team total of 2579. They edged out the Durham West 4-H Vet Science Club to win the trophy awarded by Lloyd's Holsteins. In all, fifty-nine persons par- ticipated in this competition. They represented 4-H Agricultural and Life Skills Clubs as well as Junior Farmers' Clubs, in Durham West. The competition was very keen with only 3 points separating the top four contestants. It was held at Wilson's Sales Arena, Ux- bridge, on Monday, July 25. It pro- vided an opportunity for 4-H members to increase their evaluation skills as well as their public speaking ability. Music exam results The Western Ontario Conser- vatory of Music held their June session piano examinations on June 28, 1988 at the Port Perry Town Hall. The following students of Mrs. Janice Groves; A: Mus (Teacher), A. Mus. (Performer), Ped. R.M.T., achieved these results. Grade Two: Jeremy Geer, 83 First Class Honours: Colin Laird, 75 Honours: Katie Noonan. 75 Honours; Carly McEnaney, 72 Honours. . Grade Four: Craig Laird, 73 Honours. Grade Six: Mrs. Diane Levy - 80, First Class Honours; Wendy Greenwood, 67, Pass; Diana Bengel, 61, Pass. Grade Two Rudiments: Mrs. Diane Levy - 91 First Class Honours. . Congratulations to all students for their achievement. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST WEDNESDAY IS SUNDAE >| FREE REGULAR 5) SUNDAE 788) YOUR Lr FAVORITE TOPPING 182 Queen St., Port Perry OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 to 10 AA AA a AAA AAAAAAAAAN a AA AA AAAAA 72 2 > > > > > 2 an IR IERIE IR a AA AAANAAANAAA